Remember that time Joe Buck's commentary improved your sports viewing experience? Neither do I.
Remember that time Joe Buck's commentary improved your sports viewing experience? Neither do I
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Fuck off, he's kino. You don't need to be an emotional retard while watching a children's ball game.
anglo commentary was a mistake
That was a DISGUSTING act by Randy Moss.
somebody post the 911 Joe buck commentary
this shit will always make me laugh
people hate barstool but pardon my take changed buck's perception by a lot
Remember that time ANY commentator improved your viewing experience? Neither do I
Joe buck posting was one of the best things this board has ever done
that’s fucking hilarious
I like Joe and Troy never understood all the hate he gets especially if you compare it to the espn shitshow of the last few years.
Never minded him much outside of his baseball homerism. All those negative memes about him perfectly describe Joe Davis though
One time I was watching some amateur porn vid and eventually it hit me that a nfl game was going on in the background with joe buck announcing. i had to just stop and reconvene like 20 minutes later
Is the joke here supposed to be that Joe Buck is terrible?
Because he is but all that post shows me is that capitalism is out of fucking control
pardon my take completely 180'd my stance on buck. the artie lange episode is one of the best podcast episodes ever
I think his talent is wasted as a commentator and he should be on one of those desk shows as the lead
he has improved a lot
from whispering "touchdown, no flags"
Welp, I like him.
I actually liked him in the 2017 World Series. Game 5 was wild and he didn't even ruin it.