Where is the third place match being broadcasted in the states besides (((Telemundo)))?
Where is the third place match being broadcasted in the states besides (((Telemundo)))?
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Footybite has streams
will AOC be president one day?
she's only 29 and already seems influential as fuck in american politics
Yeah she will definitely run for a president in 10 or 15 years in the future
if she promises nudes then yes she'll win
she'll run but I can't see her even getting the Dem nomination in her current full-on socialism/green new deal mode. they'll just rig it so some boring catch-all type like Hillary or Biden wins because they know someone like her will terrify the moderates and undecideds into voting R.
Maybe if she moves further to the center she has a chance
Lol these was a photoshoot at a parking lot not the border
You don't know. Maybe the dems will change just like Republicans changed after Barry goldwater
is that true? why do politicians do this like they're not going to be found out.
Why are you a nazi, Yea Forums?
because enough NPCs get riled up that it doesn't matter
because (((media))) covers for them so the sheep will never know
No. Snopes tells me it's a fake conspiracy. Don't believe the evil conservatives, user.
>10 years ago leftists used to mock the likes of Jack Thompson and overzealous soccer moms who said that killing people in games will turn you into an irl mass murderer
>Now leftists unironically believe having a WW2 German skin in a multiplayer game will turn you into a Nazi.
Why are they such hypocrites, Yea Forumsros?
it's almost as if a new generation grew up and had opinions of their own which were different from those of the people 10 years ago.
Wait so fox says its playing the Netherlands semifinal replay at 11 est...
>it's almost as if
teehee :)
>that like/dislike ratio
based youtube defending the honor of nazis in videogames
she's only 29??
that wall finna hitting
As a fluent Spanish speaker, stop making it seem like that broad in any way represents everyone or even half of any Spanish speakers
Faggots. Would smash desu