damn... powerful...
Damn... powerful
I bet you think those articles you read on facebook are real, don't you lad?
after getting redpilled i appreciate these comics unironically
gotta insert a happy merchant somewhere and throw in a ben garrison sig
>The Onion
This is ironic satire, retard. They're making fun of Americans that think like this. And depressingly, there ARE Americlaps who unironically think like this.
>americans complain about cultural imperialism
oh the ironing
why is a french person representing all europeans?
This dude is a strawman factory.
France ran Europe for hundreds of years
>cultural imperialism
I don't see any frenchies in op
Most dominant people of the continent
I have no idea what that image is trying to convey
>of the continent
At least you're self-aware :)
No, the most egregious
Same. And in my opinion that's a good thing
i dont understand... is the author implying being fat isnt alarming ?
he's a colossal lardball irl
Absolute cringe
USA used to export culture. Now it's the other way around
>Hueposter in charge of cringe
I can't find his picture, could you post it?
>there are people who actually take these seriously
Why are american political comics such garbage
why do you have to label everything
It's The Onion, a satirical newspaper that prints literally fake news. It's supposed to be 90% nonsensical and 10% "wait, how is the World Cup 'cultural imperialism'". It's making fun of Americans who think soccer is some threat to our eagle-flying, freedom-having fast black sports
It’s satire m8
He’s jabbing at the crazies that hated on Michelle Obama for her attempts at making the nation healthier by weight initiatives and whatnot
I thought you yuros pretended to be smart, fucking hell
The first one is making fun of people who had a problem with Michelle Obama's initiatives to get kids to exercise and eat well. The second one is making fun of people who think women wearing leggings is some great degeneration of society. In other words, we're picking on boomers.
So hell is just a giant Star Wars meet-n-greet
Oh, wonder if he knows that sudden death hasn't been a part of international football for more than 15 years
I do love me some 7-1ball
you guys are fucking idiots
>no Lady Liberty shedding a tear
Shit cartoon.
Man I miss golden goal
WTF is this cartoon even trying to say
American exceptionalism dies when >we start doing stuff the rest of the world does. Like enjoying soccer. Except the butt of the joke in this strip are actually the pathetic losers who believe that nonsense.
mocking americans who think soccer is somehow a threat to sports like american football
>America can't create a single popular sport because all their sports are literally made for nigger-tier intelligence
They may rule movies and TV because fat low IQ retards watch those, but they'll never have a good sport.
What's funny is they portray soccer as some badass cutthroat sport when it's the most pussy sport of all time
And it hilariously assumes that the few US fans who care about soccer are also NFL fans
Legit nonsensical garbage cartoon
>no niggers on the american football side so betas can sympathize with america’s side against the foreign invaders without realizing the hypocrisy
>T. doesn't understand real football or America
it's satire user
Imagine having this level of cope
Soccer is my favorite sport but it's probably the lowest IQ sport
>Statue of Liberty is shown crying in half his cartoons
>has her crying tears of happiness in this one
okay now that was clever
Really makes you think.
>mfw this cartoon was right
>mfw the nazis were right
>mfw hitler was right
KEK is that a real tweet from the UK Embassy?
Yeah. We can't make jokes like that any more as you all got butthurt.
The americans are the biggest cultural imperialists in the world. This "artist' is a retard.
It is ironic Ben Garrison
to be fair you lads can't handle the bantz either
Nobody gives two shits about woman football.
Love the stuff them shirts say all the time tbqh
Fuck off /int/. You were worse than /pol/
It's satire you retarded fag.
Yeeeeaaaahh mmm hmm? Oh this guys "with it" yeah
Pretty much tbqh he even labels everything like him.
yes you do nigger don’t act like it don’t matter now
It doesn't. Don't mistake the beeb shilling it for people actually being interested.
How the fuck am I supposed to know this you fucking coon?
Why do burger political comics always have to label eveything for the reader?
Are they too afraid the average mutt won't get it otherwise?
you guys were ass devastated on here. gayest shit I've seen on this site in a while especially when you all talk about america not handling banter. women's fucking divegrass
>people still thinking the tea thing was related to Brits
She's a mid 20s American woman - she has no concept of any culture outside of Instagram. She's indicating "That's the Tea." (Tea = Drama in their brain dead minds)
Based schizo poster
have sex
lose weight
now this is gold
Having a lot of laughs at the staggering number of retards who think these comics are in any way serious. Thanks you guys. Sometimes I really do begin to think that this site might harbor some actual intelligence, but you guys always set me straight.
Why does the African looj Greek?
Remove the author, replace the signature and it's perfect
there's no way those pants are comfortable
Post the anime edit
Hilarity being that American Football has two original sources; rugby and 'soccer'. These are the original rules. It wasn't until Walter Camp changed the rules in 1880 that it became something else. Still, has routes in British invented games. Baseball is also another British game. So is ice hockey. Basketball was created by a 'Canadian' which was a British colony at the time, so essentially British. I dunno. Cultural Imperialism is everywhere in sport, largely springing from UK.
Holy fuck so many zoomers itt that don’t get Kelly comics
And that's a good thing
This thread all but confirms Yea Forums is the dumbest board on 4channel
Ben "One Man Holocaust" Garrison strikes again!