Fennec edition
Round of 16
Match-day #3
Madagascar vs DR Congo 6pm
Algeria vs Guinea 9pm
Empty stadiums for the rest of the tournament lmao
Fennec edition
Round of 16
Match-day #3
Madagascar vs DR Congo 6pm
Algeria vs Guinea 9pm
Empty stadiums for the rest of the tournament lmao
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Lineups brought to you by FotMob
Also fuck the women's world cup
I heard some Algerians got kicked out of the stadium or starting a و السيسي عدو الله chant
Cringe, why would they do that
Let's go Madagascar!
>why would they do that
Because he is? Why wouldnt they? Dont you have a supporter culture in masr
>a و السيسي عدو الله chant
what does this mean?
> السيسي عدو الله
That's pretty rude la.
No need to get political just watch the match and stfu
You don't see Egyptians going to other countries and pulling off shit like that
Anyways Algerians are usually chill I'm sure they were just a couple of butthurt Islamists
Sisi is an enemy of God.
That's because your population is castrated. Ive seen your tv channels. Nothing but طبالين و شياتين chanting for your slave of ابو منشار leader. Entire country sang the chant a couple of weeks ago druing our weekly friday marches.
What you see on TV is obviously not true, people don't care about politics anymore, we've had our fair share of protests that done nothing but hold back our progress.
Look what your weekly Friday marches achieved in the grand scheme of things. absolutely nothing.
It has had great effects. You're not seeing it. The army and government is slowly being purged from people who work for france and people are being put to trial. It takes time to fix everything but we will get there
is this /mena/?
big major figures have been prosectued in the last few weeks and the list keeps getting bigger each week, not to say that somehow all corrupt leadership has been completely eradicated, but to say that no results have been achieved is an understatement, atleast some of the common people can feel some sort of satisfaction from seeing some of those fucks rot in jail, not that it matters
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an /int/ user here, most mena flags use /int/
I hope you succeed, just make sure if you end up having fair elections whatever you do DON'T vote for الاخوان
I come here occasionally during the club football season and regularly during international tournaments, I also browse /pol/ sometimes to laugh at them. But /int/ is peak cringe
>/int/ is peak cringe
100% true, even /pol/ is much better than that hellhole of a board
Don’t worry our penguins won’t fail us, they’ll score a 2nd goal
We're all خاوة here. Algeria is not Masr
>it's raining
what is الاخوان
y-you guys will be cheering for us tomorrow r-right ?
Lol no.
I will, besides i don’t like nor care about Ghana anyways
The only team I'm cheering for is Benin
tunisia is haram and gay
the women can still wear niqab just not in institutions this ban is valid because of the terror attacks
It's not though. Mazelkoum tmassou zeb fransa
Twensa yebaynou koufrhoum kal 3ada
Seriously think Guinea can beat Algeria lads
I know Algeria are expected to rape them but the favourite has lost every single time except for the Senegal game.
Muslim Brotherhood, islamists
We already made that mistake in the 90's it won't happen again thank god
and whats خاوة
shmada5il fransa fi hal 7kaya ?
kthor el irahb lina wa7id mghati ro7o kolo yod5ol yfajir ro7o wa mata3rafosh shkon howa wa7id ya3mil ban temporaire 5ir la ymout
but Quran says women must use niqab you cuck. Your country is literally surrendering once again to western politicians. May Allah send the plague to your country, inshallah.
Imagine the memes
Yep you tell those mudslimes how to mudslime, Texas
Dr. Kongo, I'm MAD
i'll be cheering for you, tunisiabro
i stayed in tunisia for 6 months many years ago and everyone i met was really chill. i was also introduced to the greatest soda in the world (apla) while in tunis
>That Mauritania goal
>Quran says women must use niqab
dont think it does
Testahlou koul charr
Nidham fased, Cha3b fased w Bled fased
Yakhi twensa yakhi
It's not in Qur'an. It's not haram for women to wear simply hijab (ie. Women don't have to cover their faces). But, if people want to cover their face they're free to do so except not in Tunisian public institutions.
It's not really a big deal.
I want Madagascar to go through
Me too. I like penguins, Dr Congo is creepy.
You're on the chopping block tonight bro. No goodteam is going through to the QFs. This tournament is for minnows, big benis foe the win
hmmm look like those congolese need a little old chop chop as a motivation to win
get your keyboard fixed fren
nice projection, but it's time to accept reality, this year is ours
stream is SHIT
>Dr Congo is creepy.
you can say that again
C O P E. Anyway if you meet Nigeria at any stage please BTFO them for us bro
Watch at home or at the big screen in the town centre?
>The AFCON final is on a fucking Friday
not based
Based. Its the first day of the weekend
depends what part of Algeria you're from
they also have the biggest philosopher out of africa , im proud of our former colony
better than sunday
tb h saturday is the goat day for finals
Friday evening is good, no yahoods.
Madagascar most likely through to the QFs. Whatbis this tournament?
killing my bets but BASED Madagascar
>Boring group stage
>Entertaining knockout stage
>Meme teams going far
>Shocks everywhere
Literally like Euro 2016
and January's Asian Cup now that I remember
This is the effect of 24 team tournaments
>Asian cup
The only shocking team that qualified for the QF is Qatar and Vietnam desu
Based Blasian BVLLS.
Well done Madagascar.
I-is everyone posting in this thread black?
you're not black?
yeah but they won
and in 2016 Wales got to the last 4 and Portugal won
for some reason this format fucks up the favourites
كارا بوغا
I'm just bored
they won because they bought the referees lol, did you even watch it?
You're not?
nah I'm white
just prefer African football to Women's football because I'm not a fag
>stops celebrating when on camera because it's haram
Qatar were the the favs to win back at the time, they only became the favs when they beat worst korea, but i do believe you have a point
era penal desu
On a more serious note, how do you Africans find this website? Are you 1 in 100,000 in you country that posts here
>Benin and Magadascar's main religion is Voodoo
>If it stays like this a QUARTER of the Quarter Finalists will be voodoo
is it the one true religion?
Why don't you go play some footy with friends?
>1 in 100,000
that would mean there's 800 Germans posting here
What a kino tournament.
Lads do you even durex?
I'm a unifag and nobody at uni plays football.
They all play guitar and go to concerts and do drugs.
Playing football is for kids lad
BASED doctor kongo Killing the penguins
>how do you Africans find this website?
They find it like everyone else.
But most stay away from this site for obvious reasons.
oh no no nono
>African islander goalkeeping
>those fucking thrones
Kek every time
I wish they'd go straight to benalties like copa America
Extra time is not cool at all
I'm in college too (southern California) and soccer in intramural sports is very popular along with the soccer clubs at the school. I play once a week still even in college
What did the president of Madagascar mean by this
This, ET is just unnecessary tbqh
yeah but sports in inextricably linked with college in America
over here the autistic sports chads join a sports society but most of us just go drinking with friends every Friday and work
The white man (Massinissa) backstabbed the black man (7anniba3l).
Based and redpilled
true tbqh
I think that should perhaps be the case of most games.
It would make teams more urgent in the 90 minutes.
Do they get the chop chop if they don't win?
Is there a reason Yea Forums never posts streams for anything anymore?
You guys got me interested now
I wanna watch some afro-dive
Forgot pic
Why is /afcon/ so cozy lads
What is Dr. Congo's speciality?
Here you go lad
try this, it's in arabic though
>madagascar 2-1 dr congo
>oh no the meme is real
>dr congo scores at minute 90
>afcon spooky
Threads are full of people who actually watch the games rather than just shitposting about net spend, "Penaldo" and "Messoy"
because no VAR, unironically
Do African countries care about this tournament?
this site is made by the guys who used to mod r/soccerstreams before the ban so they just made a site after the admins kept banning subs
>no arrow image posting
>no autistic spanish speakers saying JAJAJA AJJJJ
>no lesbian american players
Fuck, you beat me to it
Because it's the most based tournament
Yes. It's on everyone's mouth after politics.
Football is integral to Algerian culture
>no autistic spanish speakers saying JAJAJA AJJJJ
USAGoals literally has 67 links of this game
No disrespect but I can't listen in your language
You guys constantly sound like you're hocking up phlegm
Thanks friend
I think this is the appeal for me t b h
Who should I bandwagon?
Africa is a pure football continent and this is Africa's biggest football competition.
What do you think?
Gynecology to treat war rape victims. Got a nobel prize.
he is a meme because nobody fully understand what the fuck he is rambling about and he call himself a savant
>mfw the games are on tv but I just moved in to a new apartment and I have to watch the game on a stream but my internet is slow or I could go to a loud cafe full of loud people shouting and clapping for no reason
life is pain
What are you talking about lad?
Beautiful language
With the exception of Sount Africa's love for cricket and rugby tho
>UAE: cricket
It all makes sense now why they are stirring shit up in the Arab world. They're street shitting pajeets
fucking nice
Who are /ourguys/ lads?
Madagascar of course
What the fuck is cricket
just go to your gf's house
I think they're white people things though
The leader of Africa's 2nd biggest party sent out congrats to the football and cricket teams for winning yesterday and his replies were full of black South Africans telling him to fuck off and only football was important
absolutely based
Literally nobody here likes cricket, that is a joke, everyone here loves football more than any other sport
>french guyanna : no info
im gonna guess its football like france
Entire Arab world at the mercy of Algeria in order to not get embarrased by having subsaharans win in the Arab heartlands
Benin (who are already through)
and Madagascar (playing right now)
We have no other boys.
am in tears
It's baseball but good
Tunis might pull a 2016 Portugal and actually win the cup
yeah but pakis and indians outnumber emiratis
you just don't give them citizenship
the Pakistan national team play in the UAE because of the terrorism in their country and there are a lot of paki workers ergo the map says the UAE's favourite sport is cricket.
Look at the UAE Cricket team: 100% pajeets
arab this arab that , fuck off.
Algeria is for Algerians not Arabs.
If all arabs went extinct Algeria wont give a flying fuck and would still stand tall in the african continent.
t. Forcheta Ait Gaouri
>Arabic culture
>Arabic religion
>speaks Arabic
Umm sweetie, you're Arabs too
We shouldn’t have let expats form their own teams, why didn’t we do the same shit Qatar and Kuwait did and ban expats from forming sports teams
My religion is Arab
My language is Arab
My Food is Arab
My architecture is Arab
My skin is Arab
And I'm a proud Berber nationalist fuck the arabs
This meme again, i bet you probably browse /int/ daily
Does that make Algeria the Scotland of the Arab world?
Seething arabized cucks.
If you and your mothers dont have straight black hair and call yourselves arab I have bad new for ya.
Cultural Cucks.
I have straight dark brown hair and still call myself Arab. Youre the biggest cultural cuck out there
Based dont let yourself fall under a single group identity like """"blacks"""" who dont give a shit about their national identity
(cultural cuck)
(true arab)
He fell under a fake single group identity which has no true identity called: may Allah forgive me for saying that word "berbers"
All the nafri countries are made up by the French
And France is made up of Nafris.
hi didn't watch a single minute of the game until now but i'm here for the penalties.
Looking like benalties
Dubs make Madagascar go through
No. Our borders follow what was there during Ottoman era.
Give your energy to /ourguys/
/o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\ /o\
little you know I am a true arab surrounded by mutts like you calling themselves arab.
I dont need you anymore to spread Islam so fuck off my back.
Arabism is the opium of the mutts.
umm you can't do that
What part of the desert are you from?
Time for penalties lads
watch me, watch me, uuh
calling it now for Dr Congo in the house tonight, sorry penguins
Moravian Sahara
Poeple who defend arabism are the sons of berber and coptic sex slaves.
>MotoGP ad
>more than half of it are crashed
based Bein Sports knows why people watch that non-sport.
>41 fouls
that's the proper way to play football WHIYT BOI
Aren't berbers the most based people of north africa though?
Good old football like it was meant to be played
Presidents at the match in gold chairs. :D
Only in Africa.
He’s based asf
remember that one guy who crowned himself emperor and totally bankrupt the country just for the ceremony ?
Diamond chairs are too expensive
>Came solely to see the penalties
>Was doing other stuff and missed 3 penalties included one miss
Why does Madagascar have an Asian (?) looking president?
welp with the result they did today , its time to show them discipline again
how the fuck do you pronounce that dude's name?
Based lemurs
That's kind of in line with the demographics of the coutnry
It's not as pure black as mainland Africa
they are descendant from austronisian seafarees who were the first to settle madagascar
No bantus in their country apparently
>2nd half of Algeria/Guinea clashes with the Copa final
wat do
Time to drop another arab team.
Watch every single male football game today to skew the womens rating
Algerians don't call themselves arab apparently.
They call themselves Amazing.
Arrogant cunts
Based. Algeria out
Lads, it's raining like crazy in here, is this a sign?
Agreed, et is stupid and against the integrity of the 90 minutes match
>37 degrees and pouring down with rain
Must feel weird as fuck
bring back golden goal
>tfw made a madagascar celebration thread
>no replies
I wish there were malagasy posters here
yeah, it happens a couple of times every summer, it smells like wet sand as well
That shit was based. Why did they get rid of it?
Less than 1% of them have internet connection and those that do wouldn't be on an autistic chinese cartoons forum
Rugby and Cricket are mostly sports for whites though. White South Africans are about 10% of the population. South Africa is definitely a footballing nation user.
sorry algeria but this match isn't worth skipping the gym for.
bye lads
56 fouls in a game
based mokokan ref
ahmad ahmad cocksuckers eww
>Madagascar National anthem
>Is not "I like to move it" from Will.i.am
Why even live?
>that horrendous shot accuracy
too cruel and hurting lots of feefees
Algeria isn't an Arab country. Fuck off with this shit. We are African. God I wish we would just leave the Arab league and disassociate with them completely. Such a toxic organisation.
Fuck KSA and UAE. And fuck you.
Are you the male prostitute user in Hurghada from /egy/?
It's gonna end up in murderball I feel it
post a streaming link plox
throwing his ass back to stop kante. era?
I hope the ref lets the game flow
Plenty of Bantus 'pure' blacks in Madagascar. People on the island look like 50/50 black and Asian.
This ref is fucking shit lol
Dude wtf was that yellow
Predictions for the final?
Senegal vs Nigeria
Is it just me or are north Africans a lot more pacy and athletic than gulf Arabs.
How do you do the hard part and then fuck up the tap in
his finish for the offside goal was perfect too
Is Salah really good or he's just an egyptian meme?
You can't blame him, he plays against literal shitters all year in the Qatari league
Told you guys this is our year
This is just the beginning
He’s the egyptian messi
It hurts
it's weird
Despite how good they looked in the group stage they looked like utter shit against South Africa
it's like they're cursed for eternity
AFCON 2021 is in Cameroon as well, their arch nemesis.
Egypt may never win an AFCON ever again.
>mfw they're dissolving the Egyptian FA and replacing everybody just because we were eliminated
Watch us win the next world cup
Truly happy to see that the most pressing issues of the day are being prioritised.
Will the new administration have tech to manufacturing world class players? Cause youre still gonna be stuck with a shifty team
>Accountability in Egypt
what timeline is this
how dare you
Get some Muslim brotherhood lads in and they can pray for another Salah
Jeez we should be up 3 0 by now if they stopped wasting away easy opportunities like this
>this much raib
We /tropical/ nation now
No more El Hadj Mohand Arezki, call me Mbongo Bango Zipongo
t. Autocorrect
what's raib?? the drink/yogurt or something else?
Nice mediterranean climate, it rained in june here
fermented milk
Era penal
Not offside
Supporting Algeria because of based Bougherra and Hemdani.
>var sinson in the quarter finals
This kills the subsaharans
Will they remember to turn it on this time?
guinea pls
Dabbing on them Africans
They will rig it for us.
based khawa khawa
>mfw discovering algerian ''badisioun", and kaid salah worshipers online
Jesus christ pan arabism is a crazy drug
Belaïli should cost at least 50m euro after this afcon
When did we dab on Tunisians (Africans)?
>how good they looked in the group stage
are you blind?
we looked like utter garbage, shit coach, shit team spirit, shit team selection, shit fans.
i'm low key glad we won't get 7-1'D by algeria or nigeria or whatever
Ben Badis literally saved Algeria and through his schools, the likes of Ben Mhidi came out
Ben Badis isnt a pan arabist in the sense of Gamal Abdennaser, but in the sense of Arbi = Muslim
There is nothing wrong with bin badis. Hid family wasn't even arabian. His fellowers are litterally just using him to larp and hate on da ebil zawaf
i hope he doesn't ruin his carear with a shitty gulfie team
Taraji already sold him to qatar. Lmao
they denied that
>We /tropical/ nation now
I wish it rained like that in the rest of the country. So much land. Yet it is mostly uninhabitable. Its the largest country in Africa but we only have 40 million people. I heard the Sahara was mostly grassland 10,000 years ago. Sad really.
>trusting taraji joos
Lmao give us the trophy
3-0 habibi
Memes like most people.
For a lot of africains we have French for second language, that's why you won't see a lot of us here or Reddit
When he wrote
و الى العروبة ينتسب
he signed the poem with Ben Badis El Sanhadji
Based retards taradji
One two tree viva l'Algérie
>Most likely team wins
not a fan of this episode
prefer the earlier one
>it's a favoured team easily covers the handicap episode
Love these, even though it makes me think I missed value by not taking a higher handicap.
>now it's only us
if we don't choke tomorrow we can win
I'm personally cheering for an Islamic sultanate to cover North Africa from Western Sahara to Tunisia. Would be pretty based IMO, could finally reach some sort of settlement with all of the assblasted berbers too.
Leave the Libyan basketcase for the Egyptians to deal with, they aren't worth the effort.
this didn't age well
DZ vs TU final
lets make it happen, whoever wins the zanj will lose
>implying the match wont end 0-0 and tunisia loses on penalties
Your team is boring and plays boring football
Hada lazem ykon assasi
pls there are retards in every country
There is nothing retarded in kbaylis identifying as amazigh. Don't know why some arab speakers want to shame them so hard for it.
I meant the arrogance was retarded. I don't mind anyone identifying as anything. I just don't like people saying I'm not this I'm not that. You are african just like the rest, you are berber just like the rest and your culture is arab just like the rest. I don't like people who try to exclude to seem special. We should not fight with arabs or subsaharans it costs nothing to coexist.
Mind your own biz ar*b
Kabyle culture has nothing to do with you sand nigger, our warrior queen accepted your religion but ejected your people from our mountains.
go fuck a camel or some shit you'll start seeing the world straight again.
If you come here you will be bullied into civilization you indian.
I'm literally an algerian expat u retarded apes
>expat wage slave at the arabs
When I said indian I wasnt wrong. When you finish your job take the plane to india dont come back here.
>wage slave
I make more money in a year than ur entire family combined
You get paid as much as an indian, nuff said.
Call yourself arab when you get paid like your arab masters.
>that cope
My car costs more than ur house loser. You are dirt poor and will stay dirty poor till the day you die. I always wondered why my country did not prosper with the oil money we have and the potential tourism. Now I know its because of retards like you who are indian poor and will stay indian poor till the day they die. Enjoy your trash life fag
Wait, why are you on a loser site like Yea Forums?
If it wasnt for your arab masters you wont be bragging you bought a car on Yea Forums
Its clear here who is trying to cope with money
A piece of shit wrapped in gold will still be a piece of shit.
Go to india and dont come back.
I know you're a broke faggot because in my tiny little village there were a bunch of millionaires.
Just because you come from a inbred dirt poor background doesn't mean everyone does, go suck some more arab cock faggot and make sure not to speak badly of your king gimp
>seething poorfags
This it shows he comes from a hungry background.
A hungry dog is most loyal to who feeds it.
>call someone a poor fag because he has to move to a shitty country and perpetrate pan arab bullshit
>in response he calls you a poorfag
You know everyone gets the opportunity to work in the middle east? They choose not to you fucking 'tard
gain money poorfag
You dont amaze us , hungy dog. Go clean after the shit of a 5 year old arab who still wears pampers and bow to him with your indian coworker.
Gain money poorfag. When I say that I actually mean it. I want u to live better, idk why u have to be a faggot
Dont worry for me hungry dog. I dont base my worth on how much a boss pays me or how much my imported car costs
Come here we will bully you into civilization you inbred.
Mind your buisness faggot. You are a big retard for saying kabyles have an arab culture.
If u speak kabyle and partake in kabyle traditions I obviously wasn't talking about you
My villa costs 500k dollars btw
What does the lying indian drive?
zimbabwean dollars?
hahaha American dollars.
I dont know , you dont seem algerian. You wouldnt survive here it take real smarts to make money here unlike where you are, your job can be done by an indian.
Kys subhumans
algeria bros why aren't you with your brothers in lyon celebrating america's world cup
>actually going to fr*nce
I'd rather kill myself
>Wouldn't be on an autistic Chinese cartoons forum.
Chinese cartoon is popular enough to build a sizeable fanbase of autistic faggots, for obscure shit like your seasonal moe anime, even in here. I'm fairly certain even the most remote shitholes on this planet have some of their autists lurking or posting on this site while jerking off to middle school aged anime girls (or boys).
"Through dick, unity" as they said.
Do you acually live in Madagascar or are you a proxy?
I know your country have internet by seeing the number of camwhores online from your country.
do u even have an idea about the traditions in maghreb lol
u scratch ur ass and wah they have arabic traditions kek
are kabyles even that different from other algerians
the culutre overall is amazigh the diffference is the language
means nothing like senegalese speak french
for me it's Côte d'Ivoire
Who are the good guys here
I do live in Mada.
I honestly don't think anyone would bother wasting their time looking for a viable free proxy for this flag just to fish some (YOU)s on a formerly Christian chinese cartoon imageboard owned by some japanese guy. And even if there is, they would use that opportunity to dab on Nigerian and Congolese lurkers or something.
But well, who knows.
With how annoying google is recently, grabbing the first proxy you can find on google or duckduckgo would be a better option if you want to post in here. And it's a bannable offense anyway.
should I create a new thread with an updated OP?
yeah need a fresh thread for the quarters
>are kabyles even that different from other algerians
Other than language, not really.
Algeria like tunisia is more divided on the tadayyun/how francophile are you line.
we look different and we have different values, you're a retard.
I am half kabyle and I just returned from Tizi Ouzou. Differences are blown out of proportion.
Stay and rot in jean talon est, you imbicile
okay kahlouche if you think tizi ouzou is the entirety of la kabylie you're in for a reality check. Anyways, enjoy going to the filthy beaches with the rest of the arabs because your ancestors were too pussy to go into the wilderness.