wtf when did americans get so based?
Wtf when did americans get so based?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mexicans can't handle the bantz
Biggest treat of insecurity. Making fun of things you have no ability to change.
>Mexican emotional control
Pussied out of a fight with #4
Beaners are short and we like to highlight that fact
>that guy doing a handshake
Manlet detected
When will you finally learn hahahaha
Are manlets the most oppressed people after incels?
No, gamers are.
No it's gamers. They can't even say nigger anymore.
No one cares if you say it in the game, unless the mods are sjw.
>yfw the american is still playing for his NT
>yfw the manlet was so short on skills he is not part of the NT anymore
oh no another yugoslav diaspora dinaric larper
Haha this always make me laugh.
Needs to cherry pick one region because no country beats us in height lol
I can feel you insecurities forming
Self reported values assure that sub 180cm giga-manlets don't tell the truth :^)
What did he mean by this?
Calm down there little guy. I'm sure your dinaric friends are taller than we are
Doesn't change the fact that you are a little guy
Sorry can't hear you squeak from up here. You need to speak up a little bit.
"Where did that little dwarf go just now?"
187 cm manlet here I have to admit that was based as fuck made normie mexicans seeth and mexican anons accept their cuckness
Tsk tsk tsk, try to learn ot this time little feller
Projecting your projection on to me. Now that is definitely a first
I'm 1,79m and considered short in the Neds. Not like a bit on the short side, but actually short. The average is a bit skewed even, because ethnic Turks and Moroccans bring the average down by quite a lot.
Easy to bully manlets, at 0:22 he isn't laughing anymore.
>Argay Robber's height is 1.80m
>He's considered a hobbit in his home country
>Easy to bully manlets
True, even ugly women do it lol
leave it to the burger to base his infield bantz on shallow shit like physical height...
>tfw 180cm manlet least i live in Italy and i am considered a little bit above average here
Get back in line, midget. Nobody asked you.
Leave it to a fake beaner to base in thread batnz on shallow shit like country of birth
Kek fucking manlets.
The 185 cm average height value of dinaric alps is false since researchers added over 2cm to make up for unaccounted height from growing
Look it up yourself on wiki
>el gringo cowers in fear as soon as a mexican his size challenges him
>best player of all time is small
burgerland education
Nobody cowered in fear my coping friend also the mexican is 3 inches shorter than the americhad
>hey let's bully that smaller and weaker dude
>haha im so based and alpha
>hey that browner person is better than me in sports
>fucking nigger/beaner/abbo/, haha i'm superior to you
>Hey that women team is better than our men team
>Soccer is for faggots dude haha, que we won't even care
Chokexico is the meme king of conCACAf that no one cant take seriously but USA are the /bad guys/
He clearly pussied out (vs a guy 3 inches shorter than him)
Post the full video macaco, show how chad and based the ameritard is
he's looking for his chelsea career there
>im taller so im better
that american would be shot and found face down in a tijuana alley
americans don't know how to play the psychological game. that was simply too coarse.
Lmao'ing @ all the SEETHING manlets and beaners ITT
lol, this is america. Learn how to talk back. Every race does it to each other and its fair play all around
>tfw 183cm (6'1) manlet
Will I ever make it?
cringe. and she just sipped some tea.
183cm is 6ft flat my friend
>le meme
your stats are 1.78 and self reported too.
>steps on landmine
>moron doctor sows leg on head
>woohoo I'm 195 now
Balkan losers lol
>Será acaso este un pequeño ejemplo de lo que es la realidad de los "Gringos"? Abusan de los pequeños y le sacan a los grandes. Digo, solo comento JAJAJAJA. Edson es como Rusia o Corea del Norte.
>I'm 1,79m
t. 164cm
Chelsea reject vs betis benchwarmer who cares
lol why are they all so short? The whole team looks like a bunch of children
>the announcer is calling for the AmeriCHAD to get a yellow for making fun of the manlet
my sides
speak english
That's about 5'11".
Sorry, I don't use the retarded system.
that usa guy is a pussy lol
>im 5ft 11 1/2 inches tall
Horrible feel worse feel than being 6'1.5 and being close to 6'2
Take your pills, Pekka.
Fucking based
> Playing in fucking Reading (on loan!!!!)
At least the little man plays first division in Spain
You forgot the part where the dinaric Alps measured 200 people total
>lanket cope
>being a manlet
Just eat your veggies bro :)
>He should arm his banter over the geopolitical structure of the country he represents.
>Pose the existential question of "Why would you want play for beanerland when the country is ruled by Cartels? What glory is there in sustaining the current structure that has brought ruin to the country you are representing?
Now I love USA.
Manlets when will they learn?
Fucking hell
no one will ever respect you manlet
Bro the little faggot was bullying the tall american the whole game the confrontsrion started because the manlet mexican was pulling on his shirt
To be fair I'm a 193cm tall dutch guy living in an area with shitloads of Moroccans and I see a lot of youth just as tall or even taller than me. Don't know what's in the soil in this country but everybody gets fucking tall
One of the most brutal moggings ive seen in sport
Look how he shits himself when #4 goes near him. What a fucking faggot.
i think you consume the most dairy
That number 4 is my man
>ethnic Turks bring the average down
i'll cut your throat and fuck your 9/10 sister and make your 2/10 gf my slave if you keep posting this board you fucking soiboi
t. European Turk with 183cm
Based Amerimutt
>tfw 198 cm and a big benis
you manlets should try living life on ez mode
you have to fight for sunlight with everyone around you, making being taller a better evolutionary trait. Also if you're taller, your head is above sea level unlike manlets.
>t. manlet
I would unironically rope if I was a manlet
>t. European Turk with 183cm
kes lan
Funny how the amerilard becomes a coward when #4 comes up
>inb4 manlet
Taller than you, cope
>170 cm
>tall, thicc girlfriend dominates you
>coping lanklets will never, ever know that feel
Here's your (you), seething manlet
>Tall guy comes up and tells murican to face a guy of his own size, like tall mexican
>Immediately backs down and hides under the ref
Yeah, he sure is based, what a badass!!
based and redpilled germanon knows turkish
Same here in the states bro average height for whites is 196 at a minimum women are atleast 186 cm
I was talking with Joost, my Goblino friend. This thread is about large sized people in the Z axis, not in the X/Y ones.
magic formula is bitches ~6 inches or shorter than you. still leaves most women in play. the real fuckjob comes if you are
In Canada average height for whites is 203cm.
>tfw only 174cms
fuck my life
This country is full of goblins. wtf are you talking about?
he's from jersey so it's no surprise that he's a bantmaster