ITT: Yea Forums in 133 AD

ITT: Yea Forums in 133 AD


Attached: circo-massimo1.jpg (550x361, 166K)

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Cam on Maximus kill some facking Christians

more like GAYus

>being so scared of us Norf alphas you build a wall

>0 races won
really makes me think. their new Nubian slave will fail as well.

>Janny banning a thread

>tfw slave

is a horse an athlete?

Attached: buildwall.png (500x628, 47K)

>0 races won
What the FUCK did you mean by this?

>tfw no more games because the barbarian refugees always thrash the city
why can't german*ids be more civilized

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It's only been up for V years, can't see it lasting much longer once the lads have seen to it.

it's all rigged to make the purples win
senators controls all the betting

Thosr races ard rigged anyway.

>counting pre-imperial trophies
Do plebs unironically do this?

Anyone want to strip naked and wrestle with me? No homo of course.

>Judaean peasents revolt
>now there are priests of Juda everywhere
Don't know how to feel about this 2bh
>No homo
What are you, a woman?

any orgies going on? asking for a friend

>tfw no cute slave bf

Not sure if this is SFW but take a look at these lads

Attached: 3-statuettes-of-venus.jpg (690x518, 47K)


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VII (septem) - I (ūnus)

'Ate Romans
'Ate false gods
'Ate keeping written records

Love woad
Love me ma
Love smashing walls

Simple as

Attached: 50c.png (680x993, 380K)

ooga booga

>tfw Augusta Vindelicum finally has a great gladiator again after XII years
>the Emperor has him killed after losing I fight

>that flag
What the actual fuck?

>he thinks the gladiators striking will get paid
LVL, they can forget it, there are hundreds of thracian slaves lining up to get chance to fight in rome

Attached: 1-4.jpg (2000x1250, 264K)

There's something wrong with Sennus' chariot lads

Hopefully Vindelicumfags will finally stop spamming Yea Forums with their threads now