Be's Brazilian monkey

>be's Brazilian monkey
>lose 7-1 on home soil
>get shot by local drugslords

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at least I'm not an euro lol

>an euro
absolute state of bostil

>be Dutch pothead
>only won 1 euro and nothing else (making you even worse than England)
>get shot by some muslim

>be apezilian posting under german flag
go back to bostil

0-3 in wc finals

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He is based.

Is this supposed to prove something ?
Anyone can get those nowadays

Then why haven't you got yours and pretended you are now human?


Fuck the Niggerlands

At least try not to act like the same person 7-1fag

>be dutch
>never win any relevant sports competition ever


would be better if you were an Euro, at least then you'd be worth something


>Get dumped by fucking Korea on next WC.

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>be toothpaste
>go to 3 wc final

That was just a slip to feign incompetence. >We'll be back with a vengeance

Stop larping faggot you give us a bad name

Mental illness

why do Euros have passports (outside of international travel of course) if they can freely move between other Euro countries?

Proxy or pathetic selfhating faggot?

you still need ID on your person and you need an ID abroad within the EU as well.

Well, like you said, because of international travel.

And ID card is not a passport.
You don't need a passport to travel throughout Europe as a EU citizen.

Why not use a drivers license?

You literally answered your own question.

because that's not an official ID. It can get you in a bar or something but you can't fly to Poland with a drivers license.

for intercontinental travel, yeah
i needed a passport when I visited your country

an ID only allows you to freely travel between EU countries (+ Switzerland, Norway and Iceland)

brazilians are monkeys the mods are cancer faggots.posting this from my boss's laptop. fuck that cunt aswell. 7-1





got banned for racism right lad? hahahahahaha youre a fucking moron

not saying I don't believe you're german but uh, that's not really proof.

Attached: jap passport.jpg (960x720, 70K)

Hey redditor, if youre not banned for avatar or signature usage, answer me, is this you on the screencap?

Attached: 20190705_230311.jpg (1440x1284, 819K)

>hey redditor
I can't reply to something I am not. Hence i am not giving you a (you)

lose weight

Become human

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Congratulations on exposing yourself, proxyfag. Only hues know what bostil is supposed to mean.

Negative iq post

Attached: CgyjJi3.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

Ok sure, but can you confirm its you on the screenshot?