Tomorrow, we are all Dutch.
Tomorrow, we are all Dutch
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i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
Fuck you kanker mof. You got defeated by a nation that eats dogs.
Thank you my anglo friend. May our /elite/ friendship last forever.
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
hope america wins so all you dutch-hating cunts who only support us for match will seethe
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
I already bought my full kit
i love the swampniggers
Fkin full kit wanker!
Please beat those faggot uppity dykes
t. America
And have our footballdykes come home all feminazied and bitching about equal pay?
No way. Lets just hope some muslims blows himself up and takes the whole lot with him.
I hope there are no wardrobe malfunctions or spontaneous lesbian kissing
Don't try to be American, its quite cringe when you people do it.
Can you imagine haha. That'd be so weird haha.
>bitching about equal pay
Why would there be when there's already equal pay?
sure thing toothpaste
imagine if morgan scores a goal but then trip and her clothes all rip off and then rapinoe jumps on her and they start having sex hahaha would be very weird haha
I hope we lose. If we win, all the papers, news, social media, tv, EVERYTHING will be all about "LE WOMYN WON A WC BEFORE THE MEN AND THEY'RE STILL EARNING LESS!!!!"
should have left sweden go through then you fags
no they wont kanker FvD mongool
I'm with the US in this one. Fuck aquafresh
Imagine being in the locker room after the match when they all take off their socks
Why did Brazilians suddenly become obsessed with Dutch?
Niks mis met FvD
Oh yes they will.
Some user with a dutch proxy triggered a bunch of hues and now they all hate us.
alles mis mee brainlet
If it's not Italy is always Netherlands or Germany, count me in fra
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
Helemaal niet
God i hope the US beat the dutch wankers
Dont lie to yourself Fritz, you love us.
Which of these names sounds the most like a pornstar name?
you gotta take one for the team her lad. blame robben for being a choke merchant
Crystall Dunn
but they're not earning less you absolute retard mong
get your fucking garbage identity politics out of my country, american bullshit
Yes they are you fucking retarded nigger.
The KNVB is PLANNING on making the wages the same.
Fucking kys whiteknight faggot.
>muh identity politics iz bad
Fuck off
but identity politics is bad, you fucking spaz
Fuck yes
ok, i'll spit on everyone i see
>but they're not earning less
he never said they were
I'm gonna root for USA just so you >women's football watching retards get what you deserve.
please win
Tomorrow I am Dutch because I want my footfu to smile and be happy.
Opkankeren kanker mongool
No self respecting person in the Netherlands truly want our dykes to win. The consequences are unfathomable. Praying for our choking abilities and US superiority.
USA USA USA best nation in the world USA USA USA
Lmao this thread was supposed to be anti US but it is full of hate among random posters towards each other.
>mfw we seed discord and promote butthurt
They are still seething over tea
i dont want to see her cry tomorrow ;_;
>tfw you wont be able to protect her smile
wouldn't a netherlands win just get more press coverage because of what a huge upset it would be?
meanwhile the us womens team already had more world cups than any other team. what more do they need to prove?
nah, fuck them
> falling for an actual hiplet
Have sex
>3 "co-captains"
>271 caps
What a fucking joke
Fuck you faggot she's cute
I love Morgan and badly want to impregnate Lavelle but overall the Dutch Team has way better QTs on average
> Literally would say no if she confessed her undying love to me
> Would feel very uncomfortable because she's not thick enough even for casual sex
> I've ghosted cuter girls than her
I love her so much. I just want her to have a good match tomorrow and be happy with her performance no matter the outcome.
>tfw you will never console her after a loss by combing her hair over the top of her ear with your fingertips until she lifts her head up off your chest and warms your heart and soul with a loving, appreciative smile reserved only for you.
Why even live?
Nah, I want USA to win and make every other single country unhappy about cuntball, then maybe I don't have to deal with "AS NOSSAS MENINAS" in the future and Marta can go suck a dick for a living
i can't find recent numbers but as of 2018:
USWNT Overall
Wins: 500
Losses: 65
Draws: 74
those are the numbers that matter, friend.
no one cares 2bh
have sex
Another mans garbage truly is another mans prize
>lusting after curvy third worlders whose bodies will look like a snowman's after the first 40 degree day in late winter
She's gorgeous.
She will birth you physically stunted children
I'm saving myself for Jackie. I followed her on Insta but she hasn't followed me back or answered any of my messages I sent.
I'm just going to start mailing cash to the KNVB headquarters c/o her and hope she is impressed.
oh shit lads its the algerian city faggot LMAO
we can do it bros
Must be nice to live in a country with women so attractive that Jackie is considered anyone's trash. I spend my days navigating a sea of ham planets, single moms with a niglet or two in tow, and literal goblinas.
>tfw you will never share a blanket in the lawn seats of a music festival, getting up "begrudgingly" as she playfully pulls you up to dance with her to a song you really don't like.
Why can't people like her come live here instead of third worlders?
Kek any guy could claim he's banged over 200 women. Depends what kind. Looks like a massive faux alpha faggot. Also a lanklet. Good to know the competition is weak
This, I hope the Netherlands wins
That guy is just larping dude. Social media is all over her.
Enjoy your girls cellulite ridden, pockmarked ass cheeks when she gets older. Blech. Buttcheeks resembling two sacks of gravel through her yoga pants.. yuck.
In all seriousness, she's sweet and cute looking but I've literally said no to cuter girls. Also if you're high-test you will inevitably gravitate towards more curvy women. It really comes down to who you are and what crowds you frequent around. But I do get why some of you are nuts for her. I probably would have crushed on her when I was a teenage boy. I remember I had a massive crush on Miley fucking Cyrus at the age of 17. But times change I guess. Maybe they will for you to.
I hope your mom gets run over by a train of negros
Sure, because curvy girls aren't capable of a healthy lifestyle/working out. Also who said I would continue to fuck them after the age of 30 and not find myself a new 21 year old hottie?
Have you heard her speak? Is she as annoying as the girls on the US team?
Alex Morgan blamed muh patriarchy on the backlash she got for her sipping tea celly.. is she one of "them"?
Nah, probably two childs trying to start some shit. just ignore them.
Oh my god social media is all over her?!
Typically I'm drawn to more curvy women as well. Something about her smile makes me want to "accidentally" not pull out in time though.
Pretty based tbdesu.
No she talks really innocently and maybe a bit too nice.
You probably dont understand a thing of what she says but its pretty obvious what she's like.
I'd be all over her too if you know what I mean.
Her smile feels off to me. It's cute and I get the appeal, but I hate those smiles where a woman shows to much of that dental flesh or whatever you call it in English. Her teeth aren't that pretty honestly, neither are her lips. She just has this nice aura that men find pleasing. Shame she's not curvy at all tho.
speak for yourself
she really looks british
I'm not, fuck you tim krul
Yeah. Don't know what she's saying but the way she plays with her hair and bites on her finger when she talks is speaking a universal language.
it's the paleness
It's called gummy smile and while I do agree that its usually not appealing, for some reason it looks good on her.
Pls win Dutch girls, were all depending in you to beat these dykes.
Tomorrow I am Dutch, Mexican and Peruvian. The good guys will triumph over evil!
Are we still in the tournament, lads?
Jackie a cute, A CUTE
> for some reason something that's usually not now suddenly is
Sounds to me like you're in love with a qt on tv user. Control yourself!
Her gums you mean? I get it..different strokes for different folks I suppose.
I do agree that the lack of curves is a detriment to her overall appeal. If she had hips and an ass I'd be full blown obsessed tbdesu.
You made it to the Gold Cup final m8, well played.
I’m rooting for a Dutch to win because of the bantz of their women win in before their men,
That's basically blonde Carli Lloyd though
If she had better teeth (larger actual teeth, reducing the gum line) and slightly stronger facial bones, more defined lips (hers are a bit bland) + a good set of curves. Then yeah she'd be perfect. But those are a bunch of factors so she's clearly far off the perfect woman.
Her massive appeal though is that she's not a dyke, thot, bitter bitch or any other modern hellspawn that men secretly despise but otherwise end up dating due to lack of options. Men are naturally drawn to sweet, innocent and nurturing women. She's all three. Pretty sad tho that a girl like that steals the show on those qualities due to them being rare.
In grim darkness of our current year.. there are only sour bitches
Are there any other girls on the team that approach her level of desirability? Not like I want to cum all over her face desirable but like spend a night watching movies in bed with her while you draw things on her bare back with your fingertips while she tries to guess what you're drawing kind of desirable.
Im rooting for your country to get nuked by the US
530 cito gedetecteerd
Interesting take. I can see what you're saying after seeing a few interviews with her. She has a feminine charm that is naturally appealing to most men. A charm that, as you pointed out, is noticeably absent in women nowadays.
You see how insufferable the women on our side are. Purple haired dykes and the like...
rose lavelle
christen press
allie long
adrianna franch (c-list unironically misspelled artist name tier)
Allie Long
Rose Lavelle
Definitely not Becky Sauerbrunn
Yeah I get you bro. Your dykes appear way more masculine than ours tho. Even our dyke overlord goalie is still sweet in nature. Meanwhile yours are just vile.. they have the auras of men. It's very unsettling. I don't get why you don't club the whole lot like a community of baby seals
Ik had 543. Daarom zit ik maar op Yea Forums
there is people actually watching this tournament?
very good post
I am peuano
As opposed to the pathetic "invented to make Messi win" Copa?
>invented to make Messi win Copa
Well they didn't do a very good job there then did they.
gold cup my dude
>invented like 100 years ago
He is never going to win it anyway
kinda cursed
Why not embrace Islam and stone them?
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
based and allahpilled
I hate muslims and eurofags.
Tomorrow we are all USA USA USA
Even the most feminine of the bunch, Alex Morgan, is an insufferable cunt. Blamed muh patriarchy for the backlash she received for her, imo classless, tea sipping celly. Said she didn't understand why Brits were ticked off at her for mocking them blah blah.. bitch actually said that during mens tournaments they grab their sacks in the direction of their opponents and point at their dicks to celebrate.
I bet the megadykes on the US team are going to swarm poor Jackie tomorrow after the match. Win, lose, or draw they'll be there to try and poison her mind with their degeneracy.. hopefully your dykes will protect her from our dykes because our brand of dykery is far more toxic than yours I imagine.
Why not embrace Christianity and burn them?
Sorry lad they’re /greatest ally/
I mean, I have it on mute on one of the TVs while I sit here and chat about how much I love Jackie Groenen but not really watching watching it.
Stopped reading.
t. Boomer dad on vacay in CR
>Said she didn't understand why Brits were ticked off at her for mocking them
Classic American lack of self awareness, which is multiplied with being a woman
I was about to say. Alex Morgan is the most feminine. But in reality she's not feminine. Not even close and that's saying allot. You can tell not from her facial features, but from her demeanor. Where the Jackie girl has a soft sense of vulnerability to her, one you can fill up as a man (with your presence you pervs). Morgan is just stone faced. There's no softness to her, being around her is like being around a stone wall of hyper-condensed emotions you could never bend to your side. This is why men don't respond to her and why her and other dykes are frustrated.
national team fans are cringy but the Dutch fans are the cringiest, change my mind.
Bet they're not this cringy.
What do women actually mean when they say "strong" and "brave"? We all know they don't mean physically strength or bravery in the face of danger. What the fuck do they mean by this shit
MLS fans are top cringe, but I'm sure they are the same ones talking like the women's accomplishments mattered in the big picture of International football
>Lindsey the whore
Who knows. They're really quite delusional. I guess they're "strong" for defeating muh patriarchy and they're "brave" for blazing their own trail in a patriarchal world idk..
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that this semen slurping marriage isn't for me. I couldn't possible spend the next 50-70 years with most of the women I've fucked. I can barely feign interest in their mindless babble long enough to get my dick in their mouth, I'd kill myself if I had to wake up next to them every single day for ths rest of my life.
I enjoy this sport. I enjoy watching it played at a high level. That said, I HATE the American fans that try to propagate other nation's culture as it pertains to being a fan or supporter of teams. The Fight and Win cringelord is the best example I can think of off the top of my head.
The ladies aren't really like that. Atleast not to the degree of the yanks
strong in the face of misogynistic comments like that. If you don't think women have it harder than men you are ignorant. Not saying they need your pity or something, but their hill is more steep than ours. Also strong and brave are just Murrican hollow words that are generic in the first place. Like pride or achievement or power.
kekked, loose dykes everywhere
Your that fag that hoped they lose and spammed it constantly. I hope they win it to spite your faggot ass
t. CHI
oh fuck forgot they're in two finals
>lift two absolute mickey "trophies"
>shitpost about it for a year
Please beat those fagoot uppity dykes
t. Aquafresh
Do it for her
That would be actually kino
>social media
>1 world cup
if you aren't rooting for the dutch qties you need to > have sex
I second this
Here's my take on this. I think women relate to this world and it's difficulties differently than us. For us strength equates to dominance vs other males and the universe. It's a mental resolve that we refer to as bravery. The ability to conquer your fear on the battlefield in the face of certain death, to take risks that may or may not pay off. For women, life isn't an eternal struggle vs men and the universe. We take care of that, they are forever protected from the real world that way until death. So when women hear the term strength, they relate to it in their own way. Which is through their emotions. For a woman she is often ruled by her emotions, doubts, insecurities, sadness, deflation and about a hundred other variants. For the least balanced women, the damaged goods, these emotions are completely out of whack and border on the negative. Borderliners. These women refer to themselves as 'Strong & Independent' but what they really mean is that they are supposedly strong enough to whithstand their own negative emotions. All those doubts Chad brings to the table, they want to be above that. Their entire struggle is self imposed, imaginary and not resolvable. When a woman says she's a strong woman what it really means is that she's emotional and has often been emotionally out of control. Watch out for these women.
I know this is bait but for any basedfag reading this I'd like to roleplay my answer: women never have it harder in todays society. To a degree they never had it hard to begin with. Sure once upon a time they were oppressed to a degree, but even that oppression had benefits to them. In fact current society is way easier for women. Women generally have an easier time at school, their formative years are less uncertain (that comes later when they hit the wall), they often get hired quicker and get tasked with easier work, they also have an easier time in their romantic life (and even then they manage to fuck it up). so you're a fag
lmao what a retard
Fuck netherlands
well.......not ALL of us.
Well done.
There are more US than YOU on this board lmao.
Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe bang after the game. Who gets which end?
>Alex Morgan
>Ashlyn Harris
>Morgan Bri
>Allie Long
>Lindsey Horan
All of these.
What's happening tomorrow
Offtopic question but i missed a lot of matchs, was the jap team very cute?
got a national jersey in a thrift shop in stavenger on vacation, just liked it as a shirt for sports
ready to watch fats lose
We didn't decided to be dutch but yeah
always was, kankerbong
Tierna davidson sounds like a scort
ourgirl finna style on some mudpeople
i hate the swampniggers but dear god, they must defeat those americunt SJW carpet munchers at all costs.
>le we totally don't care about women's football or the tea banter honest!
>it's all sc*t false flaggers
checked but cringe all the same
she CUTE
Hope "The Hole" Solo
because schippers i do
>tfw a woman has bigger biceps, triceps, and traps than you do
I have a good feeling about today lads
It will be a tough cunt to lick but i believe in our dykes, they will make that rapinghoe cry
Kanker colgate, je realiseert je toch wel dat als ze winnen dat we hier voor altijd van gaan horen? Bij elk mannen EK/WK toernooi worden de vrouwen als voorbeeld erbij gehaald. Die ene ster boven het KNVB schild komt er nu al op en niet wanneer wij als land eindelijk eens wel een finale winnen. Vrouwen voetbal gaat alleen nog meer de nadruk krijgen. Volgens mij zijn wij nu al het land op Amerika na die zoveel belang hecht aan het vrouwen team. En kijk hoe hun mannen het doen. Echt waar, door debielen zoals jij gaat ons kleine landje ten onder. Niet door water of vluchtelingen, maar door de ongekende cuck instelling van de doorsnee Hollandse man. KYS toothpaste
Jezus man, studeer je in Delft ofzo?
Please refrain from posting any longer. You sound like an ugly autist.
>Our Jackie will be playing in Manchester for United next season
Heb seks
amateur level sport for the motorically challenged. fucking hope they lose so all the shilling stops and we have a lot of butthurt normies, and hopefully the next time I get exposed to this shit is when half the team are scissoring each other in the hotel and there's a leaked video on twitter
hope the americans have some success, they're pretty much the only ones that care about "soccer" anyway
Sexy nipple's
FvD voters should be denied internet access
clog niggers like moor boer flooj splooj windmill
non-FVD voters deserve to be raped by a pack of niggers (too bad they probably enjoy it)
And the winner of the eternal cuck awards go to this massive toothpaste fag. Keep voting GroenLinks
>t. Mokthar Al-Ghibi
>t. Abdel Akyuz
Imagine being angry.
Angry over bikes.
>Samefagging anno 2019
FvD voters truly are unsufferable retards
If we want Women's Football to have any meaning, the U.S. has to win.
Netherlands are a bunch of rookies who were lucky again and again. In no universe should they be allowed to win.
Don't you fucking dare to take the holocycle lighty
>t. Marwan Hustafi
Give back my grandfather's bike kankerjong
It's my grandmother's bike now and it actually broke last year on my way back home from a party. soz Henk
Most posters ITT desperately NEED to have sex right away
We don't care about the jews or Rotterdam, when you stole our bikes you crossed the shitline
Not cool.
>t. Sukriye Karakayan
starting with you, derderangsburgertje.
gib young Linda de Mol gf pl0x
Get a room
So they should win to show what a meme it is
Have sex.
Bonged beyond belief.
>t. Mehdi Ramzali
Behalve dat het een extra jodenclub is die de nieuwe Hitler in de weg staat.
Doe eens even lief
W-what? They're not even big...
i quite literally, truly and honestly don't give a fuck about who wins, im most lijely not even going to watch.
Fucking kneus
guilty as charged
geilste stadt
C, can I be dutch
Only if you live on Dejima
former bros who betray us and sold their souls to the root of all evil aka the protestantjews
the resulting puppet slave state of such protestantjew seed of corruption
its a hard one indeed, but lets go toothpaste
>Hating women so much you want your country's women to lose
No wonder theres so many losers on here
>t. abusive step-dad who wants to make amends
why did u invade us after 400 years of peaceful trade :(
that was just the right path of god aka catholicism
at least you only ended half invaded now, not fully JUST like the anglojews or france
Nee we hebben al genoeg buiterlanders
Je moet echt eens wat vaker naar buiten vriend
anyone got the pic of a couple of dutch waving a flag from a boat in front of a load of germans?
think it was from london olypmics 2012
alright, tomorrow
fuck you
this is Yea Forums not /pol/ take the toxic shit with you.