How do I get rid of stretch marks?
I used to be in shape, then about a year ago finished studies, bought my first game console and gained 20 kg eating pizzas and sitting in office whole day.
I'm working on dropping it now ( already down from 107 to 95) but my belly is covered in stretch marks form rapid weight gain.
How do I get rid of stretch marks?
you waited this long to buy your first gaming console? you deserve all the stretch marks you can get
and stop worrying about faggot shit, faggot
I never really bothered about gaming nor could afford it.
Office work will continue to do this to you, you need to find another job that doesn't mean you'll be sitting all day. Also, when you get home from work you're less inclined to do exercise to lose weight so more than likely put weight back on/additional weight.
Try /fit/. Nobody on Yea Forums actually plays sports or takes care of their bodies.
you don't, they're permanent. The only real way is prevention by moisturizing
you don't get rid of it
at best you pay for expensive treatments that involve bitches peeling it with diamonds. from what I've heard if it's white it's there forever but if it's still red then you might have a chance to minimize it
buy a 1.5 - 2mm derma roller (they're cheap) and rub over the area once every 1-2 weeks.
you'll also need numbing cream since it's painful
also make sure to moisturize
>derma roller
it's like you want a staph infection
imagine running that over your balls haha
they're God's mark you have to carry for being a former fat useless faggot
>being male with stretch marks
How monstrously fat are you? and yes I've seen my flag but I literally only see stretch marks on expectant mothers.
I have scretch marks on my biceps but i was never fat
>staph infection
you shouldn't get any infections if you make sure to sterilize the roller for an hour with rubbing alcohol before every use
you can also use an antiseptic cream over the area you've treated
I'm a lanklet but I have stretch marks all over my back.
Try jojoba oil
>men caring about this shit
Bros, I've ballooned from about low 60s to 71kg recently due to binging on takeaways. A-am I gonna have stretch marks once I lost some weight?
Same bro. Think it's cause I got tall as fuck real young
i got stretch marks on muh dick ask ur mum haha
Are you a manlet ?
Yep. I got them after I grew about a foot in 6 months in HS.
I'm not even that fat and I have stretch marks long and deep enough to plant potatoes. It's not about being fat, it's about losing and gaining weight too fast.
CoCo Butter, I don't know if it would work on wh*Toid skin tho.
>he doesn't have stretch marks from working out
s mh
>tfw miss my coco butter gf
be my gf
fasted cardio is the only answer sadly. it is said that some creams and lotions help but i have my doubts (it allegedly takes months to take effect too)