*loses against 15 year old male soccer team*
*loses against 15 year old male soccer team*
Have sex
you can hate women and still fuck the shit out of them
hooker doesnt count user
yes it does
>he thinks having the same opinions as women means he isn't going to remain perma virgin
No it doesn't
turns out women are turned off by men being their allies and agreeing with them 100% of the time
>BTFO 's trump and incels on Yea Forums
Did you miss the Nike ad?
They are striving to not just be the best women’s soccer team in the world but the BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD
Yes it does
winning the women's world cup is the equivalent of winning a gold medal in the special olympics
LOL "soccer"
Paralympics is unironically great though.
That is the peak female right there. She looks like a wannabe 15 year old boy.
What's that, toothpaste? Couldn't hear you over the sound of your choking.
It does not
Yes it does
think about that for a second... the "best" women's soccer team in the world got beat by high school aged boys. lol
With a hooker?? It does not
The only person who decides if it counts is yourself
it does too
Freshmen at that.
That means it is not cheating if it is with a hooker
Hookers are an incel cope lol how contrived having to pay someone like your disgusting ass
Meant for
>having to pay someone like your disgusting ass
How is that any different to normal relationships?
b b but we demand the same paycheck as messi and tsuuu
>I-I-I h-had to pay to have s-sex!! it counts!!!
it does not
It doesn't
>doesn't even qualify for WWC
if chad fucks a hooker, does it count?
Virginity is a social construct
could they beat a team of 12-13 year olds? how low do you have to go until the women actually win
Sticky semen uh
Lucky demon uh
just have sex incels
It does if you consider all women to be whores which is objectively true
H a v e s e x
Once you get in middle school, you have the boys starting to be smaller than the fully grown women so I would say around 13-14.
Chads don't need hookers.
how many world cups has those 15 year old boys won?
They'd win the womans world cup if they were alowed to enter.
Incels need hookers to have sex
Chad can get sex elsewhere, he only uses hookers so he doesn't have to deal with a girl in the morning