Hundes. Stop watching wundes edition
/bundes/ mumbes
hello I am here, based jt with the early morning edition
shan't be posting in this fatarse's thread
Did someone say implosion?
customers on tm are unironically claiming that their current B team with Müller, Sanches & Co. could still compete with Chelsea, Arsenal and United. they genuinely believe that they were the better team than Liverpool as well. mentally ill if you ask me.
They're right you know
For me the biggest delusion in those comments is:
>Even if Gnabry and Coman are injured, this team is better than Tottenham
question to the good computer scientists on here, is it worth changing keyboard layout to qwerty so you stop breaking your left pinky while turboshitposting?
Depends, do you want to be a volksverräter?
fuck Y and FUCK anglos
for me, its zou, thez and zoghourt
zes 0 eggree
>still forcing the 0 meme
you mean Z0kes?
Yes yes
Ami go home.
nobody wants you here
t-this can't be happening bayern bros!
I want me here, checkmate fag
have sex
Sex. Have it.
oh, i have!
do you?
No. And you??
yes. checkmate virgin
I actually have luft on h7 so there is no mate, idiot
Smart. Lewandowski does this every year and receives a contract extension. Neuer must have learned from this.
Bayern doesn't even have a single substitute for them
Realistically whom should Bayern sign?
>if you ask me
I didn't ask you. Shut up.
Anyone they can get. They will bring back Ribery too. Mark my words
remember to leave the knife in
Are you sitting in the Wartezimmer?
Germany used to be based and redpilledy now it's just cringe and bluepilled
Maybe it's not Germany who changed but rather you changed
Come to think of it, bratwurst isn't as tasty as it used to be..
t. seething expat
The truth is that germaney was never the contry you thought it would be.
Redpilled post... Maybe I was right about Germany after all..
anyway...back to fuppes
buyern huh?
Vargdog, a dating synthesis
This. Ribery will be the WW2 granate they found in a construction site.
Lots of qt german student grills at the Politikwissenschaft Institute at my uni
How do I get a qt german Politikwissenschaft Studentin?
>inb4 join your local Studenten Sozi Bund
Just be yourself bro. Tell them about the era of the bull.
Buy some blackface, learn French or Arabic
P>Tom Hawkins is the best one on one marking forward in the competition
Thanks Richo
- sneak into their courses
- get into uni politics
- hang out at the cafe that's run by students
hello, the last thread got shoad by a butthurt janny too fast. so same question again:
who are the best posters in /bundes/?
who are the worst posters in /bundes/?
why is denmark elite?
Buyern should go for Joelinton as Lewi back up and try to cut back from wing focus.
>who are the best posters in /bundes/?
>who are the worst posters in /bundes/?
*their wing focus
How can other clubs even compete? Oh right, they can't
Winning the buli means shit desu. All the years of bayern dominance degrated it to a mickey mouse trophy. Even bayern players know that.
God I can't wait for august. I want to watch best bundes and the pokal.
>I-it's just a mickey mouse cup, nobody actually wants to win it!
Where the fuck are die Granaten? Hello??? Give me fucking de Ligt and van de Beek.
It's true though.
why are you always so buttbefuddled, bayernbaby?
Just ignore him, hell have a meltdown again and disappear for a few days.
>Politikwissenschaft Institute
future jobcenter allstars
heh, this will be fun!
Not 1:0
Not 2:0
Not 3:0
Not 4:0
5:0. It was 5:0
Like always, bvb is shit and chokes when it needs to happen
But the best part is, that wasn't even the game that decided it all. You could still have made it, despite getting absolutely humiliated (5:0, remember) in the direct duel. No, you lost against fucking Schalke, at home.
Absolutely hilarious
ösi you cant work us into a shoot. its saturday and we tired af.
I unironically hate the BVB though. Seek help razor
arp and his evolution sarpeet will do
>"I don't visit /pol/"
This is it. This is the granate.
Intersting captcha only works when I disable µBlock. Fick Hiroshimoot!
literally nothing wrong with /Pol/ uezs senpai
the retarded bauern ösi would say “lewa extended his contract, that’s like 2 granaten right there!!”
>Jetzt erklärte der spanische Nationalspieler, warum er sich gegen den deutschen Rekordmeister und für ManCity entschieden hat.
>„Für mich gab es keine anderen Optionen mehr, nachdem ich erfahren habe, dass City interessiert ist. Ich habe nie an der Entscheidung gezweifelt“, so Rodrigo, der für die vertraglich festgeschriebene Ablösesumme von 70 Millionen Euro zu den Citizens gewechselt ist. „In dieser Mannschaft spielen einige der besten Spieler der Welt und dann ist da natürlich noch Pep Guardiola.“
nice post, boomer uncle
>i don’t crosspost on /pol/ he said in the last thread
>posts retarded /pol/shit
why do amis have to be so obnoxious...
fuck of you retarded /int/affe, go back to /deutsch/ and complain about being a virgin there, with the other hartzer fags
^jungfrau die auf animefiguren wichst
our girls are going all the way
did someone say anime? ^_^
I'm pretty sure that no one forbids you to marry a white girl desu. but whatever. time for a mittagsschlafi
individual level != societal level
anime is sleep tomodachi
We missed the buzzerbeater :((
one ösi is a retardo bauerncocksucker the other a retarded polbaby virgin, don’t know what’s worse
>only 300m away from the evacuation zone in Frankfurt
Could have been a very uncomfy sunday
>living in Frankfurt in the first place
How is bundes handling his decline?
>würstchenuli unironically thinks people got to Buyern for anything else than monies
you are
>Bayern-Wunschspieler Callum Hudson-Odoi hat wohl eine Entscheidung über seine Zukunft getroffen. Laut Spox und Goal steht der 18 Jahre alte Flügelstürmer kurz vor einer Vertragsverlängerung beim FC Chelsea.
>Der 1. FC Union Berlin ist weiter auf dem Transfermarkt aktiv. Nur einen Tag nach der Verpflichtung von Neven Subotic haben die Köpenicker die Verpflichtung von zwei weiteren Spielern bekannt gegeben. Vom FC Augsburg wechselt Marvin Friedrich nach langen Verhandlungen fest in die Hauptstadt. Kurz darauf gab der Verein den Wechsel eines weiteren Hochkaräters bekannt: Der zuletzt vereinslose Christian Gentner läuft künftig an der Alten Försterei auf.
with grief and torment
>another day
>another obsessed /bundes/ thread
Union - Brondby livestream if anyone is interested
Decided to extend his Chelsea contract for the 7th week in a row
Thats a bit of a stretch. Its been rumored for 3 weeks and according to the latest "source" its now confirmed.
We’re watching the cycling
Are Union seriously playing Rammstein at half-time? Are they always doing this?
>Eine Versuchsreihe auf Initiative des SV Werder Bremen ergibt: Auch von der sogenannten "kalten Pyrotechnik" gehen Gefahren aus. Der Bundesligist will nach weiteren Alternativen suchen.
>Auf Bitten von Werder hatte die Feuerwehr vergangenen Mittwoch im Beisein des Örtlichen Ausschusses Sicherheit und Sport (ÖASS) Tests mit "kalter Pyrotechnik" durchgeführt, deren Fackeln deutlich weniger Hitze abgeben als herkömmliche Bengalos. Auch die Erkenntnisse einer Prüfung des Bundesamts für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) flossen in die Bewertung mit ein.
>Und diese lautet: Von der sogenannten, in Dänemark entwickelten, "kalten Pyrotechnik" gehen ebenfalls Gefahren aus. Auch ihre Flamme führe "zum raschen Entzündung von Kleidung und Haaren", wie es in einer Meldung hieß: "Je nach Farbvariante der Fackeln lagen die Temperaturen zwischen 300 und 500 Grad." Außerdem seien giftige Gase freigesetzt worden, die zu Augenreizungen und Irritationen an der Haut führen könnten. Ein großes Problem der augenscheinlich "raucharmen" Fackel sei zudem, dass sich gerade die sehr kleinen Rauchpartikel im Lungengewebe besonders tief festsetzen können.
>Dieses Urteil soll aber nicht das Ende der Diskussion sein, wie Werder-Präsident Hubertus Hess-Grunewald betonte. So will der Verein den Dänen Tommy Cordsen, der die Fackeln einst im Auftrag von Bröndby IF entwickelte, nach Bremen einladen und gemeinsam erörtern, wie sich diese weitereinwickeln lassen könnten.
Based Bremen and Denmark
>When you get humiliated over such a long period of time that you have to dig out results from almost 10 years ago
yes im here now
also me rn
>In the upcoming season, our home kits from last season will serve as our away kits.
Both Retsos and Pohjanpalo are on the bench for Leverkusen's match now btw
schürrle to buyern uezs
Malcom, Éverton, Waldschimdt, Dembele, Bailey, Werner, Carrasco, Tsygankov, Melendo
my hands are freezin lads, it's 8°c here
still no home kit?
Wuppertal - Leverkusen if anyone is interested
good thing this psg copy kit will not be our fir kit
this ngubu in defense is kinda good
Based Nowitzki
why are bauern still seething after so many years? Lobo!
might get a new bunch of cats from the Bauer next door. They have cat babies.
>might get a new bunch of cats from the Bauer next door. They have cat babies.
18:55 Swedish Speedway Grand Prix
for what purpose?
watching the bayer 04
Bender Burgers
I'm see the OP pic
No cats aloud
Eben noch Hankäs' mit Musik und jetzt Äbbelwoi.
fuck you, tom/jt, you gay ass samfag.
19:09 Echte Liebe
Based! /ouryear/
very based
Fuck bvb
Who's watching Tschupomoting
>the majority of bundesu literally missed out on watching the GOAT SW Essen - RW Essen derby today
Yes hello. Just checked out my new neighbourhood. It's dirty but interdasting. Found at least 2 arab, 1 indian and a nice fish supermarket. All larger discounter chains have a store here too. I even found a nice little udon restaurant.
thanks for reading
>Arnautovic to China
Would've loved to see him in the Buli one more time desu.
Where do you live?
Schäl Sick
show your real flag
the bundes
Basado y rojopildorado
guess who's back
*misses shots near u*
literally who?
I rule the kalk mülheimer strasse
you are now my subject, get me at least 5 packs of ramsdorfer kölsch a month and we are fine
T. Brünhilde from Amerika
do you really live there?
>le autosage
Everytime T*m shows up... funny how that goes
/bundes/, when?
Is this from wwii times or later?
Paulaner or Erdinger?
Oh no, this is Norwegian propaganda not gerban
It's a Norwegian poster from WW2
Thanks Finland
not even true
Hannover and Stuttgart will make it. Sorry Nürnberch bro
What's a depp?
Ich bin einem depp
havertz in porto
*"Ich bin ein Depp", but yes.
dunno, but it's true
watch copa america
I do
no thenks brezil
>not watchinga argies and chilenos chimping
what happened with the red cards
>get headbutted
>see red
why are chilean players always such thugs?
Is Messi legit autistisch
they are manlets and always are mad because of this
si era tbqh
based concacaf refs
great desperation can lead you to triumph or abyss. fortune smiled upon me for once and somehow i'm pulling off the impossible. it's been so long.. how i missed this feeling of winning! yours truly is back in a position to challenge the world once again. and this time, i will not fail.
how and what?
good post
not true, its missing key information
That's what makes it so good. Mysteries fuel human imagination.
no, its mostly faggots speaking in vague terms
so pic related, what did you do or what are you about to do?
She defeated her gangstalkers
well, my next project is going to the 24h store to get another bottle of wine because I didnt think I would drink tonight, but now I do
when I get back I would very much like to read a full account of , thank you
LMAO! Yea Forums and Lana Lokteff on the normie news.
>i could not accept admitting defeat and starting some ausbildung or working as a laborer earning 10€/h for the rest of my life
Well, fuck you, too. Hope your work environment is hell and you get bullied into suicide, entitled anime faggot.
tchoo tchoo?
If Uli don't sign no more Granaten I will allow let my gf to cut herself again. She's quite Borderline.
The skin
Show her how to do it properly so she only has to cut once.
Good for you and although I can understand you, you sound kinda snobbish
Well my daddy taught me a few things too, like how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth
thanks denmark
please dont think im arrogant. but i know how "the other side" looks like. i've been there. i unironically had days in my early years where i begged for apples at a wochenmarkt, i am not joking. well but i will stop with my stories as i already see you guys reported me lol. just take this piece of advice with you friends: throw a coin enough times. suppose one day, it lands on its edge.
wish finland had 24h liquor stores, always so depressing to go to the store after 21 to find out you're not allowed to buy alcohol anymore
Rate mein wrist fedora
Your daddy gave you good advice
Kys, mutt. Seriously KYS!
now you will know when your time has come
What did you mean by that??
Du Hurrenson wirsdt nie und nimmer nimmer der deutschen Volksgemeinschaft angehören. Geh zu deinen "White Aryan" in den Bau, du Bastard!
that was a better story than expected, nice to hear & congratulations user
I like it, elegant without being snobbish. 8.5/10
Didn't read lol
thanks ösi brudi. but maybe i should keep this secret in real life when my closest user frens call me entitled for that lel. i've done my fair share of back breaking work and now i have luck for once. well whatever, erstmal 0n heben.
>I don't browse /pol/
I literally haven't browsed Pol in more than a year and have never spent any more than 10 or so minutes in that cesspit, FACT
uhhm it's /pol/ mr. burger pls get your facts straight and stop phoneposting ok
I exclusively phonepost
G A Y ami tßqh uezs
ÜberKringle tbh
time for the sleep. good night frens :3 and remember: we fall, we fight, we win.
Good n0t anime man
just how many blacks do the red bull clubs have? literally every rumour i see involving one of their clubs is about some black guy
was banned on tuesday night, for posting too offtopic/personal shit, when one lad here asked me where Im from.
Just to inform you.
So diallo wants to leave Dortmund. So the mean CBs are Akanji and Hummels it seems, but for replacement they only have Zagadou and Toprak it seems, which both seem shaky, and Weigl if he really stays at Dortmund.