Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini, so suck my dick!
lol can he get them stoned to death for sex outside of marriage
Wow, he’s fucking lying too.....
There was a guy from my town that looked like a shitty pitcher for the Yankees and fucked 15 women.
I am shocked that he only got probation. That would be rape charges in 2019
shit is like a week old already grandpa
>That would be rape charges in 2019
LMAO is it really rape if they actually consented? rally makes you think
>illegal in some countries
but not Iran I take it?
>dopplegangers don't exist
but can he do it on a cold, rainy night in stoke?
kek based bootleg messi
>cold night
I probably couldn't. It's my poor circulation, I s-swear.
Theft by deception is a crime
theft of what? pussy juices?
You can't steal 1 (one) sex.
based andy pettitte
Fake Messi telling Iranian women he has business in Tehran, during the middle of the season
theft of what lmao
They will absolutely make this into a rape charge if they haven’t already
Did the women get stoned to death?
There is a crime named sex fraud in many countries
Thisi smilitary but you get the idea
10 U.S. Code §920. Art. 120. Rape and sexual assault generally
(b)Sexual Assault.—Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1) commits a sexual act upon another person by—
(C) inducing a belief by any artifice, pretense, or concealment that the person is another person;
is guilty of sexual assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Messi is such an autist that that lookalike might unironically have fucked more women that the real Messi ever fucked.
based fessi exposing the true nature of thots
1 Antonella > 100 burkas
It's a fake story user
I don't know much about celebrities. Who are the most peruANO looking like. I want to see if I can pull off something like this.
>rape by deception