Doesn't the fact that American women dominate women's soccer with most of America not even caring prove that American...

Doesn't the fact that American women dominate women's soccer with most of America not even caring prove that American men would dominate if their best athletes played?

Compare Messi to LeBron, this shows that pure American DNA is simply too powerful, too fast and too alpha to be denied by little euro manlets. If the best American athletes played soccer, America would win every World Cup by 7-1 or greater against every team.

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F for effort

Damn user you really love american cock

>American DNA
>Mud Blood
Slave DNA is still shit DNA, the Constitution was written with Whites in mind due to superior genes.

You know its true.

American Athletes > *

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i thought lebron was a liverpool fan

you need more meme words in your bait

Has a canadian ever made a good post ?

his bullshit about DNA is exactly that, but he's right that America would dominate soccer if anyone here played it past the age of 10. Our best athletes play football, basketball, swimming, and track/XC

The pill too bitter for euros to swallow

>Would the richest country in the world of 330 million people that also has the most advanced sports training in the world be good at a sport if their athletes pursued it?

Of course, people who claim otherwise are just doing it cus >murifats etc.

The same reason why the Chinese will eventually take over Asian soccer. Majority of their country are still living in abysmal conditions that make Brazilian favelas look like The Ritz-Carlton or else they would have by now

American masculine spirit and diversity of DNA is unmatched.

Even the American women are more masculine than euros.

>Bwaaah the most competitive country in the world doesn't care about the most watched sport worldwide, if they did they would dominate.

if don t exist

>implying America cares about soccer

based Canadian knows his place

i know this meme is just ass tier bait but fuckin god, bet these motherfuckers 2% white milk.
"Athletes" of other sports would not translate well to soccer you dumb flyover inbred fucks. Best basketball player would crack in hockey, best baseball player would be shit in football.
get these through faygo infested diabetic skulls.

not every sport translates directly, but most football positions, runners, and swimmers would be perfectly suited to soccer

Women's sport correlates mostly to where feminism/lgbt is popular, so suddenly nations like USA, Sweden, England are top tier,

Football is a game of skill, not athleticism.

>American women dominate women's soccer with most of the world not even caring

If you put the NFL's 11 best kickers on a team they’d probably reach at least the quarterfinal of the World Cup

What is this "Best athletes" faggotry?

>le SJW bogeyman!
post a professional athlete who is more athletic than Lebron and not from America

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There's no doubt we would dominate if it was in our top 3 sports. As it is only kids that can't physically compete in our real sports play divegrass. maybe some day that will change but I can't see it

He would be shit at football anyways

This. There is absolutely 0 incentive to continue playing football last high school in the US. Being a professional would often literally mean having to work two jobs to get by.


Women sports is like luckyswing. Only the US and a handful cunts have an organized team.

America is not the only country with big black dudes. Being tall is not a huge advantage in soccer unless you're a goalie or a center forward, and even then you never see NBA/NFL-size guys playing. It's hard for anyone to run 90 minutes, but it'd be impossible for the giants pushing 240 pounds.

America really doesn't have a system for developing players (of any sport really) comparable to those available in most countries on Earth, it just so happens that most American sports are mainly popular in America so Americans play them the most and become the majority of the talent pool for those sports. You look at how many international players are in basketball now and it's clear America doesn't have a talent monopoly once other countries (with their academies and minor leagues) start catching on to a sport.

Being big and being athletic/gifted are very different things. Lebron is a genetic freak of nature even among his peers, so don't set him as the baseline.

It's the other way around. The reason American women dominate is because no one else in the world even cares about women's soccer.

How did it take this long for someone to post this

no they wouldn't, being the fastest will only get you out of being an amateur. Anyone that has ever played can tell you how meaningful the skill gap is.

More importantly the mental aspect of the game. You could be the best player ever and a fucking team like Urugay or Chile could break you and destroy your career in one match

are you retarded? OP doesn't mean literally put Tom Brady and LeBron and Michael Phelps on a team together, you fucking retard lmao.

there's like 400 million americans. if you guys gave a shit about soccer, you'd find the pieces you needed and stomp shit

You do know the fastest man in the world actually tried playing football and was shit at it right

Too bad America sucks at everything except women’s football

>lol just put someone fast and they will dominate soccer

why are fatmericans such brainlets

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Nobody gives a fuck about basketball outside of the USA and still those niggers have lost against whities countless times, explain that nigger.

They would dominate hockey or tennis then, wouldn't they.

the fact that lebron can't play without AC just proves you have soft players. He would literally die playing full 90 minutes in Qatar.

They would dominate boxing as well... They don't, this Israel slave fatfucks can't dominate anything in which other countries are serious about it, the only thing they dominate in is promoting faggotry

half the players are going to die playing full 90min in qatar retard
>hurr why do specialized athletes not have the ability to play sports they arent training for
its like if I asked you why Messi can't dunk a basketball or why Ronaldo doesn't know how to read who the Mike is as a quarterback going under center.


We've high quality steroids here , theres no top dog DNA. We inject negros with high steroids and watch them run.

Not really. USA is the only country to have seriously invested money in womens football as they are the most feminist country on Earth, though other countries are now starting to go full time too. Within a decade the playing field should be even.

cant think of many 7 foot tall footballers

Cristiano Ronaldo has gotten close at times.

after a certain level, football is mostly a game of skill. Your size is irrelevant unless you're playing women football or youth football.That's why burgers will never dominate the game.

Ihave no idea why americans are obsessed with black guys who can run fast. It's all they ever talk about.

plenty of roided chunkers play rugby, union and league


>dominate women's soccer
yeah and Huttersfield dominated the Championships league

Anglo nations are shit: they are too low IQ and can not into technique.

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Serious question, is there any technique in American football besides running fast forward? How do old men like manning and brady dominate for so long?

It's basically just getting open and tackling with shitty technique. No I'm kidding, there's more to it.

>How do old men like manning and brady dominate for so long?

They're the guys who throw the ball to the pacy dark fellas. They don't need to run, just avoid getting hit too hard.

Americans are basically the same as us at soccer and we have as many sports we prioritise over it but 15th the population
Americans aren't anglo

It's true desu. If football had always been the number #1 sport in the US they would be France but with a much larger pool of talent.

You an Anglo-retard on vacation here? England is the third most populous European country and they have been mediocre as fuck for decades. Spain, Holland, Portugal and Italy all have less inhabitants but are infinitely superior football countries. There goes your logic.

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>I know this is bait but gives serious answer anyway
>can't even form a good argument

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I would unironically like it if the murricans got into football, if only to cuck UEFA


Exactly, because feminism promotes more equitable funding for youth systems, so the women's teams end up more professional

>a team like Uruguay or Chile

dont lump us with those 1 copa having culiaos


Lebron would be, at best, Hulk
Kobe would be, at best, Eto'o
The rest are too retarded to play fvtbol

Of course Americans would dominate because true Americans don't exist. They would just import the group that has the genetic advantage for football over the years and the rest of the amerifats would take pride in the accomplishments of their ''''own'''. Like they do with chess(asians) basketball-nfl(giga black fellas) swimming(aryans) soccer now (slavs).

Actually maybe that's the reason america aren't good at football yet. Because the sport is more complex than bring the tallest/fastest/wider shoulders to waist ratio guys to gurantee winning and they haven't cracked the formula yet.

I would say slav and Mediterraneans have the best genes for football, tho germans are very good at football as well

He literally said you dont care about it, you mutt.

>Having a weaker comprehension of english than a favela monkey.

Giannis Antetokounmpo. Wow, that was easy.

>11 Black Peter Crouch’s

But user, England is awful

English are inbred alcoholics

I don't know why Usatians got so obsessed with the "athletes" meme.

Football doesn't necessarily have the best physical talent and genetics. I mean, Messi would be a failure in almost everything else.

The most important in football is football culture and that takes decades to grow but US has potential in that regards since it has such a huge manpower and infrastructure but that doesn't mean shit unless you can produce talented players.

Most giga nigas would be awful at football btw except maybe as center backs.

This is correct

The US would just be Big England. Choking endlessly with a team rides the bench at big clubs behind better foreigners

meanwhile IRL you got raped by Toto & Toblerone

The only reason amerivaginas dominate women's football is that you're the ONLY ones who put any effort into it. No other country in the world even tries