Tomorrow marks exactly 5 years since The Huelocaust. How will your country be commemorating the day that changed football forever?
Tomorrow marks exactly 5 years since The Huelocaust...
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i don't know about the country but i'll have pizza
I will go to the zoo and visit the monkey exhibition to commemorate the Brazilian genocide.
By winning Copa America.
Imagine if Peru wins 7-1
Good memories, me and me dad couldn't stop chuckling to each other
>5 years since me and my gf had an irreparable fight (not related to the match)
Hold me bros
You bastard, you planned everything even the chilean referee.
Nothing against Brazil, but I'd literally die of laughter if Peru beat you. To lose in the final stages of yet another home tournament, on the 5th anniversary of the semi-final solution, would be pretty fucking hilarious. I mean probably not to you, but definitely for the rest of us.
hey guys what have you done since then
Look. Brasimian. I know you're a macaque so I'll keep the explanation simple, as to not overburden your miniscule, primitive brain.
Your nation has a population of 210 million. That's right, there are 210 million products of miscegenation hopping around in trees in Brazil. All of those little bastards are obsessed with football. You would think that would translate to continual success. But what we've seen in the last decade and a half is just hilarious. In 2010 you were knocked out by a country of 17 million, in 2018 by a country of 11 million. In 2014 you lost 7-1. You absolutely suck at the only sport you're supposed to excel at.
After having been proving to be awful hosts in 2014 and 2016, you have decided to host the Copa Americaca. And again, it's proven how awful of a nation Apezil is. Corruption, bad pitches, robberies, murders: we've seen it all. But your country's only sport needed to be saved so you decided to rig an irrelevant cup in your favor. Sad, because in 2022 you'll probably get knocked out by Denmark or Bulgaria anyway.
Imagine if we win 5-0... wait, that already happened.
no u
Semi-Final Solution is funnier
What the fuck dude, why all this hatred? What got you so assmad about hues?
I'm ok with Peru winning since it would make a nice storyline for them, I'm just glad argies and chileANOs were BTFO.
>reposts his shitpost from the other thread since he didn't get any (You)s
How much of an attention whore are you?
Its a hue using a dutch proxy, he exposed himself earlier today when he referred to Brazil as "bostil", no one but hues uses this word to insult Brazil. He has also done this kind of larping with other flags in the past.
must be a gayúcho
>not having 2 dads
Last thread i asked you about the screenshot got deleted, can you (hopefully for the last time) confirm me youre the guy in the screencap?
no, that is not me
I was the first post in that thread
Oh, i see, thanks for being sincere tho
Why does time go by so fast, bros?
By watching our dykes get slaughtered.
Please kill them.
Jesus. Has it been 5 years already?
this kills the macaco
sopa de basado
Is there a bigger laughing stock in the sporting world besides Brazil? Canada comes close but not quite there
No i aint got the gay
Imma let you guess