We're live. Running through sandanme now.
Yea Forums Sumo thread: Nagoya basho editionSumo thread: Nagoya basho edition
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Is it Ichinojo's time to shine? No Takakeisho. No Hakuho. No problem.
>Is it Ichinojo's time to shine?
Doubt it.
Juryo matches are on now.
Salt man lives another day away from make koshe, and his inevitable return to juryo.
Toyonoshima got ENHO'd
>Okinomi out
That was a good bout, though, at least.
So, now the bad-boys comming up!
is Lardtoss an sport?
these guys are fitter than you.
Tochinoshin got ENDO'd
Going to have to go with Takayasu for this basho.
>No Hakuho.
this channel has the European Sumo Championships 2019
maybe it's less rigged than the Japanese
holy cows women on the dohyo, throw some salt quick
Didn’t know Baron Corbin was into sumo.
another hakuhowinslol please
Quentin Tarantino is a sumo wrestler now?
Looked like he took a slap to the balls in the replay.
Also, good on Asanoyama. He did well today.
Tochinoshin's right leg looking iffy
I don't know about you but I live me some Asanoyama
>amateur lardtoss
not me
I thought about buying this shirt
He's done for, unfortunatly. Will be fighting to mantain rank and nothing more until the end of his carrer, which is probably quite near considering his body's falling apart
>completely ignores the traditions
what's even the point of it?
Honestly, even if you strip away the traditions, sumo still has the basis to be a fucking great sport. No overly stupid rulesets or contrived winning conditions that are easy for judges to rig. You either force the other person out or throw them to the ground. Simple and easy.
Pretty big statement to make after one match
I hope I'm wrong
Is Tochinoshin a "Charisma Man"?
Endo has beaten Tochi a bunch and seems to be able to execute the front belt throw on him as easy as breathing so I think it's a bit premature
We'll see for sure over the next few days, I guess
that same frond belt throw is why i kinda i agree with the other user. tochi knows its coming and he should be prepared. he could fight endo like ichinojo/aoiyama's style of stand up slow power game, grab the mawashi, and walk him out for an easy win. i dont think endo can compete at all if it went to straight power match even with trying to pressure tochi's bad leg
Victory for moobs
Depends on what you call "fit". I for one don't consider dying at 55 a sign of fitness.
What a hottie
That girl is also quite pretty
First things first. Where's your shitter?! I've got a turtle head poking out!
nah mate, he's a made man
u wot m8
Which is why its only natural that they die by 50.
tbf most athlethes are wrecks by 50. Fitness is really a small windowed timeframe
I wouldn't say most but certain more extreme, especially those demanding high strength, are more suspectible to early death. Possibly because, even though they vigourously deny it, they use various strength enhancing products so by default their hearts are hypertrophied at the end of their career.
Modern sumo life expectancy is 60-65, not 50
Fat Bastard
Tochi should just open hand Endo to the face to death a few times, then he won't be so quick to try and grab his mawashi.
The virgin jason sumo vs The virgin chris gould
Why is Kintamayama literally the only sumo YouTuber smart enough to just show the matches without any bullshit? Jason and Chris both insert their own live commentary that they're both shit at, even Natto has his bazillion graphics about shit nobody cares about. Kintamayama is just, here's the fucking matches, enjoy.
Nice that you say it, fat gentleman. He just put in his videos today the pictures of his Jap-holliday.
>Honestly, even if you strip away the traditions, sumo still has the basis to be a fucking great sport. No overly stupid rulesets or contrived winning conditions that are easy for judges to rig. You either force the other person out or throw them to the ground. Simple and easy.
Why do you talk about stuff you dont understand, fattie?
Sumo is THE sport, where you lose even if you did not.
See Tochi last basho, or the deus ex magina-rule: dead body, etc.
Why do you pretend sumo is any worse than any other sport? With stuff like that it ends up being the exception rather than the norm, meanwhile you cannot watch any western sport including combat sports without tripping over controversies involving referees and/or judges. They get it right far more often in sumo, mainly because the sport is far simpler, so when there is human error it becomes an obvious spectacle that will be talked about for years.
kinta is a based boomer, the others are gen X losers
You fucking serious?
Sumo had just recently a huge betting-scandal.
The rulez are literally non-existent and can used however they want. Again, see Tochinoshin last basho. Controversies in sumo are even more fucked up than in other sport. It is sometimes WWE-tier
The point why Sumo is interesting is not because of the rules, but because of the tradition and the discipline & respect along the wrestlers. While even in 'soccer' athlets attack each other, in sumo they have a huge respect towards each other. While in one moment they slap each others face pretty hard, they instantly stop when the match is over and even try to help each other not to fall of the ring and get injuries.
Also the wrestlers are connected to the sport a lifetime long. It's not like some footballplayers, who earn shitload of shekels and fuck bitches at the bahamas involving several other scandals.
>Sumo had just recently a huge betting-scandal.
One scandal, 8 years ago, which is fucking nothing compared to other sports.
>Again, see Tochinoshin last basho
The fact that you can harp on one single instance proves how wrong you are when you can look up any western sports and get reams of judging and officiating controversies just over the past few years.
ok, fat boy, play with your dragon-dildo, but leave me alon with your childish 'BUT ....'
How big is jasons balls. He's basically piratestreaming a sport and selling merch and taking donations. Based jason cucking the sumo councel and nhk.
That's where you faggots belong with all the other twink faggots prancing around touching each other in their underwear.
Tochi looked strong he just got cucked. Seems when he gets bamboozled early he comes out steady the rest of the time. I really wanna see Hakuko vs Asanoyama this tournament. Hes gonna out that nobody scrub back in Magashira 89
Hakuho makes it look so damn easy lol
>not based "No B.S. Natto"
>>any western sports and get reams of judging and officiating controversies just over the past few years.
ALL sports have fuckery. Every last one. Even in tennis there's doping / steroids / official fuckery / sponsor fuckery. Hell, high school football is so big in Texas that there's actually high school football recruiting fuckery that goes on.
You just have to be vigilant to cancer and cut it out when you can.
Tochi will never rise above Ozeki. Nigga is off his balls on painkillers. He'll be lucky to eek out this tournament with more than 8 wins.
That's Earthquake, ya simp
>Tochi will never rise above Ozeki
Too old, too broken.
too white
He doesn't look like such a disgusting slob in normal people clothes.
That's fine, he's still in the top 2% of sumo all time, especially with his title win.
When does he look like a disgusting slob?
Saving the thread
/bump/ would've been a good Plan B if /sumo/ was already taken
Can somebody please explain why all the English speaking Sumo sights are made by giant faggots please? It's depressing.
>why are all English-speakers giant faggots?
Good question
Whenever he's shot from behind and you can see his acne covered ass with bleeding sores all over it.
That's just from the time honored and sacred Shinto ritual of androstenedione, please understand the importance of purity and tradition within sumo.
No, that's John Tenta aka Canadian Earthquake aka Earthquake aka Avalanche aka Shark aka Golga.
aka dead
aka the guy Futahaguro got into a shoot fight with after he got kicked out of sumo for being a dipshit, because he was insulted that he was booked to lose a fake wrestling match against another former sumo wrestler
also dead
And we're live! Don't know which bouts yet, though.
Sandanme bouts brutha.
0-0 Sd83w
Best match so far. Worked steady for a good 4 minutes.
0-0 Sd50w
bump to for my based ichinojo bros
shout out to my abi bros
Fuck Ichinoshow
is there a good english site for sumo news/analysis? i thought this was a meme when i started but there is something about it that's highly entertaining
check out reddit.
umm sweaty no
Juryo ring entry going down now.
First for based flips
I really just want to fuck that tender little ass of yours
Jason is just a happy go lucky fan, Chris Gould is absolutely cringe incarnate with his 2deep4u essay analysis
Also, for me, it's Robert Mensin RIP ;_;
>tfw no huge archive of comfy sumo highlights
RIP Aminishiki
hopefully he'll have his own stable to teach the young generations for the next 40 years
Jason is definitely a boomer too, all his hair is grey. And he's also about the size of Ichinojo.
Why won't this sweet boy do shit? Is he injured or just retarded?
Friendship ended with Tochinoshin now Gagamaru is my best friend
Tochinoshin looking more mentally weak than physically weak this tournament
Really poor technique again today
Peak physique.
any updates about his condition?
Kaisei officially got ENHO'd
Tochinoshin and Ichinojo officially on the Enho watch. TICK TOCK fatasses TICK TOCK
He's too distracted with all the pussy he's been slaying.
>on the Enho watch
That little faggit just needs to meet the right guy, who gives him such an instant-slap, that he will never ever recover from that.
Holly, shit, this western-sumo is just awesome!
After watching the basho, this is kinda comedy-gold.
judging by the eye-circles these people are all related
I cant wait ...
Missed you guys
We talking about the same Enho who got exposed hard in the second half of the previous tournament?
No one but the Yokozuna doing well
no doubt Kakuryu will stumble against some jobber and hakuhowinslol
interesting that Kakuryu has never faced Asanoyama before
Tochinoshin going for a strong 6-9
To be expected, previous career high rank was M5 which would be unlikely to be matched with a Yokozuna most tournaments
Watching the makuchi matches from last night......Enho's basically a rabid squirrel.
nore like an annoying bullterrier
>/circlelandwhale/ general
>talking shit about sumo
Wow he got exposed so hard for giving away 300 pounds to every opponent he faces
Define "good". Seems like the only english speakers that follow sumo are complete dorks.
remove abi
I just want Tochinoshin to do well. I'm worried that the fucking leech infections fucked his leg up permanently now.
That was painful to watch....probably not as painful as it was to him, but still.
Yea, but you knew lower sanyaku was going to be fucked this basho due to injury / n00bness.
>leech infections
Before the previous basho, in a last-ditch effort pressed on him by his oyakata, he had leech treatments done to 'suck out the bad blood'. And we saw that he got that great winning record, but started to fall off hard around day 10. After the basho had ended, he noted to the sports papers that he had reinjured the knee on day 10 and was in extreme pain, and that there was so much "water" in his knee that doctors had to perform some procedure to drain it all out.
Why is that gremlin woman always there?
Takayasu gonna remain the only top tier wrestler never to have won a basho if he lets Ryuden push him around like that.
He's broke. He looked like ass last basho, too.
cool, but imagine the smell
>imagine the smell
Come up with new material.
He can join Miyabiyama in irrelevance.
How would the Bloatlord, Kyriakos Grizzly would fare against the top makuuchi fighters?
>page 9
Lower maegashira at best, gets some wins against low-ranking guys on raw power but gets exposed hard against anyone worth a shit.
Sandanme live.
what a bout, man
what happened?
he's on dat dere frogtech
Loving this picture
it's kind of pathetic how these lardasses are too embarrassed to just wear the mawashi straight up
Looks like he didnt take part today.
Ichinojo wins, now 2-1. Clearly on the road to Yokozuna.
>Clearly on the road to Yokozuna
He has the informal title of Next Yokozuna.
Strip away the gay weeb shit and sumo would be a great sport. Strip away the fat bastards as well and do no antidoping of any kind, so that all the athletes are roided out muscle sharks.
You can be fit your entire life, but pro athletes are well beyond fit, they're running in the redline their whole career so they break down towards the end of their careers.
Give Ryuuden some credit though. He's doing well.
Endou's been doing SO much better in these past 3 days than he has been in recent years. The level of his technique now is shocking me, looking at him blundering around in a lot of 2018.
tochi pls no
I doubt there's much antidoping going on in sumo.
fuck abi and his twinkle toe sumo
aoiyama's fucking shameful sumo at his weight
tochi tossed into the garbage where he belongs now
takayasu won the first bout with that move from the top rope
hakuho's wedgie
He looked pretty shit this match desu
He lost the torinaoshi like a retard, but his sumo in the first bout was better than it has been. That's regardless of whether or not it's overall good.
Shouldn't you be watching Ssireum?
Tochi looking like he should just take 6 months off, start again at middle maegashira and get some confidence back
I know his injuries linger but with how poor he's executing they barely matter
He couldnt become ozeki ever again.
Perhaps, but he's only 31 and could easily eke out 3-5 more years if he gives himself time to get to a better place physically and mentally.
Losing Ozeki might sting but if he keeps pushing himself eventually he's not going to pull things like last tournament out of his arse anymore.
Hakuho hates Hotokofuji. Bullys him and tries to hurt him every time
>watching last nights matches
Salt man and Enho both 3-0 now.......
! E N H O !
North camera angle for Takay's match?
>hear Japanese crowd yell for random rassler'
>voice pitch so high I can't tell if it's children or women
Ahhhh, Japan.
>sport about honor
>hakuho always pushes them excessively out
>almost always waits a few seconds before the tachi-ai
>almost always opens with a slap
>boasts after receiving money
>almost always opens with a slap
new to Sumo fren but is that frowned upon or something?
>almost always waits a few seconds before the tachi-ai
I really don't know what this means and would appreciate the explanation. Sorry I have so many questions.
Wouldn't be the greatest if he didn't have such a brutal mindset. At least he doesn't let his belligerency continue beyond the dohyo, unlike Asashoryu.
He always waits a few seconds before the tachi-ai and lets the other wrestler squat before he also does so. youtube.com
Hakuho is the kind of heel that actual pro wrestlers wish they could be.
Is that a bad thing or frowned upon or something? I'm really new to this so Hakuho is the only name I know since he's the one who keeps getting mentioned. Didn't know he was considered a villain at all.
>sport about honor
No, it's about fighting, and if you fight within the rules, then you're fighting with "honor". If those things you cite were against the rules, then he would have been DQ'd for doing them, but they're not, and he hasn't.
You're just a bitch.
He's considered a lot of things, as with anyone who dominates a sport. It's all down to opinion.
It's just bad manners in a sport about, honor , tradition and respect. All the sumos are wrecking their body and him making explosive endings by overpushing isn't helping it.
So he's divisive? That puts it in perspective. Thanks user!
By overpushing you mean still pushing when the other guy is out of bounds right? I'm excited to watch this year's tournaments but I'm starting with November of last year from Jason's Channel so I can get to know the names and rules better. Thanks anons!
No, that German flag is just a giant pussy. As a professional in any sport, you look at the rules and use them to your advantage, and that's all that Hakuho, or any competent rikishi, does. Hakuho uses everything to win, including mind games and uncommon, effective, and violent techniques like the palm and forearm strike to the chin / jaw to win, and that's why he is THE greatest of all time.
He does NOTHING that rikishi in the past OR current era ALSO DO. Ignore that German flag.
>By overpushing you mean still pushing when the other guy is out of bounds right?
Just when they are arched so far back that they are about to fall he gives them an unnecessary push, not always, but other guys like Tochinishin step forward and actually prevent the other sumo from falling.
I bet you support those filthy rich soccer players who lie on the ground for 40 seconds on the slightest impact.
Any reason why wrestlers don't use this technique more often? It's sounds like a palm or forearm strike will do a lot of damage.
I see. I'll have to watch out for that one. I don't really see the techniques and all that stuff yet but I might notice it the more I watch sumo.
Anyways thanks anons! Guess I'll just have to watch more sumo. This sport really needs more push since it's so awesome but you wouldn't know that from watching it's portrayal in media. It's always treated like a joke. I'm just glad I got introduced to this since it really is quite fun.
He only started doing this in the last few years. I think he got bored. Remember he used to be the good guy compared to Assashoryu
I think I'll take the opinion of the Japanese sumo community over some yank on Yea Forums. Hakuho is regularly criticized for what is deemed behaviour unbecoming of a yokozuna.
I did not know this. So the community actually regularly criticizes him? Any chance for a greentext why user?
>Hakuho is regularly criticized
That's because he's Mongolian, and the Japs are even more racist than you eirieniggers.
Japs ALWAYS shit on gaijin rikishi, user. Always.
Well there is that and I have heard of them being sorta racist so that's a factor too I guess. So he really is a divisive wrestler huh. I like that the controversies in this sport is about honor and not about doping and illegal shit like rigging. That's really cool.
There was a match fixing scandal around eight years ago that caused the cancellation of an entire tournament, and drug testing in Japan in general, let alone sumo, is a joke. That said there are fewer of those scandals than most other major sports.
How do you fix matches in a sport like this? Pay the wrestlers to throw it?
One thing you need to understand about Japanese society, especially traditionalist Japanese society, is that it was completely feudal until the late 19th century and still very rigid in hierarchy until the end of World War 2, and that means there are still a lot of attitudes about expected behavior related to status. So what's considered unacceptable for a yokozuna because they're "lowering themselves" might be seen as acceptable for someone else if they're using it to "punch up" so to speak.
Combination of that and simply having stablemasters or higher ranking guys put pressure onto the lower ranking guys to "take one for the team" so to speak. While wrestlers from the same stable never face each other (partly to combat this), stables are themselves grouped together into one of five associations called ichimon so they can share resources for training and sometimes personnel, so if a lower ranked guy from one stable is scheduled to face a higher ranked guy from another stable in the same ichimon, the lower ranked guy might feel pressure to take a fall if the higher guy needs to preserve a winning record or something like that. Money was certainly a heavy factor in the scandal, but not the only factor.
>about honor and not about doping and illegal shit
No, no, no, there's "doping and illegal shit" that goes on, too, but the Jap press just doesn't talk about it or the Sumo association will pull their press card. That's how Japan works, dude.
To their credit, it's the same in all sports though.
>How do you fix matches in a sport like this?
Ask Rikishi "A" to let you win for either money or a return win somewhere down the road. OR ask rikishi "B" to LOSE for money or some favor down the road.
Pretty simple, really, and the same in every other sport.
I'm reading articles right now and apparently these kids get beaten like pancakes on the regular "for their own good"? That's sad man. There's also a limit to only 1 foreigner per stable and they also have a strict code of keeping bad shit to themselves to the point that even the regular viewers frown upon whistleblowers. That's terrible. There's still a long way to go and I hope they improve those attitudes for the better. Sucks for the sport.
Tochinoshin? More like Jobber-no-knee LMAO.
>apparently these kids get beaten like pancakes on the regular "for their own good"?
>they also have a strict code of keeping bad shit to themselves to the point that even the regular viewers frown upon whistleblowers
This happens in western sports far more often than westerners want to believe otherwise.
That's just sad man. It's supposed to be the pinnacle of physical achievement and all that y'know. Maybe someday we'll get rid of all the bad shit and keep the good.
>Natto has his bazillion graphics about shit nobody cares about
I do...
>Sucks for the sport.
The "sport" is on the dohyo, not in the heya. What they do is their business. What YOU view as "brutal" doesn't mean shit because YOU aren't going to be fighting in the dohyo, are you?
People need to mind their own fucking business and realize that fighting sports have their own cultures, and it's not the same as some pussy working an office job.
The reality is that sumo is a way of life. Whether it's things like living in a heya or upholding honor roles, or simple things like not being allowed to drive or wear casual clothes, sumo is not simply a sport. Every downside is a known aspect well in advance for every single rikishi, and good or bad they know what they're entering into.
Why are getting so mad man? I'm just saying people having to go through traumatic physical assault to achieve their dream isn't ideal. You really think me posting my opinion on Yea Forums is going to shut down sumo or something? Of course they have their own culture but that doesn't mean it can't be improved for the better. If we didn't progress we'd still be killing people in fighting pits.
I get the discipline part and I have no problem with that. It's just the physical assault (that's considered illegal in most countries) that's a problem. They also apparently tend to force wrestlers to retire on "fighting" scandals which is hypocritical considering what they do inside their stables. It just shows that they value appearances more than actual people y'know.
man, you're a fag
Eh sure why not. Not like shit matters here anyway.
>It just shows that they value appearances more than actual people y'know.
Japanese society in a nutshell my friend. It's all an extension of honne and tatemae.
You're right about that. Didn't know about that Honne and Tatemae stuff. They actually have a term for it. Interesting.
>I'm reading articles right now and apparently these kids get beaten like pancakes on the regular "for their own good"? That's sad man. There's also a limit to only 1 foreigner per stable and they also have a strict code of keeping bad shit to themselves to the point that even the regular viewers frown upon whistleblowers. That's terrible. There's still a long way to go and I hope they improve those attitudes for the better. Sucks for the sport.
You fucken serious, you retarded cocksucker?
Look at this map? You realize something?
This sport is one of the answers why Japanese could resist against European dominance.
While Philippinos still sucking Murrican cocks, Japan still has few samurais. Not many,
but these wrestlers belong to them.
>Why are getting so mad
That's my point, what you interpret as "mad" is simply normal conversation in the fighting world. You see and interpret things differently, and because it's "brutal" or "mad" to you, you fear or attack it because you don't know any better.
Make sense?
>Japanese society in a nutshell
Oh? Like the fucking west is any different with their "diversity and tolerance" cancer despite the only people that support that shit are anti-Americans and shitskins.
You sound really mad user. I'm not here to discuss politics or whatever shit you're trying to get an argument out of so sure whatever.
I don't even fear or attack it. All I said was that it sucks that junior sumos have to go through all that shit to realize their dream. That's called an opinion. You then got really defensive and told me to "mind my own fucking business" because I'm just "some pussy working an office job". If that's just normal conversation to you then damn man you got issues.
I don't know many, projecting and name calling in a normal conversation seems pretty unreasonable for someone with a calm mind.
>All I said was that it sucks that junior sumos have to go through all that shit to realize their dream.
You sound like a faggot. Why dont you go back to your feminist group and drink your onions?
What dream you talking about?
>That's called an opinion. You then got really defensive and told me to "mind my own fucking business" because I'm just "some pussy working an office job". If that's just normal conversation to you then damn man you got issues.
fucking faggots push their oppinion in every shit they dont understand. Thats why the world is so fucked up at this time. Nobody cares about the shit in your head. keep it to yourself, and jerk off in your mates room.
You sound really mad that people don't share your opinion man. Like it's very important to you people think you're a badass. You should get some help for that dude. Might help you out in the long run.
Why are you so mad fellow krauts?
Jesus fuck, (correctly) pointing out that sumo is ass backwards in a lot of practices doesn't mean someone wants to neuter the entire thing. That's why Mongolians in general, Hakuho especially, got so dominant, because sumo chiefs were so stuck in their old ways with their thumbs up their asses that they got clowned on by a bunch of dudes who don't give a shit about anything but winning, and the sumo chiefs would rather cry about honor than actually get their shit together. Sumo is a sport that exists on pure momentum as a cultural institution right now, and that's why it's a niche audience for anyone other than nationalistic old boomers. Go look at any sports broadcast in Japan and sumo's maybe the dozenth item of importance unless there's another scandal happening, and it's because they refuse to actually modernize. No this doesn't mean making training "easier" but it does mean making training more meaningful instead of just beating people for no reason other than because you were beaten when you were a junior wrestler. I'm looking forward to Hakuho actually running his own stable when he retires, because I guarantee he's going to put more actual thought into it, and his wrestlers will be more dominant, and I guarantee the response from other stablemasters will be to fret about whether he's doing it "the right way" instead of smartening up.
Is there any precedence for a non-native to get a stable user? I've also been looking up Yokozunas and it does seem Mongolians are the current trend so him getting a stable would probably be good for the future of the sport.
His father just died and he's applied for Japanese citizenship since.
Only thing what could help me in this world, is hanging faggots like you up on your balls and listen to the symphony of your screams. Just to wait for the point, where you are begging for a knife, to cut off your own balls because of the pain.
Fucking shame the times are over, when these things were legal, but instead we got fucking smartasses like you and your assfuckers, who push their noses in every bullshit which isnt their business.
And if you and your assholes are reprimended, you start crying and arguing
"....mimimi ... it was my oppinion!"
Nobody gives a fuck about your oppinion, asshole!
That sucks for him man. Thanks friend. Hope he gets it.
>>Only thing what could help me in this world, is hanging faggots like you up on your balls and listen to the symphony of your screams. Just to wait for the point, where you are begging for a knife, to cut off your own balls because of the pain.
Are you having a stroke?
Wow you sound really angry. Hope you work through whatever's causing your issues and it all works out for you dude.
>Is there any precedence for a non-native to get a stable user?
Hakuho gave an application for Japan citizenship, which means, he will end her career in the near future and wants to become some master.
Several, but they have to get Japanese citizenship first. Musashigawa, Naruto, and Tomozuna stables are currently run by foreigners (Samoan, Bulgarian, Mongolian respectively).
That sounds cool. Helps bring in other perspectives into the sport and all that. Thanks for the info friends.
>Helps bring in other perspectives into the sport and all that.
This is fucking sumo, idiot, not one of your multiculti faggotry.
Also, since you seem to have a philippino flag, maybe you should root for Takayasu.
His mother is a phillipina.
Mitakeumi also has a pinoy mother.
>sumo's maybe the dozenth item of importance
>Sumo ranked 3rd most popular sport, like last year, after baseball and soccer
Doesn't have to be multicultural to grow from some new perspective.
Still too early for me to root for anyone but that Takakeisho dude seems pretty good.
You wouldn't know it from actually watching the news, according to people who actually live there.
>Takakeisho dude
lol... the T.Rex
>Takayasu is the only current ozeki yet to claim a top division crown.
Does this mean he's never won a tournament before or just that he's never won a tournament as an Ozeki?
He's never won a top-division title at all.
He's never won a tournament. Only came close once or twice.
yeah, the eternal bashing during the tournament:
Ozeki, who never won ...
They probably bashing him because of her philipino mother. hell knows, but every single day they remind it.
got axed for copyright
same happened with Miselet, which is uploading to VK now, including lower divisions, see link in: he has a backup account also on Dailymotion:
He's never actually won one? I didn't think it was possible to become Ozeki without winning at least one. 33 total wins in 3 successive tournaments all with winning records is enough? Cool.
>[spoiler]Championships 42[/spoiler]
WTF. Only Kakuryu is closest with 5. The rest just have 1 each max. That's really extremely impressive. 7 years worth of tournaments damn.
>watching the news
Wow, it's almost like the "news" has their own vested interests or something. Imagine that.
The "news" in any country is cancer and designed to manipulate the masses, rather than inform. If you're out of high school, you should know that by now.
Yes, for example, NHK would have a vested interest in promoting sumo seeing how they're the official broadcaster, which is why sumo appears on NHK's news all the time. Wait, it actually doesn't? It's treated as an irrelevant sideshow by sumo's own official broadcaster? Imagine that.
Reminder that if Harumafuji hadn't been forced out by the Sumo Association Tochinoshin, Takakeisho, Asanoyama, Tamawashi, and Mitakeumi would have never held the Emperor's cup.
The criteria for ozeki and yokozuna are unofficial guidelines and can be messed with however the governing bodies please. For example, Takakeisho actually could've been promoted a tournament earlier than he actually was. But they weren't happy with him losing in the final day of the January tournament despite putting up a second-place performance and coming off a tournament win the previous November, so they declined to promote him, until he put up another 10 wins in the tournament after.
What part of "broadcasting is filled with faggots, Jews, and scum" do you not understand?
>anti-corruption of any kind in sumo
oh, you sweet summer child
IT'S UP! youtube.com
I see. So it still depends on the higher ups if you get promoted or not. Based Takakeisho getting it done anyway.
What part of "the national broadcaster of Japan" do YOU not understand, /pol/child? Again, they more than anyone else in the entire world, let alone all of Japan, have a vested financial interest in promoting sumo, and they don't.
Hakuho is Mongolian so the Japanese press are incredibly biased against him. Not only that but he is so fucking good but they can't help but acknowledge him as the GOAT. The best they can do is bring up a guy who's been dead 200 years to even create any sort of argument about who is the greatest.
The fact is that Hakuho is Babe Ruth, he's Pele, he's a man entirely incomparable in his time. Hell, he's more dominant than either of those guys in their primes in their respective sports. It's honestly hard to comprehend Hakuho's record because it's so exemplary.
Michael Jordan isn't known as a nice guy either. Sometimes, you gotta have the killer instinct to be the GOAT.
>Michael Jordan isn't known as a nice guy either. Sometimes, you gotta have the killer instinct to be the GOAT.
You cant be a nice guy and a living legend. Every sport has this. Even in Formula 1 we had Schumacher, who was known as Schumel-Schumi.
Only guy off the top of my head who was a legend and nice is Gretzky, and that's because everyone else on the team around him was an asshole to make up for it.
if you're going up against a yokozuna it is expected that you squat first. takayasu rightfully got put in his place
>Tochi haters coming out of the woodworks again
can't wait for them to get inevitably btfo in aki
youve been watching sumo for 3 days and already blathering about "bringing in new perspectives". just fuck off
I'm only talking about beating juniors user nothing else. You don't have to be watching for years to know that ain't right.
You mean like how he's been btfo this tournament so far?
yeah mongolians, samoans, and bulgarians are well known for being anti-corporal punishment lmao. the first two are just as, if not more, blase about physical abuse. fuck off
Why do you get so angry when people have differing opinions? Hakuho talked about his experience so there's a chance he won't be a dick just for the sake of it if he ever gets a stable.
>idiot newfag talks nonsense
>why are you so angry at meeee????????!!!???!?!?
btw if "fuck off" has you shook maybe reddit would be more your speed
I'm not worried bout you getting angry at me user it's anonymous I don't really care. I'm just curious why you're so worked up. You gotta get those issues fixed man. It's not healthy being so angry all the time.
>le passive aggressive issues poster strikes again
heem urself my man
Roger Federer?
Alright dude. Good luck to you man.
yeah that's right bitch
someone shoop a monster in his hand
>national broadcaster of Japan
Oh....so it MUST be legit, then....the same way "official" U.S. news is "legit".
Doesn't work that way, little guy. Wish it did, though.
You realize you're having a discussion with more than 1 user, right?
>if "fuck off" has you shook maybe reddit would be more your speed
And soccer.
I know I'm late a day but that Takayasu/Ryuden match was insane.
Yeah and both seem to have anger issues.
I've seen quite a few "do over" bouts this basho compared to the last few, since the judges are trying to avoid a repeat of the shitshow that went down last basho.
No, it's just you.
If you say so
More like "we", my friend.
Alright user. But we're getting off topic so I'll just drop it. I really do hope everything works out you man.
Cool it schizo
Tonight: Ryuden vs. Hakuho
Ryuden got schooled by Kakuryu last night, so I don't give him much of a chance against goat.
this looks like an album cover
What's an "album".
I bet a case of beer that Aminishiki comes back before the end of the basho.
It is one of the best matches so far
I love that he made this. I would like to hear an original Japanese version though.
Sandanme is up.
based nips
live started at D i channel
Makeyoushita division fighting....which is the best, mind you.
nice wordplay
Wow that fatty got rekt
Le stream:
you could say that about every sumo bout ever.
I wonder if they would have promoted him if Kise hadn't imploded for good in that same tournament
Haha very funny, little do you know that this is what peak performance looks like
Gaga next!
Geek yuushou?
Kounosuke is the cutest
>the cutest
perverted fat fuck from Murrica detected
What's perverse about it?
>calling a rikishi cute
Salt vs. little faggot!!!
got it, you're fucking retarded
Little faggot was fucked!!!
Too much salt, dehydrated him. Shouldn't be allowed
Enho got btfo
Nice for salt man to lay they trail of salt for Enho to use to find his way back to Juryo where he belongs.
>Salt man
the one scoring a 4-0 right now?
That's the one.
You can't be that fucking stupid.
>Enho got btfo
He learned the nutcracker.
He's injured.
>He's injured.
like every rikishi
Visibly injured.
It's like saying that Tochi inherently sucks because of his recent series of knee injuries.
Tochi's time is over. Since he became Ozeki, he just suffers from injuries to injuries, just like the Yokozuna who retired few bashos ago.
Right, but you wouldn't say that he 'belongs' in Maegashira or juuryou because of that.
still I don't get why going back to juryo is "inevitable" for him and his good range of techniques
also it's the first time I met someone hating Enho, so if you guys call me "stupid" for no reason I take no offence, as when someone shouts at me from the windows of an asylum for mentally impaired people
I just say 'injury' is not an excuse.
If seriously injured, than stay out and cure your injury.
If not seriously injured, than keep in mind, that every one of them has problems.
>still I don't get
No, you don't, Guido. It's called a joke. Do you not realize where you are? We're shittalking here. Nothing more, nothing less.
>We're shittalking here
ah ok
in the meanwhile, that debacle about Tochi's heel in the last basho is still bogging the judges' minds which now are calling rematches more often than ever lmao
That instant back-of-the-head pulldown is probably the best proof I've seen in a while to show nonfans that sumo isn't untrained fat guys slapping at each other.
Holly sheit!
Ichinojo went full-asshole!
yeah, he made a face going back to his spot like he was expecting some totally different bout
Aoiyama got inspired by Ichi and went in full evil mode too ah ah
>never colonised
>multiple US military bases
nip nationalist cucks are a fucking joke.
>nip nationalist cucks are a fucking joke.
Colonializm was before WW2 you stupid piece of abo-shit!
I wonder if gyouji-ing counts as a form of physical exercise.
manlets seething
Ichinojo only 1 win away from the lead pack.
>never colonized
I don't know about that, you dumb kraut.
Japs kicked your dirty asses out of Jap, you stupid nigger.
It is well known that Japanese women couldn't control their impulses at the sight of buff, weathered Portuguese and Dutch sailors.
Imagine the mess Samurais caused after they found out and went full Darth Vader.
Ya seethe?
sumo streamers should allow us to see all the commercials; it's not that part that triggers copyrights witch hunters
is tochi going to make me update this daily this tournament?
looks like enho was figured out
aoiyama was a bit more athletic than i thought he could be today. i wish he would try moving more then the force down sumo hes been doing
>is tochi going to make me update this daily this tournament?
he is psychologically cooked
care to explain?
Poor little Enho
Tochinoshin looks like he has no fight left in him.
>inb4 "he's injured la!"
He was injured last tournament and didn't look this weak.
He is VERY injured.
Is it true that apprentice sumo wrestlers have to wipe the arse of senior sumo wrestlers?
Would he he lose his rank if he pulled out of the tournament because of it?
Friendship ended with Tochinoshin. Now Aoiyama is my best friend.
He was just put to the place where he belongs to.
Why does she bite her lips, bros?
no but he'd be kadoban in september
Here we are
All the sumo lads
>not getting on the Enho train
will he ever recover?
He has a bad run, who knows.
I wonder what must happen for losing his ozeki rank again.
two tournaments in a row with a losing score, like 7-8, 6-9 etc.
okay, thanx!
Why can't he shave, bros?
>sumo streamers should allow us to see all the commercials
WTF is your problem? Do you not know what "commercials" are? It's CONDITIONING you idiot....they are CONDITIONING you to accept shitty behaviors as "normal", like buying shit that will give you diabeetus when you eat / drink it, or to spend your money on shit you don't need.
You should NEVER watch commercials.
Onosho got screwed by the judges
>he's Pele
>rating Pelel
what about conditioning you to watch sumo
No conditioning needed, my friend. The marketing cancer killing the planet simply tries to attach their shitty product / service onto the coatail of the rewarding endorphins we get from a good dumo bout to manipulate the masses into buying or using their shit.
They should all be hung by the neck until dead, imo.
I agree at 99%
but Japanese commercials are... different; besides, most products are not commercialized here where I live; and the chance to go to Japan to try them out is practically zero since I don't have the money to do so
Jap commercials are no different than any other, my friend. They ALL try to trick and condition you by pairing their product with something they hope the viewer will remember, find pleasant, and will associate later with their shitty product or service.
It's all a scam based on psychological research, and it exploits those in our society that lack the self control of the average citizen.
Pure cancer.
>Tonight: Y1e Kakuryu (4-0) vs. M2e Aoiyama (3-1)
Kakuryu is 18-1 vs. Aoiyama........18-1.
Tochi just put it up man for the tournament. This is embarrassing.
asanoyama vs tochinoshin should be a good match up today. both will be looking hard for a win to get back on track, and tochi should be looking for redemption for the last 4 days and last tournament. asanoyama looks pretty good in his bouts. the record is a bad, but hes starting the tournament with only top ranked guys
Tochi's looked like a steaming pile of shit all basho.
he looked worse in the last few matches of last tournament. if you discount the henka he used to win his last match, he hasn't won a real match since beating Mitakeumi
Dude's broken. The question is whether he'll retire as ozeki, or just suck it up and stay in for as long as he can.
i said it two basho ago here that he better retire as an ozeki than end up like kotoshōgiku.
Sandanme is live.
>better retire as an ozeki than end up like kotoshōgiku.
Is it though? He can make some bank for basically shitting up the dohyo all the way down through Juryo.
Some poor sandanme bastard just took a flying header off the dohyo. He walked it off.
Weight categories are for faggots who whine about "fairness" because they're not good enough to succeed.
I know somos retire pretty early but the dude is only 31 this is his prime. He should take a few tournaments off like Kakuryū did a little while ago and just get healthy. He could even drop from Ozeki again and take it back when hes good. Just rinse and repeat when you are best u p.
I wish Abi would get stronger legs. Hes been my favorite since his fight appearance on Robert Mensin's channel, his smile in his picture made me a fan.
Itd do abi a lot of good to be able to do normal sumo too. He could go back and forth and change it up. His lack of ability to dig in and push is killing him.
>take a few tournaments off
It would be worth it, even if he drops to juryo, as a at that level a healthy Tochi would dominate.
>another "do over" in sandanme
The judges are not playing around this basho, if it looks fucky, you're fighting again.
Kakuryu has the benefit of being a yokozuna where he can simply take time off without worrying about dropping in rank. Not an option for anyone else but him and Hakuho.
This is never going to happen when so much income comes from sponsor prize money. If he ever ends up that fucked that he drops all the way down to juryo he may as well retire. The truth is, for certain injuries there will be no such thing as simply "getting healthy." The wear and tear of a career in combat sports means there are injuries that will never fully heal and that he'll have to deal with for the rest of his life, let alone rest of his career.
>never fully heal
this. i dont think his leg will ever be healthy again qnd he uses it as a mental crutch to blame his inconsistency on.
If you watch Tochinoshin in the past you can clearly see the signs of injury which is slowing him down this time around
It starts with his techniques, he's not trying to get inside and do his patented brand of power sumo where gets hold of your belt and lifts you out like a little babby, and that's likely because of the shoulder injury that was rumored he got during this past offseason
Instead he's doing a lot of pushing and thrusting moves, you barely even see him try to go for the belt in these last 4 matches
He's done this type of thing in the past too, whenever he wasn't feeling healthy enough to do his power lifting sumo, he would resort to this lackluster pushing and thrusting and end with a losing record
We're either gonna see him withdraw at some point or he'll end up with a losing record again and be forced to get a winning record in the next tournament to keep his rank
He'll probably end up losing his rank though and then something will happen to fuck up his body even worse where he slides down the rankings and eventually calls it quits once he's out of the top division
that's just how georgians look. it's the existential dread of being a country that's always gonna be haunted by the phrase 'oh, like the state?'
Tochi is gonna go 0/8 then drop out, calling it now.
>day 5 of the basho
>having 0 wins
i seriously hope you don't do this...
Gaga lost again.
the nigger needs to lose some weight. he gassed in 6 seconds and then just gave up.
The big guys comming!
Tochi walking in like he ate a pharamcy's worth of painkillers.
Maybe his last bout this basho.
Hell knows what officials are up to.
I always use the pause after juryo to go back in the streaming and see some lower division bout
Hoshoryu tried like 5 different techniques today lmao
his bout is some 1 hour and 18 minutes back in the streaming right now; you can use sumoDB and names of rikishi to understand who was fighting at some moment so you can move up/down in the stream timeline if necessary to find someone you are interested in; I watched Shiraishi too but that was harder to find
>not posting the white giant Kotooshu
Because he retired, faggot!
>1 hour and 18
*1 hour and 25 now
Salt-man again won.
He going full-mad.
teru is so fucking fun to watch, he's like enho, but instead of fangirls he has a fist full of salt
at least salty showed him yesterday where his place is.
Oh boy, Kaisei had such a good run few bashos before, but now he is totally fucked up.
Injury as the moderation is saying.
>oshoryu tried like 5 different techniques
That was a great fight. That fucker is going to Juryo next basho if he keeps it up.
Tochi will be the first rikishi to OD on painkillers during a basho.
hakuho sweating profusely
this is the end
Solid yoritaoshi
but then to _stay_ in Juryo he needs +5 Kg at least and more experience to defend himself from other's attacks; Roga is another 20yo from Mongolia that looks promising: he even won a play-off against Terunofuji the last March
and speaking of young folks, 24yo M7 Tomokaze has been in professional sumo only 2 years, never had a losing tournament, and he's already 5-0 in Nagoya: impressive!
enho with a frontal force out, ichinojo might keep it together, both yokozuna winning comfortably, tochokenoshin mogged and maybe no update tomorrow
thats not the honorable way for him to end himself
Tochi continuing his dumb sumo complete with more feeble pull attempts
May as well drop out of the tournament, rest for a month and then spend a month training his mental demons away.
every basho endo throws tochi on that knee he starts sucking for the rest of the tourney
Blease Takayasu win this basho, erase the chokemaster tendency from your beya. channel that bullfrog-bear energy and not choke against hakuho
he's gonna choke, can't even beat a fucking retired yokozuna who was the weakest yokozuna ever
>weakest yokozuna ever
Not while Futahaguro and Wakanohana III are still in the record books.
Ichinojo wins again!
The Championship is at hand!
Snorlax lumbers!
Return to Sekiwake soon!
Future Yokozuna!
Is such a win even possible when they're over 200 pounds?
If you're strong enough yeah. Chiyonofuji actually became known for it earlier on in his career and it resulted in a slew of shoulder problems. It wasn't until he changed his fighting style that he was able to push his way to yokozuna.
For me, it's Enho
Here's Abi using that technique (not as spectacularly) on a 200kg guy!
It's not about weight, it's about leverage and technique.
Now that Tochinoshin is officially cancelled who is the next Great White Sumo Hope?
Taka has so much potential but he chokes. The man hits like a truck I thought he was gonna knock out his opponent the other day. He needs to get over the hump.
What's the likelihood of Aoiyama going on a surprise ozeki run? Because he's the youngest white guy in sumo right now. Other than the Mongolians, the only younger foreigners are one Hawaiian and one Filipino.
What about that half negro from Texas?
He's being officially listed as from Nagasaki so he doesn't count against the foreigner limit.
Who’s going to win the tournament then, lads?
Hakuho wins lol
Hakuho you fucking idiot. Always Hakuho.
HakuGOAT............. or E N H O
Over the past two and half years there has only been one tournament where Hakuho did not either withdraw due to injury, or win.
Why can't everyone else be as good as him? What the fuck is their problem?
For me, it's you ColombiaBro
>be rikishi
>be 40 years old and still fighting in sandanme
That one midget mongol
The only real midget is Enho and he's a Jappy chappy.
Tochinoshin is out.
Feels bad. He's in a tough spot. I don't know specifically what's up with his knee but if it requires surgery he'll be out for months and surely fall in the rankings. If he comes back too soon he can re-injure it. Very unfortunate circumstances.
It's the best! Cant see that mess.
He should cure out his injuries and return.
Maybe he shouldnt have even started.
backup stream in case D i is down:
You now remember him choking it away to Tamawashi
You now remember Kotooshu
Hey mate, why do your lads produce as more sumo wrestlers than any other mainland US state?
American football takes anyone with size and strength. its why we have less people in other strength sports than we probably should. Easiest college scholarship to get is for football, and the nfl minimum salary, if you make it to one of the 53 players on a team, is 480,000 a year and 100k increase a year.
Will we actually see a decent performance from this fella?
Of Course.
Hakuho teaches him Mongol techniques
Both Enho and Ishiura are Hakuho's students. He had always wanted the both to flank him on his dohyo-iri. That has not happened yet and Ishiura is back down on Juryo.
When is video review used? Is it only if the judges don't intervene?
Whenever monoii is called there is a judge in the video room who participates in the huddle via an earpiece in the chief judge's ear, if I'm not mistaken
Video review is at the discretion of the other judges, they give their input whenever there's a judge's conference.
I don't know.
Strength based sports like wrestling, judo, weightlifting are most popular here as throughout caucasus. That might be a contributing factor.
>Ichinojo is younger than you
It's entertaining when they're actually sumo wrestling but all these rituals before each match take so damn long. Be way more fun if it was just wrestling
Just skip through it lol
>3 wins in almost 4 years
Nigger needs to learn how to type, dig a ditch, something.
>but all these rituals before each match take so damn long
What is Murrican football all about? niggers going to their position, few seconds of crash-bumm-bang, and than they need 5 minuts to sort their shit, just for another few seconds of action.
YOU, ARE AN IDIOT! I dont even wanna talk about baseball, because thats the same shit.
>Toshitnochin out
There's still the question of "why starting at all if you're in such a dire shape?".
>Aoiyama v Hakuho
They got some beef between them or what? Why is Manboobs disrespecting his yokozuna like that?
Anyway, pretty decent effort from the Bulgarian there, didn't think he had that in him.
>why starting at all if you're in such a dire shape?
Because sumo wrestlers are dumb as fuck due to being brought up in an environment where it's deemed more "honorable" to LIE about your fucked up condition and go shit up the dohyo handing out victories with some piss ass "sumo" than it is to take a break to heal and recover properly from injury.
Rikishi were treated as disposable in the past, because they were, and that mindset still exists to some extent today. Even among the rikishi themselves. That's just the way it is.
>this angry displace middle-eastern user
Sorry we bombed your house, Haj, but seething about it like that doesn't help.
Sure, but somehow Takakeisho managed to stay out of Nagoya, how come?
Because his stablemaster isn't an idiot and put his foot down, which is a herculean feat given he has to content with both Takakeisho and Papakeisho in addition to the typical Sumo Association nonsense.
Yet there's no Papanoshin around and, from what I hear on Chris' channel, Tochi himself is pretty darn aware of the state of his body.
And he still goes in. Shit's ridiculous.
Hopefully someone will learn from this, make him skip a tournament or two and heal.
That being said, can he get demoted in absentia? As in: if he really skips two tournaments to heal, it doesn't work and he just retires; would he keep his current rank or get thrashed back to juryo like the filthy gaijin he is?
Exceptions to the norm, my man. They're always there. For every Takakeisho there's a Tochinoshin, an Ikioi, Keisei, and every other rikishi out their shitting up the dohyo with their broke ass "sumo".
Hell, Aminishiki is already talking about coming back, and that dude's 40 and was already in a knee brace before he fucked it up again this basho.
Even if these guys had an "official" sumo doctor, they wouldn't listen to him, OR, he'd end up getting corrupted to "save face" somehow in the way only the Japs can understand.
>That being said, can he get demoted in absentia? As in: if he really skips two tournaments to heal, it doesn't work and he just retires; would he keep his current rank or get thrashed back to juryo like the filthy gaijin he is?
Wins are the only thing that matter for rank. Doesn't matter if he shows up and loses 15 straight, or if he misses an entire tournament: both count as 0 wins. Look up Terunofuji.
Welp. Better retire while still on top (relatively speaking) than going down.
>Look up Terunofuji.
What in the fuck.
that's why you watch based kinta
I start smashing the right arrow as soon as the bout ends. Maybe watch a replay if it was a good one
watch a 20 minute Natto video in about 5 minutes
They lose money and rank if they sit out. This is the reason they fight hurt. Look how often they drop out as soon as they get to 8 wins because they can then keep their money and rank
he's storming his way up the lower divisions though, expect to see him back up in the top division again competing with these guys by the end of the year
Next year at the earliest, he'll definitely be spending at least one more tournament in makushita, and juryo is a lot more of a grinder than a lot of people realize, especially for old broken down guys. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes it to juryo but gets steamrolled up there.
I'm expecting him to make it to juryo, get sent back down to makushita, and then retire, all next year.
Some jonidan dude just did a crazy flip out of a half-nelson and landed on his feet. Lost, but scored cool points.
inb4 Tochi comes back day 8 and gets 8 straight wins all with henkas
Maybe later, dude.
wtf why was he holding him down?
because he's an asshole
Tochinoshin's injury and Oyakata explanation:
Health certificate:
Left shoulder rotator cuff sprain. 左肩腱板断裂
Left shoulder infraspinatus muscle tear - 左肩棘下筋筋断裂
Right knee ligament after rebuilding, fracture - 右膝前十字靱帯(じんたい)再建後再断裂
Right knee meniscus -右膝半月板損傷
Right knee osteoarthritis- 右変形性膝関節症
1 month to heal.
Kasugano Oyakata says the main reason for the kyujo is the pain from the old right knee injury. "The status of an Ozeki is not 'you win some and lose some'. You shouldn't be barely making kachikoshi. He gambarized but he just couldn't stand his ground. He couldn't even exert half of his power. He wasn't doing disappointing sumo, he was losing overwhelmingly. There's a limit to everything.." he said. The kyujo was decided upon after his loss to Asanoyama. After his day 4 loss to Ryuuden kyujo was discussed but Tochinoshin asked to try one more time, but he lost badly again. "He is disappointed and I'm also feeling that it's inexcusable.. I thought that if he could win one bout it would be the best medicine for him, but it didn't go that way," added Kasugano Oyakata. "His shoulder pains are related to the knee pains," said the oyakata, suggesting that his overall physical balance has crumbled. Surgery is not on the table, so to speak. "He didn't tear the ligament, so.." As for returning to the basho- "Any way you think about it the knee isn't suddenly going to heal," summed the Oyakata.
I think he was mad at himself for his own sumo
He doesnt.
How is he so based, bros?
OH NO NO NO, get off the hype train!
Whats based on him?
I guess he is the one, who sucks off the other rikishi.
He clearly just almost lost his balance and can't afford getting injured so he used him to retain his balance
VERY weird post
He just touched him, signalizing, that
'it was a good fight, boy, but you have to learn more!'
Yeah nothing malicious probably
>right knee fracture
>shows up to do professional sumo
best part of todays bouts
he does this alot when hes had what hes felt the othe guy gave him a good bout without evil boy sumo
that too
I'm thinking Takayasu
lel, no
18 and 2 to the goat means probably no
It's his time to shine :^) His unshaven body can't be tamed.
lol. glistening with sweat, the slippery takayasu glides his way to victory
he's in the same stable as kisenosato and that choke artist's choking has rubbed off on takayasu unfortunately
Nothing would improve Takayasu's career more than having some of Kisenosato's ability rub off on him
I think he's one of the more technical guys there is, he's not some one hit wonder like takakeisho or tochinoshin who only focus on one specific aspect of their game, he can push, thrust, use lots of different techniques
the only thing wrong with him is that he learns and practices from kisenosato so the choking mindset sticks around, he can't fucking beat that injured shit in practice bouts how do you expect him to beat actually good yokozuna like hakuho
Funny you should say that because there's only one person who has more experience beating Hakuho than Kisenosato (Harumafuji).
Why doesn’t more Northern Europeans and Americans participate? Guys like J.J Watt and “The Mountain” have the potential to be one of the GOATs.
This might be a stupid question but was there ever a period where there were only yokozuna wrestlers fighting at a basho?
Because the lifestyle and pay of sumo are fucking shit compared to what they could be doing. There's a reason why so many Mongolians have dominated, because the country's so poor that even sumo is a step up.
It's pretty much impossible for that to happen. The highest number of yokozuna at any one time has been 4, most recently in 2017 after Kisenosato was promoted and before Harumafuji retired, and at no point in those five tournaments were all four healthy at the same time.
No, they wouldn't have any potential unless they effectively upended their life and training regime as a whole.
And in general the reason there are few foreigners is because there is extensive, strict requirements to be a rikishi and limited foreigner spots at stables.
i dont think sumo can compete with watt's 100 million dollar 6 year contract hes got with $51M guaranteed. this is without sponsorship and other royalties
To give an idea of how difficult it is to both reach the very top and stay there, the last time there were four yokozuna and all of them stayed healthy for the same tournament was back in November of 1990.
How much potential does Takagenji have
And every single one of them had retired less than two years later, giving sumo its most recent period with zero yokozuna.
How do you become Yokozuna?
it's generally a long process, because you first have to be ozeki rank to be considered for a yokozuna run, but to make it to ozeki you have to have 33 total wins across 3 tournaments
then once you're an ozeki, it's at the discretion of the YDC (yokozuna deliberation council)
in general, it seems that winning back to back tournaments as an ozeki is the surefire way to be approved to become yokozuna, but there have been those in the past that haven't done that model, for example kisenosato got a runner-up in one tournament, but won the next one, and he was chosen to become the most recent yokozuna
so it's all at the discretion of the council once you're an ozeki and start winning tournaments because there's no written process, it's just a bunch of old guys sitting at a roundtable and deciding whether you're worthy to be a yokozuna based on performance
Yokozuna potential.
Guidelines are informal and it's important to note that they were more strict with the promotion standard ever since Futahaguro retired in 1988 (look him up on Wikipedia for a laugh). Since 1988, nobody has been promoted to yokozuna without having won a tournament, and placed no worse than second the tournament before, and there have been 6 cases since 1988 where an ozeki has met this standard and not been promoted. Sumo values image heavily and they don't want to rush in to promoting a new yokozuna who will be a disaster factory. Kisenosato was bad enough and his issues were due to injuries.
>Why doesn’t more Northern Europeans and Americans participate?
You're not going to find many Americans willing to let a bunch of Japs treat them like shit for the "honor" of trying to make sekitori, only to then get treated like shit the way every non-Jap rikishi does by the sumo association and the Jap press.
NOBODY gives a fuck about sumo in the U.S. except a bunch of pussy dorks too afraid to wear a mawashi without some shorts underneath. We have sports programs in place that pay more, are far more popular, and don't force you to be an indentured servant to some Jap dude that's going to treat you like a piece of shit.
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