>playing in England anywhere other than London
>playing in France anywhere other than Paris
>playing in Spain anywhere other than Madrid
Why do players do this?
Playing in England anywhere other than London
Other urls found in this thread:
Because while they may be shitholes overally, Manchester and Liverpool are the football capitals of England.
No good player actually goes to anywhere that isn't Paris in France these days.
Because Barcelona is a nicer city than Madrid and the club has been more successful nationally than the Madrid clubs for the last decade or so.
Thanks reddit
Btw enjoy the gold!
Why should Messi move to Madrid. Even Switzerland is closer to the sea. Why should Kloppo move to London? He'll never walk alone. Why should Djokovic move to Paris. Monaco lets him keep his prize money.
>actually wanting to be in London, the capital of niggers, terrorism and acid attacks with a paki mayor
>voluntarily moving to london
Manchester is a decent place to live desu lad, and even Liverpool has it's nice areas
London is unironically the best place in the world to live if you're rich. If you're poor, it's shit.
>London is unironically the best place in the world to live if you're rich
>living away from the sea
nigger tier
bet you dont even have a passport
>London is unironically the best place in the world to live if you're rich. If you're poor, it's shit.
a mansion by geneva lake is the pinnacle imo
>tax advantages (yeah, i know that there's non-dom status in england, but still)
>safe and calm
>beautiful setting
>one, two hours max away from any major euro city, ski resorts, nice med beaches
Go to London, Paris or Madrd and you'll know why.
Now try to be a millionnaire in these cities. Oh wait, you cant.
>London: 1 CL
>Manchester: 3 CL
>Liverpool: 6 CL
I think I know why
Why is there no London FC?
>Why do players do this?
to avoid the caliphate
Arsenal for the blacks
Chelsea for the whites
Spurs for the jews
West Ham for the mentally handicapped
What is Milwall then
>playing in Italy anywhere other than Roma
>playing in Germany anywhere other than Berlin
>playing in Greece anywhere other than Athens
because everyone wanted their own local football teams
Hmm, one of these cities is not like the others....
Everybody knows that the capital of a country is always an overrated shithole filled with obnoxious people. Prove me wrong
>Why do players do this?
Same reason I moved to some small town in France: they get paid. What a stupid question.
Everybody knows that the capital of a country is always the place where you have the most chance to get Allah Akbar'd
Liverpool and United players don't actually live in those cities. they live in what is known as the "Golden Triangle" in Cheshire.
Got to think the UK would take a bigger hit than that if London disappeared.
spillover club for the mentally handicapped, they can't all fit in West Ham's stadium.
>Germany without Berlin
> +0.2%
anyone cares to explain?
Unlike most countries who have a dominant capital where most of their industries and corporations are based in, we are a highly decentralized country.
Berlin is only our political capital.
Frankfurt is our financial capital.
Munich and Stuttgart are our technology capitals.
Munich and Cologne are our media capitals.
Hamburg is our export capital.
East Germany is poor as fuck
Nothing wrong with Manchester or Liverpool. Have you seen some parts of London? You don't go and play for London, London is pretty much cities within the city.
nah terrible weather
Anywhere is good if you're rich.
London's shit. I'm in it right now so I'm an expert.
You forgot to be rich la
Berlin is also the hipster and Ausländercapial desu
>playing in Germany anywhere other than Dortmund
>Med beaches
You should have your citizenship revoked
How expensive is a house there?
by 'med beaches' i meant cruising your boat in the med.
with direct lake access? more than 10-15 million euros. there's more offer in the french cantons though, so the houses might be a little less expensive there.
but you can get all the same perks (bar the lake thing) in a nice apartment for a couple of millions
Geneva is in a French canton.
The German cantons can vary a lot in prices. The Zurich lake region for example is known as the most expensive to live region in the world.
But there's a shitton of other lakes there that are far less expensive.
yup, every smart person in zurich gets their schekels in the city but live in zug or schwyz
but those who live from passive income (like billionaire families) just settle in vaud canton. french is easier to learn, there's le rosey institute, etc.
Getting paid is not worth living in the middle of nowhere
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