I bet half of Brazillians consider this guy white

I bet half of Brazillians consider this guy white.

Attached: images(2).jpg (452x679, 31K)

he's not?

short heda

looks aztec af.

this nigga's albino lmao

If you have straight hair you considered white in Brazil, aylimao.

he's considered what we call "pardo" or "coffe with milk" or "baiano" or "favelado" or "nordestino" or "my dick"

wtf? this dude is literally white, are you blind?

If he tried to get into public office in the black people quota (affirmative action), i would veto him

lol that dude's not white

he would be racially abused in school here

>wears flamengo shirt

Attached: 1561832121369.jpg (570x456, 88K)

He's white as fuck like every carioca

he's white just like me

whiter than me

>he would be racially abused in school here
yeah, for being white
the irish are an african race

He was living in a sunny state getting his daily natural quota of vitamin D, what did you expect?

That’s the whitest man ive seen in my life

Woah buddy. That's a pretty white guy in America.

Paquetá would instantly be the whitest guy in Argentina if he played for them.

Then again he'd never pass as a native.

Attached: whitest man in Argentina.png (467x700, 372K)

This dude ia almost an albino. Wtf are u guys talking?

did you really created this thread for this? seriously?

Who fuckin cares, having tan skin >> being a pasty incel anyday


His wife is a qt

*forgot pic

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-07-03 18-20-51.png (597x446, 477K)

No doubt. Pic related as well

Attached: 1561385465237.jpg (640x387, 29K)

did they hurt your ass yesterday, fellow user

nah mate
he is whiter than me and i am south brazilian