do you like watersports?
Do you like watersports?
Porn is degenerate
It’s a pretty solid fetish. Drinking piss is obviously too extreme for most people but the practice of pissing with company is a very cute and romantic experience
you are degenerate for posting on this shitposting website and replying to porn threads
>posting your degenerate fetishes on a blue board
that's a nice cock
says the loser that spams mlp crops everywhere
you americans are weird man
you forgot to say no homo
That's pretty sad desu
she's just your average woman when you really think about it
not really, one's gotta exploit whatever God gifted to him/her and that's what this girl did
The attractive women fuck millionaires instead of doing porn
imagine the life of this girl
there are better ways to do it but yeah all women are supposed to use their sex appeal to their advantage
Porn is better than real sex
a lot of them fuck dogs and eat human shit for filthy rich arabs in dubai
If only you knew how bad things would become
annette was the best
too bad she never did any scat
at least she doesn't do it for free
remember folks, never have daughters
Rational and pipepilled
>yfw you realize these are someones daughters
Based pajeet.