Please watch cricket
Please watch cricket
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I do
I do mate
highest IQ sport
this is the thread
i dont get it
How is this shit sport still going, seriously
where's the touchdown and the literally who's the quarterback
the bowler sent a swinging cherry right into his off-stump
only neets watch cricket
>sissy baseball
>Using gloves to catch a ball
>Not sissy
Not a fucking chance. I'd rather watch baseball, hell I'd rather watch little league softball than cr*cket
First match ever held in the USA. Many lives lost unfortunately :(
Why does Northern Ireland not have a team
Genuinely more boring than baseball
swarm of bees
>pakis play it
>not sissy
Can't find that thread
Is he alright
I think the Irish team is mostly Northern players
Unironically, how do you not love this sport. The memes are incredible
What the fuck is this? How have I never seen this incident before.
holy shit lmao
This webm makes me rock hard every time. What league should I follow anons?
someone explain this shit pls
shit game. worst thing you cunts ever did when you came over was bring this shit with you.
Hairy wog hands typed this despicable post.
t. Gianni Pappadopolos
big cock /hoc/
small dick /cric/
If you know baseball somewhat, the player who was out came off his "base" and was "tagged out" via the bowler hitting the wicket. In a sense, the wicket is part of the batter.
Looks like an awkward situation.
Yeah. And it's funny how cricket haters are always called wogs since the Bruce "Bazzas" and Gary "Gazzas" can't accept the world is moving on from plodding boomer sport like cricket and baseball (living in the States for the past decade, it's kinda the same. Kids picking up real footy and sports like basketball in favor).
Who wants to watch chubby cunts like Warne and such stand around for 12 hours, when you can watch and emulate real athletes like Ronaldo and Curry?
>inb4 wog.
I do.
>bowlers bowl with an overarm action
lmao why even mention that, isn't that obvious, it is not like you could bowl underarm??
never again fren
Probably to avoid confusion, since the term bowling does imply a ball thrown underhanded low to the ground. Reason cricket bowlers are called bowlers is because they once-upon-a-time bowled the ball underhanded on the ground toward the batter.
So could you throw a really low underarm ball? Is there a limitation on how low you can bowl? Unlike baseball there is no strike zone, right?
Don't bait the Kiwis lad
business idea: can you just roll the ball on the ground? it would be impossible to bat. i am surprised nobody thought of that! or is it illegal?
>Is there a limitation on how low you can bowl?
Yes. Rolling the ball on the ground is illegal now. You have to give the batter a "good ball" or it doesn't count as a delivery. Think of cricket as an inversion of baseball. A batter faces a lineup of "pitchers." The good ball rule is to prevent a shitty bowler from just throwing unhittable balls throughout his over (bowlers have a limited "pitch count" so to speak of 6 balls when they're up) so he can hand it off to a better bowler.
You also can't bend your elbow when bowling.
>can you just roll the ball on the ground? it would be impossible to bat. i am surprised nobody thought of that! or is it illegal?
Yeah. Illegal. As I said in another post. Cricket, in a way, does have a pseudo-strikezone that the bowler must deliver the ball into or it could be deemed a no-ball.
>no strike zone
The wicket is like a strike zone. If the bowler breaks it with the ball, the batter is out.
Btw, swinging and missing is a non-event.
new zealand on suicide watch
This is hilarious:
>tests had proved Saeed Ajmal (pictured), a Pakistani spin bowler, one of the most successful in the game, has an illegal action. In other words, he is a chucker.
I have no idea who he is, but how can one possibly not know that someone bowls illegally for presumably a very long time and a special expertise is required to prove that. Reminds me of a Malcolm in the middle episode about speed walking (Hal noticed on the video that his rival cheats by lifting both feet off the ground).
Based australian banter
I'm not really sure why cricket rules are so hung up on use of the elbow, as I don't know how much advantage a bowler/defense could gain from it. It's very difficult to get a batter out as it is, they've been known to bat for hours at time, so the slight advantage in control, spin, velocity, etc a bowler would gain wouldn't unbalance the sport.
I'm sure a more hardcore cricket fan could explain it. Maybe it's akin to the balk in baseball, since it pitchers were allowed more footwork latitude, they would be unhittable (think of some kind of side step curveball or something) and no one would could ever steal a base.
He got Mankad'd
I watch for the groin shots
this is a nice thread lads
look at that spin on that bowl
if cricket was a poster, he would be greece
I think Indians are gross so I will not watch this sport.
>the baseballs dying and soccer and basketball is skyrocketing in popularity cliche
fuck off wog, the only thing actually going up is second tier affluent sports like hockey, rugby, and lacrosse. most soccer kid "fans" are neets in training that don't bother to play competitively
it is shakib bro
It is my college
It's always the same thing with them: participation. They purposefully ignore the dogshit tv ratings that professional soccer gets because it completely destroys their narrative that soccer is growing. Soccer is Aus has worse tv ratings than ever. It's the least popular it's ever been here.
unironically think this the closest to an ‘unplayable’ ball from a fast bowler I’ve ever seen, lots of balls get called unplayable but aren’t at all really
"nationally" televised games on espn2 here for example get outdrawn or similar ratings to such ratings monsters like the pan-american games, regular season nfl games from the prior year in the middle of the off-season, baseball rain delay shows, nascar pre-race shows, the tour de france, etc all on similarly accessible channels. it's a joke
I would love to but don't have sky. Wheres it streamed?
Muzzie terrorist attack. ICC covered it up
how did somebody invent this sport
Harris to chef was unplayable, this was just a good delivery
kek fucking based
it's similar here. Going by tv ratings alone soccer would barely break into the top 10 sports here.
im slowly getting there eventually hold on
Kek no brainlet, that ball is a meme, cook was a foot movementlet and played a big hand in making it look special, that Anderson ball is actually more deadly and would defeat more batsmen
Sport with highest integrity
Ta fella
We can all agree that the 2013 Ashes series was absolutely fucking kino, though, right?
>johnson and harris in the form of their life
>england competitive despite the score lines
>record crowds for every game
>GOAT threads on Yea Forums for it
>amazing banter, broken fucking arm johnson shh etc
Live cricket game boys
Get it while it's hot
Mate he didn't ask you to understand, just to watch
you dont see this in other sports
cricket is the most aesthetic and therefore the most high IQ sport
as a freak ball yeah
in terms of the elements that make a perfect delivery, don't think you can look past Harris to Cook at Perth in 2013
beauty is the highest form of art innit bla x
>Beauty is a form of Genius--is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of those who have it.
Only one sport on the planet is called the beautiful game.
Because cricket isn't up it's own arse nor insecure enough to call their own sport "the beautiful game." that's just pathetic. One only needs to watch cricket to see how aesthetic it actually is.
Where the Warney spinner .webms at?
I am a watcher of cricket
bloody lovely
Everything about it is pure kino. The delivery itself is only amplified by the context of the delivery and the series.
Absolute legend
Greatest spin bowler of all time
Absolute kino
fuck this shit
I’m on mobile and can tell just from the thumbnail it’s warne to Strauss 2005 ashes bowled trying to leave
this ball is so reddit
fuck it
what's your favourite dismissal then zachy
This is up there
thoughts on harris's wicket mate
like it but not one of my favourites
all because of Johnson's pornstache
love a great spell of bowling
love a match saving gritty knock
love a Kandy minefield
love a hard bouncy Perth deck
love a green Hamilton seamer
do i get a complimentary paki cric gf?
this is the post