45,000 Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance coverage
45,000 Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance coverage
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Is it Land Of The Free Healthcare?
>tfw visit relatives in chicago each year and it's a perfect country but not to live in
it's such a paradox, absolutely fucking amazing tourist paradise but the locals have it hard
Phillipines would like to have a word with you
>my tax money isn't keeping poor faggots alive
holy fucking BASED
what about that country, hans?
>my tax money isn't keeping poor faggots alive
forgetting US soldiers are we?
That's literally anywhere in the world that's a tourist destination.
They deserve to die desu and deep down after all the redneck virtue signalling Americans enjoy watching them get abandoned
This guy's pretty BASED desu
god i wish that were me
Yes, and?
neither is optimal
>he goes to away matches
How the fuck does he fit through the turnstiles?
>45,000 Americans
>average weight of an american: 92,4kg
>average body fat percentage of overweight people: 25%
>1039,5 tonnes of fat
>1kg of body fat is 3,500 calories
>which totals 3,638,250,000 of calories just buried or cremated because of the lack of free healthcare
>a barrel of oil contains 1,400,000,000 calories
>which translates that every american who died last year are worth just short of 2.6 barrels of oil
>a barrel of crude oil is worth US$ 56.75 (WTI, today)
>so that ultimately means all those lives are worth US$ 147.48 (of course ignoring the value in work hours they could put because there isn't much then can do on scooters and by being dead)
>then we have these Neymar boots (pic related) who are worth US$ 246.97
>by rule of three, we can then imply these boots are worth 75,357 american lives
These boots are worth 75,357 american lives. Think about it.
Forgot the picture of the 75 thousand american lives worth of boots.
really makes you think
good for tourists, bad for locals
americans got it right. if you prefer to buy the latest 4K tv instead of buying insurance you don't deserve to live
4k TVs dropped in value hard recently, you can have a decent samsung 4k smart TV for 300 euros
all tvs are shit unless its OLED desu
Is this the janny?
Britain doesn't even have health care
>costs £7k a week
Janny costs £0k a week
true, but it does have a national health service.
>1 to 3k euros
Eh, I'd rather get the ASUS PG35VQ at that point
heard oled is very bad for the eyes, the blue light generated by oled screens is very bad for the eyes.
Intriguing. Never looked at it like that.
Yeah 45,000 stupid gringos
Im an undocumented immigrant, me, my wife and kids all use the hospital emergency room for healthcare. Last time I went the Dr. wrote me a prescription for viagra on the spot because my wife keeps farting when I put her legs back. Now we can eat tacos and burritos no problem
Is your family orthodox or Protestant?
based chicano
all tv is bad for eyes probably.
only OLED can produce pure black. I have a Samsung Qdot tv and it pixelates all black parts
if youre not an autismo like me, then maybe it wont matter
just buy old crt screens on bulk and wear hipster clothing
The Romanian Protestants in the Chicago area are crazy pieces of shit. Especially the baptist fuckers.
don't worry they are crazy here too
also baptist girls are crazy about sex usually. they are frigid little whores that where kept in a strict line their entire childhood then the moment they notice dick they suck it. it's weird how it balances out
I knew a Baptist Romanian who dated a really nice, pious Evangelical white guy. Her parents hated him and made them break up, so she started hanging out with drug dealers and would get worked by multiple dudes at a time. Lel.
thought for a sec you should have written Dr. Rosenberg but it would have been to obvious then I guess
Well if you're worried about race, at the very least baptists are 99% white, I'd rather risk it with an orthodox chick though
Excellent cope, Muhammad.
shut up gipsy
How many people die waiting for healthcare in the UK?
hard cope
fuck off commie, as if paying for inbred muslims stabbing eachother with illegal butter knives was any better,
t. magyar cigan
I think most Romanians are fairly white. I specified that the guy she dated was white because most people wouldn’t care that ethnically he was German lmao
based unit
Barely any