Why are they so unlikable?
Has there ever been a national team that pushes progressive politics like this?
Why are they so unlikable?
Has there ever been a national team that pushes progressive politics like this?
Politics have completely taken over sports in the US
They can't talk about sports without inserting some politics into it over there and since Leftists are more obsessed about politics in general and also control the American media, you're gonna get a push for progressiveness in US sports
Aside from maybe NASCAR or some other hillbilly sport, this happens in pretty much every American sport AFAIK
It’s women shit. Remember ronda rousey being pushed a few years ago as the best fighter ever?
why the fuck is everything political with americans? kill yourselves idiots
They are a disgrace. And the media will spin this grand narrative of how the women's team defied Trump, comparable to Jesse Owens. We are firmly in Clown World
How will Trump and Otherwise recover?
literally nobody cares about soccor, especially womens soccor
I want them to lose so badly
Not because of anything Morgan's done
Not because I don't think they deserve to win in a technical sense
But because of rapinoe and the fucking ridiculous politics that have followed the team which have only gotten worse the further they've gone. A shock loss will be absolutely glorious.
Is that why it was the #1 trending topic on twitter in the USA?
This has absolutely nothing to do with my post, just more insecure anti-football talk on your part.
Did Trump say something about the woman's national team or what?
Either way, I'm falling for the clickbait headline on this stupid shit. Fuck the media
Rousey was actually pretty based when asked about feminsm shit.
>silence trump
So it's trending with hipsters. I doubt even a quarter of the US uses Twitter. The media likes to drum up stories based off Twitter trends which only takes like a 100 people to do. This is why the polls and shit were so wrong on Trump. They poll select people and think it actually represents the US as a whole.
trump lost the popular vote though
most american voters did not vote for him
Really, what does this have to do with Trump?
>So it's trending with hipsters
Oh is the leader of your nation a hipster?
This is it!
This women's football victory is the last piece of the jigsaw Mueller needs to begin the impeachment!
Trump hasn't even criticized women's football. Fake news is becoming more obvious to spot.
Yeah i would love to see a heartbreaking loss where they are crying and stunned. Or a blowout loss where they start sniping at each other. I want to see disunity and bitterness, the truth of their sad little lives on full display on the world stage.
Popular vote is meaningless when democrats have illegals voting for them. They even brag about rigging elections
California also let 4 million illegals vote. The point is they were wrong. They said he had a 1% chance of winning. It wasn't even close. Sure she won the national vote but we are a republic so that doesn't mean anything. Polling California and thinking that is going to tell you how the election will go it's idiotic. Thinking Twitter is an actual representation of the American populace is idiotic
>"It's da joos xD. "
Try harder, /pol/tard.
This. It was Rapinhoes that was trying to start shit with Trump to look cool in front of her dyke friends. Trump just brushed her off
Absolute disgrace. Hope the Dutch destroy them.
yeah but I mean are we supposed to believe that the netherlands or whoever they are playing has any better politics?
None of the women in this pic are over 7/10 tbqhwy.
>Trump just brushed her off
yeah right, he has an autistic hissy fit anytime someone challenges him
But you don't see the opponents running their mouths. And the American women are criticizing our country, not celebrating it. If they just kept their faggy politics to themselves, no one would give a fuck
He actually chooses his battles carefully.
>see: Eminem
And yet its constantly on the front page of every one of your mainstream media's sites. Clearly your country does care even your president talks about it.
Seriously, how bad is that for an international sports team to actively go out of their way to disrespect their home nation.
Saying “fuck drumpf” makes you a hero to leftists and the Jew media here. Everyone these days acts like their life is some giant struggle against opression, and their protests make them the next Rosa Parks.
Why do you keep spamming this shit in the board? This isn't /pol/, fuck off.
Don’t let the media fool you. No one is even talking about them ESPN is too busy talking about the NBA.
absolutely based and the only acceptable answer
7 million sounds like a lot but it’s really not.
But Trump loves soccer. He played it in HS and his son is in DC United's youth system. This might be the first president we've ever had who actually prefers soccer over other sports (Obama was a basketball fan, Bush a baseball fan, most previous presidents were baseball/football, etc.).
In 2014 24.7 million watched a men's world cup game so yeah 7 million is nothing
our whole country is behind them despite what incels on Yea Forums tell you
I hope they get their shit pushed in.. stupid fucking cunts.. I've never disliked a team so much
>"Here is the result of a womens soccer game"
*5 clicks*
>"Something something Trump"
*2,400,000 clicks*
It's but these articles have nothing to do with informing and everything to do with $$$ and of course the team is going to play along when interviewed as they KNOW it's a surefire way to get interest.
pick 1
*it's tedious but
Tranny loving faggot nigger.
They're a bunch of no class hoes, why is it if you say anything bad for womens you're an incel. So what does it make YOU? Of white knight cuck?
yikes. have sex one time please
nobody actually cares lol
had a good laugh when i heard they got btfo by the japs years back
they triggger reeeing Yea Forumsolacks pretty hard so they're not all bad
Fucking golf gets more than twice the viewers
Lol I've had sex more than you but keep spamming your shit bub
>Lol I've had sex more than you
literally can't make up a more virgin post than this
Imagine actually believing this.
Progressive? Lol. They just want money. They’ll use politics as a lever to get it.
Imagine actively rooting against your national team because the team is composed of female liberals.
haha England's Brave Lionnessessss got more than that and we have 20% of your population.
>Why are they so unlikable?
They're American.
Imagine representing your country and bashing it at the same time
i respect it. fuck bitches get money should be the new team motto
>Bragging about high viewership for women's football.
Come on now lad.
Not to mention all the games were on BBC1. They probably get that kind of viewership every day of the week considering boomers don't know how to change the channel.
Why is it only leafs that make these threads? Why are you so obsessed with us?
I can watch sports without thinking about politics
And it's during a time of the year where there's really nothing on. All the spring dramas/ comedies are finished now.
BBC are focusing all their attention on the 15 year old black American girl at Wimbledon now.
not the country just the fat retard in charge
>fat retard in charge
>people still think the president really runs things
Progress to what?
I noticed they were showing mostly women's matches today, occasionally switching over to Murray in the doubles
mainly because of johanna konta still being in the tournament
what a insecure manchild lamo
I love how AOC and the Women's Soccer team are living in Trump's head RENT FREE.
every day i wake up hating america more and more.
i wonder how war will it go...
>whole world is is obsessed with an american women's soccer team and we don't even know a single name of their players
Yeah because she's going to be the GOAT for the next 20 years.
It's so fucking weird how Americans defend their politicians so aggressively, almost worshipping them like gods.
*loses to Halep*
"Women are not allowed to be upset at people that are shitty to them".
No One:
Literally No One:
Not even a soul:
not even people in the thread:
people in alternate universes:
Yea Forums: *thread not understanding liberals want to own the identity of the wwc team because they are going to win*
I can't wait to see the difference in ratings between the women's world cup final and the gold cup final, which are both tomorrow.
Didn't they silence critics in the last world cup? Or are we just pretending they aren't defending champions?
To Post ##94018421
No One:
Literally No One:
Not even a soul:
not even people in the thread:
people in alternate universes:
Bacteria Sludge forced to care via genetic engineering in the future:
Yea Forums: *posts the worst post in history and tells someone to commit a horrible act*
tsk tsk honey
>Win World Cup
>Complain they don't get paid enough
>Viewership is a third of what the men's is
>W-w-we'll show you
>Keep winning
>Do shitty celebrations
>People call them poor winners
>W-w-we'll show you
>Do even shittier celebrations
>That'll silence the critics
The criticism isn't that they are not good players but they are shitty people. Winning clearly doesn't make them better people
Texas is a part of the US
The American continent is a windswept huge fucking void, which will one day return to grass.
The burgers subconsciously fear this so turn to cult Daddy figures which they invest in magical powers.
Hoe-land (gay)
No, I think I'll have both, thanks. You can keep rapinoe though.
It used to be it's own country before joining the union