Based or cringe?

Based or cringe?

Attached: 15639548-0-image-a-2_1562257733215.jpg (636x358, 55K)

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*chimps out after every lost point*
Why does Kyrgios do this?

>n-nooo y-you can't do that, r-rafa is waiting in the tarp for a strong serve!!!

hol up. did the kyrgios dude under arm a serve? da fuck

3 times and it worked everytime

Everyone should consider using it when players stand so far from the baseline

based. Nadal is a roided ape

what's this guy's problem

Attached: kyrgis.png (574x558, 464K)

Based. Easy to prevent by not standing 10-feet behind the baseline.

He's a nutcase.

tactical genius

Weak mind.

based kyrgios with the mario tennis tactics

Serving underhand is a perfectly legitimate tactic if your opponent is standing three miles from the court.

quads confirm

cringe and bluepilled, based boomer baldal made woggimodo pay

>Struggling against some hungover out of shape wog

the LTA will fucking twat him for that

How about hitting at the opponent's body while they're at net? I've never understood why this is so frowned upon, and Kygrios was behind the baseline when he did it.

because today was yet another display of the nadal favouritism that all chair umpires seem to practice on the tour

It's not frowned upon, it's perfectly legitimate to do it. In fact most players will aim for the body. It's just good manners to say sorry afterwards if you hit the opponent. Same thing when you score a lucky point of the net, there's nothing wrong there but it's good manners to say sorry.

Because he didn't have an elder authority figure who would teach him to behave and control like Nadal had uncle Tony.

it works

I don't really get the apology though, they're intentionally hitting at the opponent, so it's not an accident in the same way a net point is. In this instance, Nadal wasn't even hit as he got his racket up. No apology needed from Kyrgios imo.

I don't know. I would say that you're doing it because it is very effective but you recognize that you're putting your opponent in an uncomfortable position so you apologize, as gentlemen do. Besides, it's not like you need to hand in a written apology, you just lift your racket respectfully.

>apologize for scoring
I don't think this semen-slurping sport is for me

>Being this much of an uneducated burger

He's a shitskin who was lucky to be born in a white country.


just twice

Based because its against the roiding monkey

Cringe. He's a fucking spastic and an absolute twat.

Literally nothing wrong with it, or is it against any kind of rules or etiquette. If 7ft serve-bots can bore us all with their game then an underarm serve every now and again is harmless.

Attached: 1562258068684.webm (1120x630, 1.02M)

Kyrgios = Yea Forums
Nadal = reddit

Attached: 1562261623518.webm (1120x630, 851K)

Racist, if they were women

I had always thought Kyrgios was a dumbass but this is pretty based, not gonna lie

Nadal was laughing to himself after that serve like to say niceone.

Based to be honest

He's an antisocial autist, so Yea Forums probably likes him

This should be done even more. If Nadal's constantly worried about having to run forward, he'll be less focused on return of serve.


If it is within the rules, he should totally do it more often and mix it with his normal serve.
It should be encouraged, tennis has become dull, time for more variety.

you should spend less time on Yea Forums

>what's this guy's problem
Low IQ nigger.

is that against the rules or something, seems like a sound strategy

>is that against the rules or something, seems like a sound strategy
Some opponents think it's poor sportsmanship to aim at another player, and at the very least, an (insincere) apology should be offered.

If it's so hard to defend against, why not do this all the time and be the GOAT? Fuck the other bitches

I think it would hilarious if someone decided on every point that they were going to hit short balls to draw the opponent in, and then take aim and hit the ball as hard as they possibly could.

based KyrGOAT body shooting frauds