Have you thanked our absolutely based president Mr. Jair Bolsonaro?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being from PT
Ass: MBL shitposter
extremely high levels of based
>ignoring 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2013
cursed image.
delete immediately
Whats his endgame, bros?
Of course!
>Bolsonaro becomes President of Brazil
>Benfica gets an embargo on new Brazillian players
brazil won 2 copas americas and 3 confederations cup with PT
Making me richer.
>literally PT vice president
>not crypto-PT
>ignoring coallison of 16 different parties
>hurr hurr Temer is from PT because he was vice
what a happy sight after a fucking decade of shitflinging and misery.
Centrist parties are chameleons with no actual ideology, simply the thirst for power.
This lack of ideology means the party itself is simply window dressing, petistas voted for him and he agreed with PT's ideology, and PT needed the centrist support to get elected, therefore they are one and the same.
Nope. They vote for Dilma. Nobody has voted for Indio da Costa in 2010 when he was vice for José Serra, for example.
stopped reading at "golpe" in the filename. Sorry my man
They did, his pic showed up in the (((voting machine))) when you typed 13.
>implying no coup
Dilma for president. Not be disonest.
Your party still stole millions and will pay for it. Deal with it.
/r/ ban.
>muh 2002-2012 growth
Read this very carefully, every single emerging country had an economic boom mostly due to the commodities boom and Brazil was actually under average.
You voted for Temer, they never hid the fact that he was the VP.
Stop murdering our language
>implying crimes when judge were biased since beginning
>ignoring Brazil didn't suffer consequences of 2008 crisis
Hurrr PT bad. Am I le politucally incorrect god yet or what guyz. Plz.
>>ignoring Brazil didn't suffer consequences of 2008 crisis
Who even implied otherwise? Do you even read posts before replying?
nunca vá cheio retardo
Last election for vice-president has happened in 1960.
Also Temer didn't appear as candidate for president. Proof me the opposite.
Stfu anti-Lula cliche loser. Go back to facebook.
I'm starting to think that, besides Tite, the whole squad supports him.
t. privilegiados que se acham pobres
There was a Cup, and it was awesome
There was a "coup", and even if it was a coup, they deserved it
Well, he was shit, and he did go away, after his term ended, that is.
Are we in 85 or something? That's not how it works, nigger.
Ele sim, he got elected and your incessant bitching had a hand in it.
Lula is in jail, dumbass.
Seriously, our left is hoppíng from failure to failure. No one should take them seriously at this rate.
>Also Temer didn't appear as candidate for president. Proof me the opposite.
Are you retarded? He was always openly declared as the VP, you voted for him.
I don't even get why you are trying to argue otherwise, it's not my problem if you can only see red and blindly vote for what your handlers tell you to.
No. They actually stopped cheering when this clown forced his way in.
Nice projection, fagola.
>not liking poor people getting access to college education and compete for same jobs than middle class
Delete this.
They don't have a functional brain, that's a fact.
Le fuck PT.
Hey guyz I memed, look.
Nobody votes for VP in a PRESIDENTIAL election.
I like having a working economy where people can live decent lives, muh education isn't even an argument since Brazil has been completely stagnated in PISA for a decade thanks to PT.
>if you don't like MY party, then you must be against people I pretend to care about
Please stop embarassing yourself. Your platitudes don't work here.
The system must be atropelated
>Gets booed in Maracana the moment he shows up
Yeah, fuck that guy
Ultra based.
Still part of the chapa. Also, PMDB still made alliances with PT in the following election cycles. Get bent, nigger.
Paper tigers, the lot.
>caring with PISA
Unemployement before coup was 5% and now it's close to 15% (and not counting the informal jobs)
You don't care about those people. You care about PT. Now shove off.
Hey PT stop making Brazil grow. It's a boom, stop making insane amounts of money. It's offensive!!!
>Implying MDB is homogenic party
Roberto Requião is from MDB, for example
>who cares about objective measures of education! what matters is that PT.org.br said PT is good!
>implying PT hasn't suffer the coup as direct consequence of party to pay attention for the people
Read the paper, idiotic moron.
>tira do poder um governo que pelo menos tentava ajudar pobre nesse país violento
>pais cheio de pobre se fodendo ainda mais
>coloca um presidente que apenas governa pra milionário e ricos e que se foda o resto incluindo classe media, o bacana é fazer arminha e matar bandido favelado
>tudo continua igual
Parabáááins, vejam o que nos tornamos.
Okay, explain the cuts in education.
>Ass: Jovem Pan
Loser still forced his way in to take a pic holding the trophy. Wtf. Talk about desperation.
>um governo que pelo menos tentava ajudar pobre nesse país violento
>helping the poor
This is what petebas actually believe.
The cuts happened after the coup
There have been no cuts in education, this year's budget is actually the highest ever in absolute numbers.
Why are you so stupid? How much of a fake news drone can you be?
Thanks Pocketman!
based AND redpilled.
>ainnn azelites
I wrote the paper and write many more weekly. Lula revolutionised Brazil no matter how shamefully you try to cope, meme clown.
Brazil should be the third biggest economy today if not for the judicial coup fucking everything up for god knows what reasons.
t: pobre igual a mim de classe merdia fazedor de arminha com os dedos
Cara, ser de direita é uma doença, é melhor se tratar, hein.
>implying budget reduction isn't on predicted budget instead of budget on course
>ignoring education have growing investments until 2016
>believing in >Estadão
Hey guy you are not on Yea Forums, you arr on reddit rn. Whoever says otherwise is fake news. Be redpilled ok?
>Lula revolutionised Brazil
How come there are still sem-terras and sem-tetos?
How come crime rose exponentially under his rule?
How come bankers got even richer under his rule?
How come class divide got wider under his rule?
How come he and his associates got filthy rich?
>ignoring how Brazil was in 2002
You didn't address any of my points. Try again, peteba.
>still ignoring how Brazil was in 2002
>still not addressing my points
Brazil under FHC wasn't any different. Don't make it look like it was hell on earth until that pudim de cana went to Brasília.
I'm a middle class guy that went his whole life in public school and managed to get in Federal college. what is your point?
His next line will be "It was thanks to Loola"
How can Bozo ever recover
Fuck the elites. Lula redpilled me and now I realise that,
I'm higher IQ than them.
More capable.
Better talent and skills.
More beautiful and muscular.
This is now my country, my board, my world and there's absolutely nothing you and your jewUSA international decadent elite can do about it.
Thank you Lula god for freeing me from the viralata complex the br elite emanates.
>implying wasn't any different
I actually misread your post and thought you were talking about the current "cuts", which were actually just passed on to basic education and not actual cuts. The Lula cuts are real.
Here's your reply. Have a nice death.
>negating current cuts
>treating budget lowering reductions as cuts
>muh viralata
The only viralatas are the leftists who beg foreign media outlets like BBC, NYT and El Pais for a negative line about Brazil.
>believing in Atlas Foundation
High iq god destroying this lone viralata spouting cliche fb memes debunked years ago.
I see you a fellow undefeatable brazilian son of Lula's BR.
>present arguments
>yay I won, gimme more cum God-Emperor Lula
Leftists are braindead. I give up.
The goal of calling out braindead leftists isn't about convincing them but simply educating possible lurkers and letting the leftards make fools of themselves.
Coming from cancers like you, it's a cute praise
At this rate, those are lost causes.
ITT: brazilians speaking in english to brazilians
Viralata complex kills souls breh. Come to the Lula's undefeatable brazilians side. After all you are Brazilian and never give up.
Left wing in the third world = republicans in the US.
Stop being bluepill and come in already.
The right wing viralatas with a broken english, as always.
But that was so long ago, it seems...
>WC win
any tasty BR steak marinades I should try bros?
the election was in 2002, he took office in 2003