Why is Messi so aggressive lads?
Why is Messi so aggressive lads?
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Napoleon complex
but Napoleon won shit for his country
Autistic rage and Copa corruption.
he even PUSHES like a fag
I told him the guy who goes by the name of Twain is actually Gary Medel.
manlet rage
fun fact: Napoleon wasn't actually short. That myth came long after he died.
Messi, otoh, is short af.
Cant accept the fact that he is old and shit.
Deeply in denial, but it will pass eventually.
>1.69 m
>not short
1,69 was pretty normal for western europe at the time
He was short. He just wasn't particularly short for the time period. He was short tho. But when being 180cm+ was considered impressive, he was short. Wellington was 185cm or something.
Ah yes, the famous Napoleon Empire that lasted for.. you know.. all that... wait.. no... this can't be!?! IT DIDN'T LAST? HE GOT REKT? OH NOOOOOO.
Daily reminder that Messi is a better player than Ronaldo. Ronaldo just has players who don't expect Ronaldo to do everything on his team. Daily reminder Messi has a better goal per game, assist per game, contribution to goal per game and trophy win % than Ronaldo. To argue Ronaldo is better is to ignore facts. Messi is the better footballer. End of.
Die hard red here. Both Ronaldo and Messi are shite but this cunts right. He's the better player.
No Origi though is he
Twain, stop. Get help.
that was a good height at the time, m8
>Napoleon was 5 foot 2 inches in the French measurement system, he would have been 5 foot 6 inches (1.68 metres) in the British system. This would make him an average-sized man for his time. In which case, it would not be true that Napoleon was short.
Oops, I accidentally dropped my Twain and Penaldo destroying image.
probably average for his time
I agree, I'm just asking why Messi is so aggressive
Starting to reconsider my stance as a fervid ABLiverpool to be honest
We get hate because we're actually an English club with soul. In all honesty we feed off the hate from the rest of this bastard plastic country.
Is Liverpool really the most hated in England? I thought it was Manure or Leeds or Chelski
this one is even worse
Messi is definitely the superior player, without question, but at the end of the day neither have won a world cup so the argument feels a bit pointless
Both play against shit teams and good teams
Ronaldo scores against all teams both top teams and shit teams
Messi scores against top teams
And because of that Messi is better?
You have to be mentally retarded to actually believe this stat makes Messi look good
1.68 m is certified manlet. Era adjusted doesnt matter
Found the manlet
Based and Britanniapilled.
>Napoleon wasn't short
I'm assuming you're one of those Chinese Canadians?
this thread got me in the mood for some total war games
I am 1,77 and when I am in Greece I feel alright good height very few (
the average for men* is prolly 1,72-1,73.
My ID card unironically writes 1,80 (5ft10 instead of 5ft9). So the stats I find on the internet are probably kinda misleading.
I've been in ultrecht as 1.81 and didn't feel below average at all. it's a student city to boot so lots of 'tall' young people
ljubljana and warsaw? everyone felt 2m tall including girls. not the rest of poland, just warsaw in particular.
We have army and school parades and the priority is height wise.
Friends at 1,85 usually end up first or second line here in Greece.
Also in Czech Republic everyone seemed like Greece.
>disregard international titles, Messoy is better because he statpads
lmoa the current state of meshits
I feel slightly below average here compared with other young people with 1,87, maybe it's because i live in dalmatia
El chileano defense is like a fag and his shit's all retarted.
Actually I think he got carded on purpose
The guy on the right does not look like Ronaldo, wth
I'm 186 and I feel like a king
Explain your theory
He acted weird the entire match and pushing for a red card helps him push the conmebol corruption angle. I wonder who told him to do it, obv not smart enough on his own, probably Ant*nella
Napoleon wasn t short for his time, he was like 175 cm, 5cm taller than messi