Fancy a cuppa lads? A cuppa of this Independence. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA
Fancy a cuppa lads? A cuppa of this Independence. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA
Based flat girl
Happy 4th bros, I'm getting wasted tonight
>Saudi Arabia scores against America
>scorer mimes a plane
>runs into 2 teammates
>they fall to the ground
t. huilostani
hahahaha racism is soooo fucking funny. childish fucking cunts,fuck off.
I wish nothing but death on america
inshallah, bro6
t. the tyrant king george iii
>this is the pinnacle of american banter
That these colonies are, and of a right out to be, free and independent states. And that all political connection between them and the country of Great Britain is, and of a right ought to be, totally dissolved.
Pinnacle was def planting a flag on the moon
>chimp out because taxes are raised by like 3%
>Americans now pay more tax than Brits
still SEETHING that we threw tea your precious tea in the harbor
That's not the point, the point being that taxes were being raised without any representation from any of the colonies. No one had a say in anything. Cope harder Teanigger
Scots and Welsh at it again
>A cuppa of
>American """Banter"""
How is this funny? It's just crass, offensive and stupid. What made Morgan ABE anyways? She's playing our fiucking sport. Stupid ignorant dyke bitch. Hope she breaks a leg in the final
t. angus mcferguson
Go kill yourself and stop falseflagging. God I hate you scots
More English than you Rasheed
What do non-Anglos think of all this infighting?
I'm not trying to stop the banter train lads but it was a seriously poor celebration. It wasn't funny and I don't mean ah lads come on now that's isn't funny..I mean it was kinda cringe.
A funny celebration is adebayor because of the actual seeth in the stadium by the arse fans. When she pretended to sip on tea I'm sure none of the women's kids and onions dads cared or seethed in the slightest.
>Saudi Arabia doing anything in the open without US permission
Yeah American politicians are very well known to represent their constituents and not being in the pocket of Israel or corporations
We dont really give a shit if Im gonna be completely honest.
>0 real world cup medals
Nice """""empire""""""""""""
Law in Sport:
>A player inciting violence or hatred (s.53), provoking the general public (s.54), carrying out offensive behaviour (s.57) or carrying out discriminative action (s.58) may well cover most forms of political statements within a game and all carry with them the threat of a fine for the player or, in some instances, lengthy bans.
I think its obvious and proportionate that she should be banned from the World Cup final.
I guess women aren't even accountable for their actions in women's sport.
Literal anti-white racism yet the leftist media say nothing? Disgusting cow should be locked up!
>USA gets Iraq banned
>white women dominate soccer
>black women dominate basketball
>black men dominate american football and basketball
>latino men dominate baseball
Is the white american male the most irrelevant demographic in the US?
Are you looking forward to the Island Games m8?
white americans dominate when it comes to domestic terrorism
>toke on a doobie
>people mistake it for sipping a cup of tea
>It's just crass, offensive
How the hell is miming drinking tea crass and offensive?
>get enraged by a marginal tax increase
>start a mass shooting spree
some things never change. hilarious that americans are taught its some glorious revolution though kek
Funniest thing is they had an uprising and LOST. It was the French who went to America to stop us, with the help of Spain and the Dutch while the Yanks cowered in the corner and licked their wounds.
Twas the Nineteenth of October
In the year of Eighty One!
Cornwallis did surrender,
To General Washington!
>We didn't want to have a stupid empire anyway. Being confined to a tiny island you have to share with Scots is way better.
No we DID want it, that's why we fought you muppet. We easily beat the Americans into submission but couldn't handle three European powerhouses at once.
Fair play to them, they put up a much better fight than the cucks they came to rescue.
What? The British Empire didn't exist until after 1776, friend. France and Spain were the major Empires at that point. The Revolution bankrupted France which destroyed their ability to fight in India. Spain lost a lot of money and their Empire slowly fell apart over the following 100 years. The British Empire was at its height in 1922.
>The Revolution bankrupted France which destroyed their ability to fight in India.
And led to the french revolution which caused the king who bankrolled the american revolution to get his head chopped off alongside his wife lel
Nice of you to conveniently ignore Germany assisting Britain. There were more Hessians than British soldiers.
>We easily beat the Americans into submission
I guess that's why we celebrate scoring goals with a relaxing sip of tea while our imperial overlords congratulate us and don't get asspained in the slightest.
Lol, Age of Enlightenment-era damage control.
White guys play quarterback and hockey
How is she still so pretty after getting all hot and sweaty playing sport?
It reminds the male gaze of sex. Her skin is flushed and glistening with a sheen of sweat.
any country that had to declare independence in the first place, is beta.
only alpha countries that weren't beta enough to be enslaved in the first place.
so England, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, San Marino
You were occupied by romans. Then danes. Then normans.
So that time back in 1066 when you were conquered by a bunch of Normans doesn't count? In fact, you never got your independence back from them. And here we are, with the English language being a corrupt mishmash of old German, French, Latin, and Greek.
Nope, we were being chads in Northern Germany at that time
Give me a break, faggots who ran for the boats at the first sign of a fight
We're all Normans, I myself am Anglo Norman on my maternal side
They're apparently french.....and proud of it
>Nope, we were being chads in Northern Germany at that time
>I'm proud to be English, except when I'm proud to be German, and also I'm Norman.
You do realize you've now lost all right to make fun of >muh 1/16th heritage Americans.
Americans are the epitome of cringe
bong island has been bullied around plenty of times though
>A cuppa of
foolish fat man
Normans and Anglo-Saxons are like Fish and Chips, meant to be put together.
The mongrel monstrosities that have arisen in North America are an affront to God.
>Normans and Anglo-Saxons are like Fish and Chips
So the fish conquers and enslaves the chips? I had no idea. Is the malt vinegar the clergy in this analogy? Man, English cuisine is weirder than I thought.
What kind of tea are you lads drinking today
they can't handle banter
Libertea :^)
>How the hell is miming drinking tea crass and offensive?
It wasn't anywhere near tea-time and she didn't also mime having a crumpet or a cucumber sandwich.
It was just uncultured.
Yeah mate.
>a cucumber sandwich.
Ew. But I'll give you a pass because crumpets are delicious.
Didnt read, potato
All that shows is how irrelevant the colonies were to Britain at the time. Hesse was just one of many duchies/margraviates/burgraviates/whatever in the turbo-balkanised HRE. Them sending more troops than the Brits speaks for itself.
meant for
White guys play hockey, lacrosse, and school shooting
You'd think with all that experience the blacks would dominate school shootings.
True, but what would a black be doing in school?
sell drugs and play handegg
I want to cum in her
Who's the other cutie coming to hug Alex Morgan?
very underrated post
This pair of white American males have won three championships user
Rose LaVelle.
>All that shows is how irrelevant the colonies were to Britain at the time.
Britain thought they could win the war primarily with their navy, especially considering their opponent had no real navy to speak of. Let the Germans fight on land and get killed...
They would unironically be considered white here
White pitchers/quaterbacks
I hope the Europeans wipe the arrogant smirk of the faces of these stupid dykes
Besides losing wars, producing manic depressive philosophers who think they’re polish and killing other Germans what is Germany good at
A cuppa my nuts upside your head
Adult daycare for their (single) mom.