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hate brazil but love based bolsonaro, good for him
Where's Var Sinson? Easily their best player.
>Bolsonaro gets elected
>Brazil starts winning
Based Bolsonaro create a shitstorm of libretards in twitter
Bolsonaro has more international titles than Messi now
lmao bolsonaro
DAMN bolsonaro looks like THAT?
>celebrating with a fascist
Disgusting. Brazil used to be my second team, but I'm never gonna support them again.
>in4 some faggots that mix presidential protocols with Bolsonaro as a person
Bolsonaro has more titles than argentina has WCs
Why didn't Neymar join the photo?
Only apartment rich kids love this lunatic.
Based Bolsonaro
Dilate tranny
>Firmino (with Coutinho) apparently walked away from the celebrations when Bolsonaro wanted a picture.
FUCK Bolsonaro and FUCK fascism
Imagine all the coke he can hide inside the cup.
they are both there lmao
t. "student" on "strike"
people like you ruined Spain
Llora mas psol whore
t. olavete portuguesa
They are both there you shitbaiting twat
Papai já deu mesada este mês, Enzo?
Firmino hugged him
does neymar get a medal?
>mfw Bolsonaro is literally propping up monarchist movements brazil-wide
>mfw Bolsonaro is literally planning a new constitution and parliamentarism
>mfw Bolsonaro will probably become the hue version of Franco and restore the brazilian empire and the imperial family
It's happening my friend
A single picture makes trannies, niggers, faggots, journalists and argentinians seethe. Based
Can someone explain the "conge" and "marreco" Moro thing to me? I always see MAV-PT writing this and don't get it.
cringe, mi hermano
please I need this
Pelo menos temos pai, nome do pai: não informado
>That was the argument before the elections when he had 5% in the fake polls
>Proved to be false
>That was the argument when he had the shortest TV time and people claimed he was only known in the internet
>Proved to be false
>That was the argument when people claimed he would lose to any candidate in the 2nd round
>Proved to be false
At this point I would say leftists are immune realizing their mistakes, but hey, they are retarded anyway.
t. genderfluid cannabis salesman
>leftists on Twitter absolutely seething
>IBOPE's interviewing the "brazilian people" to see its approval of bolsonaro
>"Bolsonaro's approval has dropped yadda yadda yadda"
>2.000 people were interviewed
>bolsonaro goes to full maracanã
>the entire stadium applauding and doing the hand pistol
>>That was the argument before the elections when he had 5% in the fake polls
>>Proved to be false
I hate how a bunch of educated high class brazilians support a lunatic like bolsonaro just becaus "muh kek leftists seethe"
You deserve this shithole of a country we live in
>mfw all players screaming "MITO MITO MITO" while he holds the cup
The True """"winner""" is holding the cup
.000 people were interviewed
I only believe in when it's pro-Bolsonaro.
>>the entire stadium applauding and doing the hand pistol
Sure kek
whatever the political stance, a head of state or prime minister throwing himself under the spotlight like this will always be cringe and kinda desperate. You have your own success, let the players, staff and management have theirs.
>José de Abreu foi condenado a pagar R$ 20 mil de indenização ao hospital Albert Einstein por danos morais, informa a Folha.
>No começo do ano, o ator afirmou no Twitter que o hospital apoiou o atentado contra Jair Bolsonaro.
>“Teremos um governo repressor, cuja eleição foi decidida numa facada elaborada pelo Mossad, com apoio do Hospital Albert Einstein, comprovada pela vinda do PM israelense, o matador e corrupto Bibi. A união entre a igreja evangélica e o governo israelense vai dar merda”, disse José de Abreu em janeiro.
press L to laugh at this old fucking forgotten leftist seething retard
Based concertacion.
The players themselves called him to hold the trophy
Se te esta pasando la hora de dilatación amigx.
If you listen to the video posted by OP, you will hear that he was actually called by the players to go there.
but most players in the brazil nt are niggers, mate. get real.
Pesquisa Ibope divulgada nesta quinta-feira (27) mostra os seguintes percentuais de avaliação sobre o governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL):
Ótimo/bom: 32%;
Regular: 32%;
Ruim/péssimo: 32%;
Não sabe/não respondeu: 3%.
A pesquisa foi encomendada pela Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI). De acordo com a entidade, o levantamento foi feito entre os dias 20 e 23 de junho e ouviu 2 mil pessoas em 126 municípios.
>2 mil pessoas
SEETHE MORE, pathetic leftist
t. Glenn Greenwald
>4th place in Minas Gerais
>out of the senate
It's just a matter of time, minion. Just a matter of time.
>claims i'm biased
>gets proved wrong and that you are the biased one
>all you can come up with is "It's a matter of time".
yes, it's a matter of time for bolsonaro's approval and popularity rise more and more.
>huehue libtards
How? I thinked they are fascist as fuck in Brasil
every nigger is black, but not every black is a nigger, lrn the difference
That's not them being dumb, that's you falling for labels the LEFTIST media pushes on him.
After 30 years of leftist presidents, when a candidate shows up with right-wing ideas you see them as "lunatics".
That's not their problem, that's up to you to understand what is being discussed instead of just screaming RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC.
>two niggers fighting over meme politics
He supposedly mispronounced the word "cônjuge" and commies went full pic related.
Leftists are desperate they are losing control of the Overton window.
>being against modern world bullshit is being lunatic
Eu entendo que muitos aqui, assim como eu, querem mudança e votaram nele focando nisso, mas, porra, é tão claro que o sujeito é um despreparado. Assim como a Dilma também era.
Só sendo muito fanático ou mau caráter pra tentar encobrir isso.
A última fala a respeito de trabalho para crianças foi grotesca. O filho da puta não quer evoluir, dar boas condições e bem-estar ao povo. Enxerga os pobres como se fossem números.
This, and the quack was during one of those recent congress audiences where he sounded like a duck for a second.
listen to Zizek. If you want to be a leftist, be a smart one.
Screaming "FASCIST" or "RASCIST" or whatever the fuck it is you think Bolsonaro or Trump is, you are making it WAY TOO EASY for us.
You are not attacking us, you are HELPING us. Why? Because they are OBVIOUSLY NOT racists, they are OBVIOUSLY NOT misogenistic, fascists, or whatever the fuck. There comes a time even the most NPC of people realize that they are not in fact those things, and that's when the left fails and the right wing rises. You base everything in OBVIOUS lies. The best you can come up with against bolsonaro is that he is racist or fascist. For real?
stop being this much of a retard, for god's sake.
>não sou esquerdista, mas...
Thanks for pointing that platitude out, nigger.
Mas foda-se se ele é despreparado, não fez nada em seis meses e demite um ministro por semana, o que importa é que a lacrolandia fica pistola
>ad hominem
They used to call PSDB right-wing, of course they can’t deal with anyone right of center, no matter if he’s a libertarian or true conservative.
Where the fuck did i called bolsonaro fascist, racist or homophobe? I said he is a lunatic
isso só atesta ainda mais a incompetência da oposição que não conseguiu emplacar um candidato minimamente decente alheio às controvérsias que eles mesmos criaram, o Bolso é um cara que não sabe nem falar inglês mas ele ainda era a melhor opção nessa eleição
>Enxerga os pobres como se fossem números.
ele é provavelmente um dos poucos políticos genuinamente simples que não fingem só ver o próprio fato de ele ser burro igual uma porta, coisa de gente humilde
Did this thread get linked to reddit?
When are we finally sending the leftist cucks to the concentration camps?
>Dilma first year
>all ministers were politicians chosen for all reasons but their curriculum, 7 ministers fired, no trade deals, unemployment rising
>Bolsonaro 7 months in
>90% of ministers chosen despite political ties, only 3 tied to political parties (DEM), 2 fired, major mercosul-EU deal arranged, Pension Reform ready to be approved, Anticrime Package sent to Congress, Tributary Reform on the way
t. Barbie
de onde veio esse meme
>ele é provavelmente um dos poucos políticos genuinamente simples que não fingem só ver o próprio fato de ele ser burro igual uma porta, coisa de gente humilde
É verdade, até assina as coisas com caneta BIC, né? Que homem.
Based but absolutism > parlamentarism
>nunca vou perdoar o PT a me forçar a votar no Haddad
There are some places where you can fool people with that
This is not one of them
Bbut he said something bad! I read it on facebook!
Based Bolsonaro STILL makes lefty subhumans seethe. I commend him.
*blocks your path*
Lefties get really offended by words, but not by actions. You can rob everything you want, as long as you say their catch-phrases.
>security dude holding a briefcase
Do we have nukes?
>he doesn't know that the brazilian imperial family and the whole conservative BR movement are literally being funded by the America TFP
>>mfw Bolsonaro is literally planning a new constitution and parliamentarism
he called for a coup in the 90s while giving a interview for tv
now he's to much of a neocon, but still better than the rest
>Zé de Abreu is having a meltdown on Twitter
Remember when Brazil was humiliated in 2014? We needed to change after that, right? Who was called to make the change? Fucking Dunga.
If Haddad had been chosen, he would be this: the Dunga of Brazilian politics. That's why Bolsonaro was elected, because the "team" needed someone different. The problem is that Bolsonaro is the Joel Santana of Brazilian politics.
right now? I thought he had one earlier this weekend already
who? link me some
>he now has to pay R$ 20k to the hospital for moral damage
absolutely kek-inducing
Brazilian politics
Famous actor in Brazil, but also insane liberal leftist apologist
BRs must die for Israel.
Forward Christain soldiers!
>literally rt everyone cursing and seething on Bolsonaro
>Implying CIA anti-communist action is a bad thing
Neck yourself.
He managed to piss off Glória Perez by associating her with the guy that killed her daughter over the fact they both voted Bolsonaro, or so I understood. (I don't think she voted for him, but I could be wrong)
Imagine being that much of a cocksucker and insensitive bastard.
old forgotten actor that has been shitting through his mouth ever since bolsonaro won.
The day bolsonaro went to watch a Flamengo's match with the team's jersey, Zé de Abreu twitted saying from that moment on he would never again support his "fucking"(sic) team, merely because bolsonaro wore the jersey.
K e K
Thank God Brazil can't afford a war and also don't have the power to do this.
it is
time to go to the salt mines
That’s disgusting, I can’t believe he has so much power inside Globo to not get at least suspended over that, considering Gloria Perez is a multiple time award-winning Soap Opera writer for Globo.
>You deserve this shithole of a country we live in
and why is that i wonder you fucking retard
I don't know what to think of Pinochet, but damn, the man had style.
Our military presidents never had such awesome capes.
How many South Americans on here can actually speak English fluently? Are you just good at reading and writing or speaking as well?
Right before we send third world hueniggers to them.
>tfw no bolsonaro for chile
it hurts lads
Brasil ganha todo os retardado sai do mato.
Desde o 7x1 nao queria saber da seleção, tava vaiando o time em toda opurtunidade
Torcida do Brasil é cheio de modinha, impressionante, , ganha do Poderoso Peru e acha que é campeão do Mundo.
I never studied english, so I don't know any grammar rules. I can understand pretty much everything written and also spoken on mainland american accent.
I can't understand some bong accents tho. Mainly because I don't know what their slangs actually means.
About speaking... Well, I think I could get along in burgerland, but I wouldn't be a fast speaker in any way.
ok this is based
Mfw he gets impeached for involvement with militias
Mfw i have no face
Don’t you know? All the problems Brazil has today started in January. We lived in the golden age under Lula and Dilma, they ended poverty. There were no favelas back then and crime was at its lowest point ever, don’t you remember?
If he was involved with militias, it would be very based. We could use some of those fuckers as our personal RWDS.
I still have trouble with “th” sounds, but that’s tough to correct. We don’t have that sound in our language, which fucks with us. It feels way more natural to say “f” instead of “th” for us.
Your president seems ok, is he?
I don't speak english
shame, isn't it
>cheering for losers
yikes, I only applaud winners
>Lula celebrates title with Corinthians
>Bolsonaro celebrates title with Palmeiras and CBF's team
Have sex.
>Enxerga os pobres como se fossem números
based ingenue brainlet
>CBF's team
I hope your mom gets raped by a carioca nigger
my speaking skills aren't good even in Portuguese
>CBF's team
fuck off juca kfouri
>imagine trump hoisting the cup
of course he was. was probably scripted.
yeah, I'm very mad at you, grrrrrr
>implying judiciary power isn't part of coup
Vá vender o seu açaí.
>all this people ITT ignoring Bolsonaro being booed to the point that Globo had to lower down the volume feed
El esquerdista de las americas.
Baseado e vermelhopilado.
Booooo o buuuuuuurns?
Decide for yourself
Dilma era chefe da casa civil. Despreparada não era. Dilma foi sabotada no 2º mandado. Ver Eduardo Cunha e as pautas-bomba, por exemplo.
>A última fala a respeito de trabalho para crianças foi grotesca.
Essa é a mentalidade da geração que pede iPhone pra mãe empregada enquanto coça a bunda em frente ao computador.
Based cariocas.
Best crowd in cope america after Arena Corinthians'
>Essa é a mentalidade da geração que pede iPhone pra mãe empregada enquanto coça a bunda em frente ao computador.
Quantos % do Brasil tem computador e chance de trocar de Iphone, doente?
LMAO, this is a disparity between the people saying Brasil is based and leftists are seething and the real people at the stadium
I had rice with bean soup for dinner in honor of the selecao
Of course he would get booed, the ticket cost 500 bucks. Only university basedcucks pampered by their parents could afford it.
I'm pretty bad when it comes to speaking the language.
It's a lack of practice. It's like that one tumblr comedian said
I don't go to the gym because I'm too self-conscious about my body, but I'm too self-conscious about my body because I don't go to the gym
Where is Tite?
>oh no they booed my based Israel puppet leader , of course they are c-cucks
i heard the commentator said 10k tickets were free
I hate him for sucking Israeli dick, faggot, it doesn't make what I said any less true though
Even still there's a lot of people who paid.
uma delícia!
>I hate him for sucking Israeli dick, faggot, it doesn't make what I said any less true though
It doesn't when you think that most of the upper class people voted for him, and lower-class people voted for PT.
I like how Trudeau looked flabbergasted, as if he was expected to receive Bolsanaro’s blessing to give him a handshake. He almost looked upset.
beautiful picture that captures the essence of the racial cast system. there is still hope for Brasil (it's with S you retards)
I mean Bolsonaro just ignored him because the guy on other side grabbed his attention, he is not some kind of troll
I'm surprised they found only 39 kg of cocaine in his plane. Should've been a round number.
>brazilians clubs
kekest of keks
better talk about your NT
Nothing special about that picture. Trudeau extended his hand in a way that seemed to say: "Look the other way" so Bolsonaro looked the other way and there was another guy extending his hand.
Why does Alisson have such an elongated head?
Yeah, it is funny but it is not a big deal
el comunista señores
por suerte casi toda tu familia fue asesinada por los franquista
el CULOrado señores
I don't know much about modern south american politics but how the fuck isn't Trump misogynist? How do you even define the word if Trumps actions and attitude agains women does not make him one?
I work with lower class people everyday and they're mostly pro-bolsonaro, the wealthy ones on the other hand...
>governed by the right all their history
>most remarkable achievement was getting 3 countries to kill all their men
based bolsonaro
"nazis watch out"
Just had a three hour long conversation with my American cousins from Utah who have come to visit Brazil for the first time.
That is what leftists actually belief.
Go read the Constitution at least once in your life and take a look at that quorum, lol.
The bull/bullet/Bible congressmen are so many that they are enough to assure that Bolsonaro simply will not be impeached, no matter what. The bullet/Bible guys are already 100% for him on ideological grounds, and the bull guys have every reason to live him, specially after the recent deal with the EU, which will be a total joy for them. He will remain unimpeachable for the rest of his mandate.
Keep crying. Chora mais.
You just say "f". No one cares. The Portuguese, at least Jose Mourinho, often say "sink", which is worse because it reminds one of the verb "to sink".
Also, I bet "th" is not your only problem. There are too many subtleties.
For instance: most of us pronounce "year" as "ear". There's a subtle difference though. I was just talking about that with my American cousins. Their mother, my aunt, still pronounces it like that even after 20 years living in the U S. They consider it completely normal, everyone has accents.
My writing is awful and so is my speech but i can read just fine
Look at the fraudeamplista seal
Bash the fash
lmao, they act like Bolsonaro is some fucking hero
>anyone i dont like is a lunatic
wew lad
Lmao he sounds so much like /pol/ it isn‘t even funny.
Maracanã would boo jedus christ himself. Bolsonaro had a mixed redponse but of course boos are louder than claps.
you’re right, “iron” is another word that is often pronounced incorrectly by english-speaking brazilians.
It’s closer to “I yearn” than “I ron”.
based and redpilled
o macaco
>You just say "f". No one cares
Though you're right, people usually understand you. AAVE and some British accents sometimes don't have the th sound for example. That's where the norf/souf fc meme comes from
also sought, just realized that
Espakistan from EuroISLAM
Underrated post
Rare flag
Thank you, brohamas
Imagine being a Brazilian leftist and getting absolutely blown the fuck out by the team you would probably fucking die for
How the fuck can leftists in Brazil even recover from this?
Petista filho da PUTA
Collor could say the same in 1991
>supporting CBF's team
I hate usa
Underrated post. HAHAHA. GOOD one. Messoy vs Bolso
>Disgusting. Brazil used to be my second team, but I'm never gonna support them again.
No one needs your support. Thief.
>being fascist
Omg this thread had me tears.
This is the sp i somewhat remember
You don’t need one, mate
Chile’s pretty based already
>the year is 2019
>they still think the choice of president they went with matters
>they still think their vote is worth anything
>they still think democracy isn't a big fucking joke
>they don't vote for the candidate that has the most chance of winning and pissing people off
I would literally sell my vote for 20 brbux to the first politician that asked for it, hell I'd sell it for a can of coke and a sanduíche (not mortadela though, that's pretty disgusting)
based , the monarchy pill is the ultimate pill
Maybe that’s why your country is shit
My country is shit because it doesn't matter who I vote in, everyone is involved in massive corruption cases, and even if they weren't and by some miracle they managed to get elected, they wouldn't have the clout that being corrupt gives you to get shit done.
So I just vote for meme candidates who aren't going to do anything (just like every other candidate) and hope for good memes.
I completely agree with you but honestly you're a nigger
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Help to reach 500 posts, then the thread no longer goes up. Please
Anyone Help to reach 500 posts, then the thread no longer goes up. Please
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