Imagine being a Liverpool fan

>Imagine being a Liverpool fan

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Why would you say something so vile?

Just the thought of liverpool fan base it sickee me for the good of humankind this team should be disolved and pretend that such a disaster never existed Liverpool FC was truly the biggest mistake of the humankind


they have an intense victim complex, jew level shit

Yes, imagine supporting a team that has won 6 CL titles and 18 league titles. Kys you gypsy shitskin, you shouldn’t even be talking football in the first place. Your country has never produced a good player or won anything

But how many premier leagues?

Even if Liverpool won every premier league and 69 champions leagues, being an inbred scouser would be the worst (and no i'm not an anglo aussie or abo, i'm wog master race)

Just looked it up. Liverpool F.C. has a grand total of 0 (zero) Premier League titles. They came in 2nd (second) place this year though which is their best finish in history. Congratulations Liverpool!

I find it really weird when people from Canada or America have this really intense hatred for a club in England. So do you guys hate liverpool because you bandwagon some other top 6 english team?


I had no problems but all these years of watching I finally understand why everyone hates them
They're the n words of England, whiny victims when it's convenient but a bunch of thieving, criminal low life scum in general
No one likes whiny n words that play the victim over everything despite behaving like chimps

cringe and fat

they understand that scousers are subhuman

Most likely. Plastics have this weird fetish for hating clubs they are in no way associated with.


feels good

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Why do you care tho? I doubt Scousers are doing any of that thieving near you. And lol at being a /pol/tard and saying the "n word".

>Ignoring our English brothers
Not on my watch

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No my only allegiance is ABLiverpoo

>ABLs thinking about liverpool once again
this club has literally destroyed your minds

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>American trying to fit in


By the way, Liverpool's crime rate is significantly lower than London, Manchester, Birmingham so
the "durr thieves" stuff doesn't work:^)

I have nothing against leicester please don't call me ABL.

Yea they won a cl final against TOTTENHAM. Of all teams it had to be TOTTENHAM. They couldn’t beat real madrid last year. It’s delusional to think you are the best team of the world just because you beat TOTTENHAM.

Why would you assume the L stood for Leicester when Liverpool are the most successful team in North West Europe?

>the best team in england beat the best team in spain and the best team in germany to become champions of europe
so its basically the perfect cl win?

Leicester has won the league and therefore is worthy of a single letter designation.
Meanwhile being the "best" team in North West Europe is not even a real title.

Liverpool's 'online' fandom is easily the most cringeworthy so it's pretty understandable

they're just overcompensate to try and fit in

Liverpool have won the English Premier league eighteen times. Of course it isn't a title, but they hold that accolade because they have won the most titles of any team in North West Europe. I am simply demonstrating the idiocy of thinking that the L in ABL stood for Leicester.

Liverpool has never won the premier league. Also ABL has meant anyone but Leiceister for many years here.
Here are some other common AB initialisms:
ABLi = Anyone but Lincoln
ABLiv = Anyone but Livorno
ABLive = Anyone but Liversedge
ABLiver = Anyone but Liverpool Ladies FC
ABLiverp = Anyone but A.F.C Liverpool FC
ABLiverpo = Anyone but Liverpool (Montevideo)
ABLiverpoo = Anyone but Liverpool
ABLiverpool = Anyone but Everton

Nobody cares about irrelevant league tittles, the CL has always been the only title that actually matters.


Have six OP

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