For me it's.. uh

For me it's.. uh...

Attached: 20190705_135706.jpg (1440x1736, 953K)

Other urls found in this thread:

me in the centre

some one post the Patriots one. It was hilarious.

Attached: patriots.0.jpg (420x415, 70K)

Attached: 1558030455640.png (593x580, 621K)

This cant be real

Attached: 1561070673389.jpg (337x367, 23K)

Newfag toothpaste get OUT

Nigger is only a rude word in America. Literally no one cares everywhere else.

It is

>it's from 2019
how does it keep happening after
this one

nah, it's a thing everywhere where blacks are a minority

>For me it's.. uh...
His name is Robbie.

Attached: adidas.png (535x650, 295K)

Great. Go try it in Canada or South Africa or Britain and see how it works out for you.

How come it's always arsenal?

its because of adida's spambot with every purchase of an arsenal jersey of this season

there's no interweb in the favelas, be gone

kronke had enough of negros ruining his franchises.


Attached: Walkers-Harold-Shipman-Twitter-fail.jpg (624x351, 33K)

Attached: 1469473233379.jpg (991x902, 60K)