>the ABSOLUTE STATE of messhit
The ABSOLUTE STATE of messhit
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He's right tho, it was the biggest refball I've seen in a continental/world cup
You dont watch a lot or are really underage
I heard the final against Germany in 1990 was stolen but I wasn't born back then
Talking about copa america, world cup or euros since ~2005. This was the biggest refball I've seen
oh he BIG MAD big mad
I think he also said he hoped the CONMEBOL would do something about the referees, but expected them not to because they ride Brazil's dick.
Honestly didn't expect these words from Messi.
So please explain where he lied because so far I've only read facts.
>The state of the pitches was a disgrace but I guess it's what you can expect from a country coming from over a decade of leftists governments.
Can't believe he actually said this.
it was obvious. brazil wouldn't have survived another semifinal defeat at home, against argentina.
>Gas the kikes race war now
I can't believe he said that
Why is this allowed lads?
If he said that he’s going full delusional. Conmebol rides 100% argentinian dick
is he /ourguy/?
Argentina was bad. The defense and midfield were shit and brazil dominated.
That said, the reffing was pretty bad. While Brazil was the better side, he does make a point.
This. Not VAR those obvious faults were disgusting, from time to time he called some on Argentina's favour to disguise; like those cards to Acuña & the hue.
Now, as much to condionate the whole game, I wouldn't go that far.
>brazil dominated.
>not Germany x England 2010
t. Zoomer
>that second one
fucking kek
WWE tier
>Argentina was bad. The defense and midfield were shit and brazil dominated.
Literally what fucking game were you watching?
Legit just the first one and I have doubts.
Are macacos actually defending this refball?
Doubts about what? They are not even watching the ball
Cry is free, Messoy.
You can't hide yet another failure, my friend
A game that was being played in Argentina's side, with brazil having over 60% possession and making argies look like children, until they scored a goal, then played counter attacking football, argentina had barely any clear chances and then they scored a second one. It's a pretty standard game in which one team is better than the other one.
lmaoing at this cope
why are people defending CONMEBOL corruption
>the refereeing has been garbage this tournament
>but why wasn't it garbage in my favor?!
this is literally messi's argument
you're being dishonest here. shameless.
Because so far it has been 100% on Argentina' side. Boca and river are constantly refballed to every final so no argie has any moral grounds to complain desu.
messi DEFINITELY doesn't have a moral ground to complain about refs, lmao, his entire career at farcelona has been built on the biased decisions of refs, there was a point where defenders would just let him pass in fear of red card
First one is a penalty, can't really see what's going on in the second one.
2nd is a dive
right for not giving argentina at least 4 red card
go buy some glasses
lmao the delusion, GUYS GUYS the gypsy said that if messi can dribble past players it is because they're afraid to get red carded if they defend on him, messi has no talent, he can dribble past only because of refball! thank you gypsy for making us see at last!
>argies blaming their problems on someone else instead of taking responsibility for their own fuckups
hmm how utterly unexpected
BASED missi saying boludeces on tv
it makes me so happy that a uefalona player is complaining about refereeing. hold up i gotta use the bathroom AGHHAHAJJAHAHH FUCKKKKKKK OWWWWW FUCKKKKK AGHHHHHHHH.
phew okay just passed a kidney stone because messi is too salty.
First one is the most blatant blocking you'd ever see
Second one is more a penalty than England's women one last night
I'll never understand why you north african gypsies are so butthurt
This is so funny, when Grondona was alive they rigged everything for Argentina in the world cups of the 90's and 00's (easy groups, easy paths to the finals) and now they are complaining about the CONMEBOL? Fucking lel!
hurr durr norf african. s-strongmind T-TSUUUuuuuuuuu
england's penalty last night was totally legit, only reason she missed the ball was because of the american
First he is just robustly standing his ground
Second they collide while ball watching, no one's fault
shut the fuck up macaco
I hate both you silly prick, go dilate with a baguette or some shit
that's a burger post
you're delusional
Messoy - "Its not my fault"
"It was Higuain"
>the Brazilian shouldn't have stood his ground and should have got out of the way!
imagine actually believing this
that's called obstruction, when you only objective is to block an opponent and not caring about you getting the ball. that's a foul. ERA PENAL
based, heem sleepy
>the kike refs were helping these huenigger subhumans
>hitler was right
Can't believe a chill dude like Messi said these things.
That fucking whining millenial autist
You are fucking delusional, Brazil played to that, they waited Argentina because they knew you would spaces in the defense Retard, it is called Tactics
This is true but Argentina played horribly, in terms of technique they played well, but in terms of group work they played horrible and falled for Brazils play.
They ride both countries dick desu
Aussie... This is not rugby
Korea goosed the US in 2002
we pretty much can't go a single tournament without at least one match called into legitimate question that goes beyond butthurtedness
the ball wasn't even going in his direction
he was going towards the ball, arthur was going the opposite way of the ball. that's a penalty
how the fuck can you tell that from the shitty angle?
for all we know he could be going purposefully against arthur to try to dig for a penalty
lol what? hahahahahahah
jesus, both plays were interpretation
>stood his ground
he jumped away from the ball and towards the other player, leading with his shoulder into the other person's face. this isn't hockey
>it's true
holy shit based
he is right, but fuck, it feels good to look at argie teams getting robbed after hearing them praising to things like doping brazilian players, maradona's bullshit and all the shit conmebol does for them in copalib; they fucking deserve it