Tfw Chile lost on purpose so they can beat us in 3rd place

>tfw Chile lost on purpose so they can beat us in 3rd place

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Gay as fuck my dude


why does Chile want to steal my rival?


/r/ing the full webm

just gib me the sauce senpai

thx for the motivation to start watching fate kaleid

Second this

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at this point, I don't think that brazil has a rival in SA


I don't want to masturbate again

I'm telling janny

Brazil is our son btw, it is i...Mexico

At least playing against Argentina is always kino, but playing against Peru will be the same 6-0 as before or even worse, if Peru parks the bus, which I believe they will.


South America.


I know.

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You'll be playing against peru on steroids though, its their first final in almost half a century and they have absolutely no pressure on winning that match, they also eliminated uruguay AND chile, a team who has whooped their asses on almost every game for 2 whole generations, the pressure is all on brasil on this, although you'll be stealing the game anyway, so my hope os that peru plays well enough so the VARshit is evident enough to be noticeable


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Just hand over the sauce and no one gets hurt

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>had to steal 2 goals to Argentina to win

Everday I'm Rustling.

fate pedo edition

Peru beat brazil in 2016