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has this moron ever drank tea before? baka
>Anglo who is ruled by German Jews makes fun of country full of Anglos ruled by Hanoverian Germans
no wonder Germany has won the last two world wars
Jews >>>>>>> Black Jews >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> my butthole after getting a tough pounding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>all those anglo hooligan inbreds especially the Murricans >>>>>>>>>> France >>>>>>>> some gay Senegalese man >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
That squad is seriously desperate for attention. Best be giving the equal pay
Classless Americans
post it
>Can’t handle the bantz
Isn’t that what you guys always say?
It's literally all for that purpose and I think they might end up getting a raise.
As long as popularity increases and there's more viewership they'll end up with larger salaries. So they're creating as much controversy and attention possible while still trying to come off as "cool" "badass females that don't take shit from the patriarchy.
Thats not banter though she did it because she knew she get the media attention and ultimately money. Show me another nation that does celebrations at the expense of the loser that's why she is classless, however you was the better team well done
That's one of the cringiest and classless goal celebrations I have ever seen, second only to Rapinoe's "kicking while laying on the ground" cringe fest. Absolutely disgraceful, I hope she never sets foot in this great country.
Why is this funny and who the fuck cares about women's soccer. What's with all the Americans hyped about this tournament, are there actually WWC tourists?
Post the tea brand you're currently drinking lads
For me, it's Darjeeling
All banter is at the expense of someone (usually the loser). You guys talk about big game but can't handle the bantz when it comes down to it.
Classless attention seeking whore.
People only like her because she’s attractive. Showing once again that the body is the most important thing for women, not skill or talent in any field.
Lose weight
>g*rman humor
For me, it's Strawberry Latte Tea with whipped cream and chocolate flakes from Starbucks©
Why do brits handle banter worse than everyone else? Why are they so sensitive?
for me ? it's Jasmin tea
The problem is not the banter, the problem is your team of attention-seeking low-class roasties.
Good you think I have German humour proves my assimilation process was a success. I am an Sub Saharan African immigrant stealing your wifes your daugters your sisters and your jobs.
In all other walks of life you’d hate these fucking cunts, they’re literally the sports version of Instagram thotts. Being obnoxious attention seeking bitches just for the sake of it
who will send these classless bullies packing
I dont care enough about the tournament to be buthurt over this, it's just your team has been obnoxious attention seeking heures from the get go and they keep getting away with it.
Their going to end up cucking your fa into equal pay.
>German Kevin-Ronny humor
>score against america
>eat an invisible burger
>eat an invisible pussy
would it be the same outrage ?
Can americans stop being obnoxious about dominating a sport in which they have more registered players than rest of the world combined?
I don't remember them being this annoying when they win almost every international basketball competition.
im fucking fuming right now, going to write to my local MEP
And it will in turn cuck everyone else into following suit
fair banter desu
this is disgusting. she should be banned for life
oh yes how horrible, women being paid the same money for the same job. have sex
>mfw Britain thinks they invented banter and they can't even handle it
this isn't banter, this is horrific racial abuse
horrendous bait
lol, you piss drinker.
hoes mad
Naw, people would think it was funny as hell
Literally no other country in the tournament would make the goal celebration based around the team being scored against. Not even England have made WW jokes when scoring against Germany. Just goes to show the level of classless unrequited obsession yanks have for us.
I just want to go on the record saying I hate these cunts and I hope theres more nudes dropped that I find gross and disgusting so I can tell everyone that I can't even jerk off to that.
>Can't handle the bants
Let it forever be known that Europeans are the biggest crybabies in sports
Let them have it, they're used to getting utterly BTFO when it comes to relevant drivegrass so winning is new for them
I literally hate Germans so much you have no idea
Who the fuck gets so triggered over such trivial and inoffensive banter
They're both liquid shit.
>score against america
>do mass shooting celebration
why does nobody do it?
I really HOPE that happens
No player on the face of the earth has the balls to do a Columbine celebration, or a 9/11 celebration
I hope we get to play them in the finals but our team is kinda trash. But then again all female teams seem kinda trash.
Okay, this is epic
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
glass jaw
Tévez got sent off when he did the chicken celebration against River (they are known as the Chickens) Wouldn't this be the same?
Is this the so called German autism ?
lose weight
We can actually take banter unlike Bongs, so we would just laugh.
Based NYP making bongs seeth yet again
I'll give you that... but Brits still cant handle the bantz
Fucking kek. Anglos BTFO!!!!
Both are shit. Water is unironically the only good beverage.
Top kek, well played.
>or a 9/11 celebration
>drinking tea made from englel tears
Is she pretending to drink out of a thimble?
>I think they might end up getting a raise.
they are literally undefeated in 2 whole world cup tournaments, of course they're getting a raise
that's a standard aeroplane celebration done by dozens of footballers for decades
lose weight have sex
Hate Morgan
Love Solo
Simple as
You're an embarrassment m8, please be Scottish.
World Cups won by USA: 3
World Cups won by Englel: 1
You know that feeling when you want yo laugh and cringe at the same time?
made me smile
Is she still playing?
the greatest soccer headline of all time
Gween Tea = best tea
Of course not, tea is for faggots and Alex is 100% heterosexual
Is Solo a pundit tonight?
get over it you lost
Very cute that someone would do a nation specific celebration. Can't think of any other team obsessed enough to do that
Commentating on the BBC (lol) coverage over here
>however you was the better team well done
cant you read
>Germs humor
Every Brit flag in here is a Scottish larper,
the actual English were all watching love island kino last night and didn't even know a football match was also on tv.
literally seething.
soccer is a women's sport. men play real (American) football
When's the "real mens" sport world cup then? I mean without that it's just one countries masturbation to itself. Nice trips though.
*wraps self in cushions and jogs 20 yards over a 3 hour period*
Women are stupid and I don't respect them.
why is she so attractive, bros?
Yanks have no class. Attention seeking retards.
Engage in consensual intercourse
Brits can't handle the banter. Mad online.
only deanos watch love island, 11 million people tuned in to watch the womens football
There's a difference between banter and being a cunt.
bit sensitive if you think miming a cup of tea is "being a cunt"
I can't decide which yuro/sudaca butthurt is better, summer olympic or wwc.
>11 million
Only because boomers switched to bbc1 because they thought EastEnders was on.
Love Island is loved and watched by 99% of the population
For me, it's maté
international football needs more celebrations aimed at the other nation, this is blessed
(also england played at a near parody level of bad)
Perform suicide
its the law that we recite the episode at work and study for the rest of the week too
yeah, they are pussies
She was mocking our culture.
You will never get laid.
im having sex right now
i REALLY hope y'all are not being serious
Thanks for the You's Angus
You get red card if you do something like this here
But I already did.
You on the other hand - not gonna happen.
stop saying really stupid thoughts then
THIS. 99.9999% of England fans enjoyed the cheeky dig and we know just how happy it will have made the Americans coming up to their special day.
i'll fuck you user
i feel like all the people pissing and moaning about it are the same people who wouldnt like a person based entirely because the team they support or whatever the fuck.
literal brainletcy
i was always tolds brits could handle the bants...that's very much proven false since yesterday
*gets crushed by 250lb linebacker running 30mph and never walks again*
We can, the fact is, people are taking everything at face value and assuming people going
are actually serious. They're not.
Give it 30 years or so and British American Football will be big enough that we might be able to have proper international games. We do have a NT for American Football but it's so niche it's not even funny.
Americans don't really understand banter tho, this is just rubbing it in their faces.
I hope the USMNT face England during the knockout rounds in the Qatar 2022 World Cup.
You're the moronWrongWrong too
Memes aside, I'm genuinely happy it was a good close game. It was just that the USA were the better team. Good luck in the final.
it was only 2-1 with most of the game left. i could see if we were up by a lot but the reaction has been been pathetic
Sure it's not WEED party?
Wow THIS is football!!! #respect #jft6mil
Don't know if any of the mm have ever tried weed before tho. Great job goalkeeper!
I feel it was racist
Using a national stereotype to celebrate so as to demean an opponent should be a sending off offence.
It's in very poor form
Good luck against Sweden!
>not starting your day with a hot cup of piss
LMAOing @ ur life
kys nonce
>falling for scottish post-ironic reverse troll meta-banter
Fucking stupid yank bitch.
I don't get it
And seethe
Wait the Brits cant even beat us in soccer now?
Holy fuck
She didn't sleep well the night before and wanted a bit of caffeine, but coffee later in the day makes her too jittery so she had a cuppa (Twinings English breakfast) during the slight break after a goal.
Scots are pretending to be buttmad Englishmen because she wasn't drinking Taylors
don't think we've ever beat you in a competitive match
As an American, I apologize to you, England, for her crass behavior.
I don't know that they ever have in the WC. Last men's world cup was a draw, and there's that 1950s game that a bunch of semi-pros beat England.
lose islam
we will not qualify once again
>Yank has to steal the amerimutt meme because he can't create his own.
We beat you in men's football and wars.
Citation needed
Women's football doesn't count.
Facts mate, our under 21s mens team can beat your international "mens" team
Show proof
love her desu
Seems pretty grounded and respectful in her post-match desu
Are you guys being serious? If it wasn't for Yea Forums I wouldnt even know there was a womens world cup
Ignorant moron
Well the simpke fact your international "mens" team can't even qualify for the World Cup. It's pathetic desu
haha oh no England eternally btfo by tea
I don't think you're supposed to drink from the handle
Wasn't this actually just bants to the English manager accusing the US team of not having "proper" etiquette? Nothing really having yo do with Brits and their tea
I lament the fact that we missed a 2018 rematch in Russia 2018 against England because Panama took the 3rd place qualifying spot instead.
>bants to the English manager accusing the US team of not having "proper" etiquette?
that, and a nod to the brit media desperately trying to fabricate a scandal
I am quite happy the Dutch team made it so far, their fair faces and lovely thighs have kept my spirits up during these trying times.
>the brit media desperately trying to fabricate a scandal
>not making green tea from your own pee
Imagine getting upset over someone pretending to drink tea
The absolute state of Brits
How far you've fallen
Then again
Last time we made fun of your tea
You actually fucking lost it
>Brit has to steal the Donald Trump meme because he knows we're the relevant country
Stop giving attention to foid sports
Andy Vs Meijden used to do his signature sniper at Inter Milan. This was because of the war in Iraq.
ANNNNNNNNNDddddddddddd that's the tea, sis.
I drink tea every day.
Imagine if an american player did this in the premier league. There would be a second 96 War.
They get more viewership than the men and are paid less though
Can someone post the webm?
the US women's team gets more viewership than the mens US team (I assume this is what you mean, and I will accept it as truthful), but the men's tournament overall gets far more viewership than the women's tournament, and therefore the prize pool in the men's tournament is greater.
>Love Island is loved and watched by 99% of the population
Holy shit. Please don't tell me your country is THIS cucked.
>le german humour
are you sure?
because womans football have a lot of lesbians
Rapinoe's celebration would have been better in this situation; uncontrolled euphoria for edging ahead of a worthy opponent. To do that shit when you're already 7 goals up is the definition of cringe
Americans don't really drink tea. Even the Founding Fathers preferred coffee.
Only women and faggots watch that shite. Which one are you?
>It's not banter if it hurts my feelings.
That's basically what you're saying.
It was meant to be light-hearted and fun. If she really wanted to upset the English, she would have pantomimed brushing her teeth.