*Exposes that Bongs cannot take bants*

*Exposes that Bongs cannot take bants*

Attached: 75005499-9A19-4BFA-8E46-DCDD1CEA9371.jpg (800x533, 65K)

I'm convinced that it's the jocks false flagging again. Even Phil Neville sounded like he barely gave a fuck.

more like *exposes the mutts that they don't know how to dring tea*

It's definitely false flagging.
Nobody cares about women's football. Even those butch women that actually like football would rather watch the men's. In years to come we'll remember fondly of how the men's team reached the semi finals of the world cup and the atmosphere after every game leading to it. Yesterday will be forgotten by all but the players and their families.

Is she smoking a joint?

woke post

livid right now, someone is going to fucking pay

won't be wanking to Morgan again. deeply disappointed.

I can't stop thinking about this disgraceful abuse. the worst part is there is no serious move to get her banned from playing the final. if someone scored against brazil and celebrated by going oo oo and peeling a banana people would have a problem with it, so why is this ok? it's actually horrifying

absolutley disgusted. this isn't banter, it's abuse. how can fifa let this kind of toxic behaviour slide?

>these false flagging scots

I didn't even know this was a thing until i saw American newspapers/went to Yea Forums, i don't think anyone knows or actually cares

what's what i thought as well

Something really awkward about the way shes standing

Honestly I've been cringing at all the people getting bent out of shape about it. It's such a PC, inoffensive celebration. I guess outrage culture is rampant already, though.

Attached: frog cringe.jpg (250x174, 5K)

Literal anti-white racism, yet FIFA does nothing?

It's almost as if they're are taking the piss, parodying the complaints of Cameroon, just to wind up people like you.

Unacceptable display. Fifa must step in. Simple as.

Hanging's too good for her!!

Was not bantz and was done because she knew it would cause and outrage and to make money

Simple as


The most triggering thing about this is them acting like theyve accomplished something.

1. It's women's sports
2. It's a one horse race

No other country puts half the money into women's football that the US does and these cunts act like they're Croatia taking down England in the 2018 wc

She’s literally a fucking Anglo

Accurate post

ok pls explain what the ass this is supposed to mean?

shes a united fan so I dont care

>Alex Morgan
Tell me you're trolling

Damn I'm so upset we lost the other day. Proper seething

Attached: RawLamb.png (960x960, 657K)

Should be lube in this hand not phone

y'all sound like we do whenever the men's team loses

>nobody cares
>everyone else puts more money into it!


Shes married to a spic

I don't understand
Is it not just UNA VELA?

>We were only pretending to be mad

Holy cope