ITT: Kino posts of Yea Forums
ITT: Kino posts of Yea Forums
Only because of the big beautiful flag attached to them.
>mfw a sudaca was poor near me
you are so fat everyone is near you
lose weight
You’d be fat too if you had food better than Sopa de Macaco to eat
>He spends his life obsessed over Americans and how he thinks that's why he doesn't have a job or gets laid
>remember that great post
>that post was great
Is there any other country that makes third worlders seethe this much?
You can't even make food worth of UMA DELÍCIA.
>Why yes, I do enjoy the endless seething from other countries. How could you tell?
Why, from those dubs of course. It was obvious!
Nothing better than seething from third worlders. Didnt argentina lose another soccer game even though they had the soccer goat on their team?
Did anyone screengrab the post of the American thinking mushy peas was guacamole? Happened yesterday
>implying your malnutrition means you’re fit
imagine being so obsessed you keep a collection of screenshotted American posts.
It's honestly cringey how obsessed Yea Forums is with England and America.
They hate us cuz they ain’t us
Simple as