USA VS dem weed boys

your gold cup semifinal MVP edition

USA up 1-0 after 9(mckennie)

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Other urls found in this thread:

I support Jamaica because I loathe the United States of America

have sex

ok i know r/ soccer streams made a website with essentially all the same links, please help - i never wrote it down

>finally an exciting game
>stopped by lightning


Attached: hannah dark.jpg (400x400, 18K)


Attached: us clapping.png (587x600, 475K)

Is rain racist? is the website but it's not always updated. R/soccercityy is the current subreddit

footybite lad

What's the big deal of a lightning storm? I'm retarded

shits dangerous, yo

there was another one - i know about footybite... they just updated at the top of the page in the last few weeks. fuck

well yeah, but why?

if it hits you, thats like 10k amps of electricity coursing through your body

Well i found it in the wayback machine but it still doesn't have a link wtf

Didn't think it was really probable for lightning to hit someone, thanks burgerbro

its not really that likely, but it can still happen

some people have been hit multiple times

if you want to get hit by lightning, come to Florida. last month a man was hit by lightning while riding his motorcycle on the highway. he died.

we posting here

>implying anything can kill florida man

why would anybody come to florida in the first place

If this game doesn't start up again soon, I'm going to start fapping

Well this game is fucking boring as shit so I'm leaving this thread. I thought that you faggots said that the world cup or whatever this shit was the best sporting event of all time. LOL
Anyways I just downed
>6 bud lights
>boneless wings
>pizza sticks
>and a chocolate molten lava cake
This Seahawks fan (AKA real FOOTBALL) is leaving Applebee's one happy guy. Mrs. is driving :) boutta go piihb.

PS. see you in the superb owl chiefs

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>having two threads up
The absolute state of Amerifats and mexifats.

yikes, not even worth giving a (you)


Not giving a (You) to this copypasta


Rate my dinner bros

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is mcdonald apple pie any good? i like the pocket one from popeye

It’s 2.5/5

Implying what?


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>actually unironically eating fast "food"

Blast from the past

What always got me kekking was the retarded green snapback, like why?

he supports the new york yiant, man

so funny i had literally no idea who won b/w netherlands and the other country today

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get out of here faggot

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>be toothpaste
>hate America

KEK based but bluepilled