ITT: Yea Forums in 133 AD
ITT: Yea Forums in 133 AD
Other urls found in this thread:
Cam on Maximus kill some facking Christians
more like GAYus
>being so scared of us Norf alphas you build a wall
>0 races won
really makes me think. their new Nubian slave will fail as well.
>Janny banning a thread
>tfw slave
is a horse an athlete?
>0 races won
What the FUCK did you mean by this?
>tfw no more games because the barbarian refugees always thrash the city
why can't german*ids be more civilized
It's only been up for V years, can't see it lasting much longer once the lads have seen to it.
it's all rigged to make the purples win
senators controls all the betting
Thosr races ard rigged anyway.
>counting pre-imperial trophies
Do plebs unironically do this?
Anyone want to strip naked and wrestle with me? No homo of course.
>Judaean peasents revolt
>now there are priests of Juda everywhere
Don't know how to feel about this 2bh
>No homo
What are you, a woman?
any orgies going on? asking for a friend
>tfw no cute slave bf
Not sure if this is SFW but take a look at these lads
VII (septem) - I (ūnus)
'Ate Romans
'Ate false gods
'Ate keeping written records
Love woad
Love me ma
Love smashing walls
Simple as
ooga booga
>tfw Augusta Vindelicum finally has a great gladiator again after XII years
>the Emperor has him killed after losing I fight
>that flag
What the actual fuck?
>he thinks the gladiators striking will get paid
LVL, they can forget it, there are hundreds of thracian slaves lining up to get chance to fight in rome
There's something wrong with Sennus' chariot lads
Hopefully Vindelicumfags will finally stop spamming Yea Forums with their threads now