is it physically impossible for this bitch to shut the fuck up for five minutes?
Is it physically impossible for this bitch to shut the fuck up for five minutes?
lose weight fatty
She needs a dick but that will only shut her up for like 2 minutes.
>schedule clash
I know americans are fucking dumb, but she surely can get she is on another continent and the time zone are real, right?
WTF I'm a Dutch Drone now.
Whiny tinfoil hat who thinks the world is set up against her
time zones are a republican racist invention omg
The kind of personality pushed by today's media is exactly people like Rapinoe. The one thing they all have in common is that they are insufferable.
no bitch can shut their mouth for five minutes
the jew media is putting her in the spotlight because she's a champion of social degeneracy
shouldn't she be preparing for the final match or something?
Shes a stupid cunt, 1 reason I hate us wwc
Look at the viewership numbers. Not even 10 million people are watching the matches.
>is it physically impossible for this bitch to shut the fuck up for five minutes?
She's doing the no-press-is-bad-press thing.
She's under the badly mistaken impression that she can make herself a celebrity and make all this press pay off.
What she fails to realise is that she is a female soccer player, and nothing more.
Her future is:
commenting on women's soccer games
coaching women's soccer
selling real estate
She'll have something stupid to say on Monday, then we'll never have to hear from her again.
that's nothing. alex morgan is away getting some clown shoe sized clogs and a windmill hat made for her goal celebration in the final.
Well I hope they lose so they can cry CHEATERS. The US wwc team is bunch of whiny thots
Talking shit before she wins even wins. Here comes the choke.
>aging dyke with her last moments of pseudo-relevance is milking every last drop
FIFA should pool all money and let a final match between WC winners decide the distribution
>selling real estate
have sex then we'll see
Pretty sure FIFA have no say in how CONCACAF and CONMEBOL operate their own tournaments. Rapinoe is a fucking imbecile.
now that i think about it, i am also pretty upset that the 6 a side tournament i won when i was 13 didnt have a prize pool that matched the mens world cup that year either
Did she recover from her injury?
Women and logic in regards to financial questions hardly ever go together. That's why so many of them are socialist or treehuggers.
also pretty sure concacaf is a better money maker than the wwc and copa américa
gold cup
copa américa
super rugby
Brain damage is hard to recover from.
People take women to seriously. They are closer to a child than they are to fully grown men. They operate under completely different social parameters. The problem is that like a wild fire, people give these annoying women the air to keep on burning. I really doubt women would be this annoying and fucked up if men, collectively, dialed it down on the attention.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is permanent sadly, palliative care is all they can offer her.
Time zones are just liberal commie propaganda. FAKE NEWS
Lots of people talk a lot. It's up to the media if they want to listen.
30 million dollars is ridiculously high for a sport no one cares about and athletes that have the same skill as average high school boys
That's why you put tape over their mouth after you finish
imagine if the media published every drunk bozo's rant about politics from some bar.
making trump and incels seethe is actually based though
how much control does fifa have over when conmebol and concacaf schedule their games?
She looks Canadian.
practically none, but pssst
don't hurt the narrative!
it is the first time in history that wymyn world cup is getting decent coverage anywhere, so of course the players would try their best in shoving their agenda into people's throats.
you'd know all about that
Different generation. If women mostly follow men's ideals then it's more related to men being weak and setting terrible examples. Man has, in the name of Western liberalism and thus pluralism, exchanged objectivity for subjective emotional bullshit. No wonder women fall for this shit.
What's the problem with the schedule ?
Why are some men so insecure and triggered by women who speak their mind?
The finals are all on the same day. Different times, but apparently that's still a problem for her.
What a contrast. The british really are natural cucks.
Time zones are racist
Underrated comment, here's a (you)
That's based though
>then we'll never have to hear from her until the olympics
Top post lad.
someone should tell her that nobody gives a fuck about both the world cup and the gold cup final
Precisely, hence men need to stop giving women that much energy. The moment women smell weakness they push for it to find out how much there is. Women will only make you a worse man if you follow their train of thought. That's what is happening right now and men are to stupid to see it. See this dyke cup as an example.
Women are literally looking if they can force men to take a bullshit tournament serious that holds no value
have sex incels
>men are to stupid to see it
Prep your bull, cuck.
Every headline including her seems to be a complaint about something
Typical woman
ok so she's a bitch
but she's right
and bashing her (or all women) for complaining doesn't change that
oh, I guess male athletes never complain about schedules or money
you bet your ass FIFA could influence scheduling, if they wished
and the women definitely deserve more than they're getting
women's soccer is certainly more watchable for me than say, women's basketball
or synchronized swimming
Stop making threads, it’s literally only you who does this
>the women definitely deserve more than they're getting
They're already getting more than the men based on the revenue generated
why do you write
like a bitch ass nigga
who is on Yea Forums for the first
>burgers get vared by every holes tomorrow
think twice next time
>She'll have something stupid to say on Monday, then we'll never have to hear from her again.
Based leaf
That's the thing, the only person disrespecting women's football is her.
She's completely dismissing Holland and the final itself and acting like they've already won.
Has he ever been wrong?
I haven't checked to make sure, but I suspect there weren't any airports in colonial Yorktown.
they're about to win it all and dab in his face, what was he right about?
Thanks for letting us in on the agenda
she does realize no one really gives a shit about womens soccer right?
god I hate Americans so much
i'm all for it as long as what they're saying isn't stupid bullshit
I unironically want the Dutch to win because of this retard. Fuck dyke mutts.
Well they have tbf
this. you never see players on social media or giving interviews two days prior to a match.
You and me both brother