Argentindios btfo.
Aguero stomped on his own feet lmao;
Argentindios btfo
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delete this ;_: they lost a 2-0 game only because of refball
WHy there are no argenchinos in this thread
Because it's too easy to BTFO of you favela monkeys who replaced the ref with a Chilean one who was suspended close to a year for corruption.
Hang yourselves, subhuman monkeys
I haven't see this angle yet, God argenchinos are such faggots.
They are to busy CHORANDO
Nobody even cared for this, brazil should have been down to 10 since the first half because of alves.
Bruh youre so lucky you have an american flag. If you had an unique flag youd be worse than twain
macaco, the only reason his left foot trips on his right foot is because alves rams into him from the left.
LOOK at how all his body goes to the right. clear ramming, clear penalty.
More like clear dive, pathetic cope.
I dont know why you are having a hard time swallowing this defeat, since you are pretty used to losing. Just look at the past 25 years
>this is a dive in hueland
>they are the same who said Ligue 1 plays murderball
Why are mist sudacas such cunts when it comes to footy
More like Alves approched Aguero to guard him and the mouthbreader didn't saw (or maybe even deliberately) run into him. Clear dive, he tripped himself and wasn't even looking where he was going.
youve been absolutely seething for hours, go and have some wine and calm down pls user
I arrived like 10 minutes ago though
its pretty much a dive
he clearly steps on dani alves foot, stumble on his own then dives on the field as if it was a fucking swimming pool. Should be yellow for stepping on dani alves foot, and other for such a pathetic dive
O argenCHINO
> for hours,
Its been 3 days already
pathetic, you're on par with flat earthers
>slow motion op footage clearly show aguero stepping on dani alves foot and then diving
YOU are the one denying clear evidence, retard.
>Only showing the feet and not the collision
macaco, you zoom in with no context, I show you the whole picture, why it happens, because alves rams into him.
the sad thing is that you could have said "hehe get fucked argentine tehehe" but the fact that you want to twist it just shows how affected you are by it. pussy bitch.
I'd respect someone more for just admitting they're robbing everyone blind and don't care because the ends justify it
Pretending you're a bunch of imbeciles however, disgusting subhuman cannibal monkeys
America & France joining forces once again to battle subhuman filth
Me buscabas macaco?
Quedate tranquilo que ya toda tu corrupciĆ³n va a salir a la luz
>cropping Alves' upper body so we don't see him shoving Aguero
Ok. It was a penal. End of game: 2x1 Brasil.
You still lose faggot! LEL
Why wasn't Aguero red carded for stomping on Alves? That's probably why he pushed him.
we are in an imageboard you ape
Estos putos siempre lloran
Shhh, let the monkey eaters have their fun
fuck off beaner
Based Pierre
dry your tears
...and still losing as per usual KEK, how do those Vietnam boots taste like in your sister's mouth, you frail imbecile?
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, MAS PUTOOOOON.
The fuck are you on about?! You trying to justify that foot stomp, you Suduca ass bitch?!
O my rubber nen
nice samefagging dirty macaco, Bolsonaro had to buy the copa so your people can have at least something happy in their lives
also 7-1
seething indio
>even w/ a CLEAR SLOW MOTION video argentindios are simply denying the truth being thrown at their faces
What a pathetic people. Bad losers.
this is why brazil is a violent shithole