>back to back world cup champions
Back to back world cup champions
we dont even care either lol
literally the only team in the cup that doesnt look persistently exhausted
Kanker refballers vieze kanker potten
>the champions are exactly who everyone expected before it even started
What a boring tournament.
40 million women play soccer
8 Dutch women play soccer.
This is literally all soccer ever
>kicks a player in the shoulder without making contact with the ball in the penalty box
No? Are you retarded?
Not really amerikanker
Take the loss like a man & stop reaching for excuses, faggot
There has been refbal this entire game. All those little fouls the USA gets away with, while always getting the Dutch. Look how that 'merricunt just falls over her legs. FOUL. lol. Not sure why I'm even mad. Soccer has always been like this. I want to stop watching but I can't.
Are you even watching? Your team looks like a playground team compared to ours
Yeah ours are worse than yours. Not by much though.
>Not by much though.
The US has been pressing since the first minute. COPE
You really don't want to win this, especially before the men can. The shit politics that goes with it really isn't worth it. Watch all the bullshit that's gonna happen next with the whole Trump thing, muh dykes and muh equal pay.
Pressing without results. Only after the penalty was there enough room to get in a second one. After all this talk about America already being victorious for the past week, it was a pretty poor showing.
Yeah that's going to be delicious. Trump is just going to invite them anyway, and Rapinoe and her cronies can cry me a river about muh injustice for the lgbtqbbqwtfmeht
yes of course everyone expected germany to lose at the group stage in 2018 after having won the previous male world cup.
It was a completely different squad and not many people had them winning. Sure it was unexpected how they crashed out, but France were the clear tournament favorites
everyone knew france were the heavy favorites, shit I put $100 on them a month before the tournament it was that sure of a bet
Sauce on image?
No, everyone expected Brazil to win.
go home
>at the start of the champions league season, only 4 teams can actually win the cup
imagine in the NFL if in August it was known that only the Patriots/Steelers/Seahawks/Cowboys could win the super bowl. and to boot, 50% of the games during the season resulted in a 0-0 tie
>It was a completely different
It was about 70% the same squad cunt and everyone was saying they will lose from the winner's curse
*Women's world cup.
Doesn't really count desu.
I don't speak commie, but I know you're seething in that post
We are literally the best in the world???
Lmao. And we don't even care about the world
That is what happen in the last 4 years.
Based retarded casual
Seeth harder, Mexico. Or don't, since the Patriots are gonna go back to back this year lmao
>Americans are just shitposting but i am still getting embarrassed by the faggotry
>women sport
Those are two things that absolute no one cares about in the US.
How long until someone posts it?
it's imminent