Why is she so brave. lads?
Why is she so brave. lads?
cant wait for the tranny mutants to take over their sport, progress
>shits on trump
>wins the world cup
absolutely based
She have balls
>>shits on trump
What did she do exactly?
america's brave dyke. give her the money, boss.
she's one of our own, she's one of our own. crazy ass demented brainwashed lesbian! she's one of our own! now let me get my televised approved meds for the self inflicted diabetes I have received from televised approved fast foods
I think she's pushing for her teammates to not accept the invitation to the white house or something.
Wow. I bet Trump is absolutely seething.
Iran's women's team is mostly men LARPing as women, and they didn't do shit. Rapinoe could start for any world class men's team.
Didn't even know who she was until I read the text at the bottom of Google out of boredom.
whose grandma is this
> Rapinoe could start for any world class men's team.
She got rejected by Morgan and didn't get over it
Humm, what would I do with this mouth
>gets beat by real salt lake's u-15 squad in your path
wtf, have standards
she is 23
Like her or not, but I've never seen an athlete talk such big smack and live up to it and back it up with dominance on such a huge stage.
she is high t for sure
>talk such big smack
Like what?
kek, 8/8
I've never seen an athlete face the competition of small children while celebrating like they won the lottery either.
And you've never seen the NFL.
>such a huge stage
>women’s sports
>orange man bad
>be outspoken cunt
>lose to 13 year old boys
you just know
>Rapinoe could start for any world class men's team.
She unironically would not make a boys varsity high school team.
she could start in my bed
believe what you want, but she's a multiple time world champion and could probably beat your ass with one hand tied behind her back.
Wouldn't not playing for the US team be more impactful than kneeling?i