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As a clippers fan T
Never thought I'd see a Raptors championship in my lifetime. Thanks Kawhi. Now we get to see if Pascal can rise to MVP levels.
This guy gets it. Pascal is such a great player.
Too bad he continued the "go to warm place to make a superteam" meme but he did kill the Warriors and usher in a new NBA era
T - thanks my dude
Fuck this nigger
Anytime Lebron loses I consider it a win. An extra T for not choosing the lelkers
why would you use a word like that?
He left without fucking my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warriors are already dead, numbnuts.
I didn't
I wanted to see my people cry because kawhi left but of course we have to be fucking polite..
Imagine being a Raptors fan
>choke every opportunity away for years
>suddenly get top player by sheer happenstance
>win title
>immediately think your team is GOAT despite said player fucking off immediately after
Literally thr Marlins of apehoop
M for mercenary status
Fuck this retard can't believe fans still cheer for him after he snakes every team he's been with. Hope he gets a career ending injury in LA.
It's a Toronto thing. Constantly lording their status over everyone else, looking down on and insulting Americans while also desperate for a complimentary sound bite from US politicians and celebs as verification of their 'World Class City' delusion. They need things like this every now and then to remind them that a lot of people still consider them and the whole country they consider themselves both representative of and superior to, to be a provincial backwater crossed with Siberia.
(for skeeeyyyyup)
>based truthspeaker
From a born and raised torontofag
Is Skip ever wrong?
based. Honestly I never got why normies care so much about status. Toronto will never be NY or LA. No foreigner wants to take a vacation to this paki infested traffic jam.
based and redpilled Bramladesh ruins it
T. He did his job and he did it perfectly. Would've been more annoyed if he joined the Lakers, but I have no hard feelings towards the Clippers, so whatever.
T based boardman
And he killed them
That and the ring of Chinese satellite suburbs surrounding it.
he didn't quit on toronto, exactly
he completed his contractual obligations and was free to do anything he wanted
toronto is visit for a week
heard people commute from st catharines to work in toronto my fucking sides what a disaster
Yes, most of the time.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day though.
the traffic is worse than the prajeets
driving in downtown toronto during rushhour is ridiculous. everyone jams the intersections and barely any cards move between 4pm and 6pm. police don't do shit except ticket you for turning left were you aren't supposed to.
Thank you for BTFOing Pinoy bandwagon warriors "fans"
Dudes retarded
He left a championship team to go to a team that just gave a 5 first round pics and 2 players to get a B tier star coming of SHOULDER surgery
I mean even if he thought the Lakers were that big a mess that he didnt want to go there he shouldve stayed in Tdot, this was the dumbest move he couldve made
It makes no sense
i know someone who drives from niagara falls to downtown toronto daily
only because he wanted a house for his kids to live in and thats the closest he could find something affordable
literally spends 4 hours a day driving
because that the closest he could find an affordable home. he makes $90k/year cad.
seriously fuck toronto
>tfw police camp out on the York Street ramp causing extra congestion by ticketing the hundreds of people making the turn illegally from the second lane
>literally dozens of pajeets just keep making the same illegal turn around the cop while he has the one car pulled over.
The whole region is balancing on a knife's edge from being total anarchy on the roads. Peel cops don't even bother enforcing any traffic laws, they just show up when a collision occurs and fill out their reports.
It's only going to get worse. 10 years of condo building still to go. If you thought that Toronto is unlivable and unaffordable now, check this out
Canada is being planned as an ice covered third world nation sucking on the fumes of whitey's civilization.
Wish you well with the Raps for years to come!
Leave the racist bullshit to the burgers, kid.
You're better than that.
>Toronto will never be NY or LA
There is no relationship between NY and LA at all. NYC is arguably the greatest city in the world, but LA is not even in the running. I love LA, but it's not a "city" the way NYC and Toronto are. Not even the most hardcore Angeleno would say LA is "a world-class city".
As for Toronto, they've done a great job of turning it from a dull little place 50 years ago into a major city. Says a lot about a city that when they do shit they do it well - the film festival is proabaly the most important in the world, it's now got a lot of important architecture, etc.
The Canadian thing of comparing themselves to American shit, which is really more of a Toronto thing than Canadian (you never hear that in BC for example), is super-cringe and needs to stop, but Torontonians have a lot to be proud of.
(I'd still never live there, but it's alright.)
is NYC really that good? heard it smells like shit and everyone is insane or an asshole
>require a team to get injured in order for your pleb city to win a chip
>best player still bails because he doesnt want to live there
He wanted to go to LA, retard. And going to Clippers is way smarter than teaming up with LeFaggot
Glad I didn't buy that Leonard jersey still.
It's the largest english speaking city in the world, that's almost literally the only true selling point.
>going to the clippers
So ignoring everything I said in my first post about throwing away your future for a player coming off shoulder surgery, lets get into Kawhi hisself.
You know hes a bit of a wallflower yes? He doesnt like the spotlight, shies away from all the attention, prefers to fly under the radar. So what does he do?
He still goes to LA, which is one of if not the biggest media markets in the country, but instead of going to the team with 2 huge names that he could hide behind and not be the face of the franchise, he goes to the other team where the spotlight will solely be on him.
Everything will be on his shoulders, and when they dont win it will be all his fault.
He is retarded, this was such a stupid move on so many levels its unbelievable.
he has two choices
>going to Clippers
>going to Lakers
Clippers make more sense. Both legacy wise and easier road wise. Lakers are literally one injury away from first round exit.
Why would a two time FMVP want to be in LeBrons shadow? Even a Robin like Kyrie hated it.
He had 2 legitimate choices
Go to the Lakers or stay in Toronto
The clippers are, were, and always will be a joke. I know you probably just learned about the NBA when your country got the internet last week dude, but you're out of you depth here.
This was a very bad move from all sides, theres no 2 ways about it.
Try reading the post you're repsonding to, I already explained that you moron
Imagine choosing the fucking Clippers over the greatest franchise in NBA history
stay mad lmao. I guess thinking rationally is just something too complex for you. You are like a woman.
>lakers are 8th seed
>either lebran or AD gets injured during playoffs and they lose in the 1st round
>lebron requests to be traded and AD leaves
>lakers fucked for the next 20 years
You cant even read
Why am I even repsonding to you
Best timeline
Your don't have arguments.
>muh laker brand
>hide behind LeBron and don't get any praise and instead of furthering your own legacy, just help LeBron to cement his
Like come on. Lakers and LeFraud wont win a single chip in Kawhi era in LA. Stay mad. lmao
Im ashamed I fell for your bait
Been away awhile, have you?
London isn't as big as New York.
Don't worry. I'll be here laughing at Lakers and LeBron.
Fuck all of you cucks praising this guy because 'muh chip'. Stop acting like he did this by himself. Lowry went off, Serge went off and FVV closed those finals games while Kawhi was busy sucking off George Paul.
This faggot got treated like a god here for the past year, got to sit out damn near half the season, we helped him build his stupid board man/fun guy marketing bullshit and all we asked in return is that he tries to run it back at least once for fuck sake. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE NBA has a finals MVP left his team immediately after winning the chip (MJ retired, doesn't count).
All the stupid cucks saying we should be eternally greatful to this nigger for bringing us a championship can fuck right off. HE should be greatful for us taking a chance on him when his stock was at an all time low, if it wasn't for us he could've ended up in Charlotte or some shit.
>Lowry went off, Serge went off and FVV closed those finals games while Kawhi was busy sucking off George Paul.
hey, looks like you didn't even need Kawhi. gl on the finals next season. Oh wait lmao
All your major cities are London tier
if only white people still had kids
Not an argument.
Obviously he was the best player on the team but every leaf is acting like this guy singe handedly won us the chip, which just isn't true.
was that ball possessed?
Reddit: the post
Finally someone intelligent. Fuck niggers.
Dumbass had to go to the stacked West instead of staying East and getting auto Finals bids. What an idiot move desu senpai
Yeah, beating Curry, Green and Looney was some mythical legendary stuff.
don't worry
kawhi here,on my back
He single handedly fixed the NBA, le grand architecte
Its more accurate to say Game 5 vs the Rockets killed the Larriors.
he'll never get over his injury
Hes right though, Canadians by and large aren't ghoulish like Americans.
for leaving the West
*leaving to the West
I forgot my directions again
That's what you think :)
Based but T. You'll always be my Kawaii.
West has: Lakers (no bench), Rockets (shell of their former selves), Warriors (crippled), Blazers and Nuggets (not real contenders). Besides the Clippers, the only other potentially elite team is the Jazz.
East has Bucks and 76ers who are both just about as good as the Raptors were last year. Id say there will be 4 elite teams next year: Bucks, Sixers, Jazz, and now Kawhis Clippers. And the Clippers are probably the favorite. It was the right move.
Literally multiple times a day with tweets as proof
Bucks will be significantly weaker without Mirotic and Brogdon. Maybe the Lopez brothers will step up?
If you ain't on my shirt you ain't on the team it's rebuild time mother fuckers
I thank him for taking Curry down a notch
He doesn't need anybody to help him do that.
what are you even implying rn?
are you okay...get out of my country or else
he's from LA so he gets a pass
>he thinks just because he is shy means he wants to cower behind other people on his team
you fucking moron, the ONE thing everyone knows about him is he loves raping everyone else at basketball. he is competitive. he doesnt want to hide behind another superstar and get carried and not need to take the blame, he wants to play against that superstar and dominate them. not wanting a media spotlight does not mean he wont accept a spotlight if it means playing some good basketball
B-but he bought a condo