How would he feel about the England vs US game lads?

How would he feel about the England vs US game lads?

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He would cry over the fact that we gave woman so much freedom.

he'd have put a bullet in his brain seeing the current president before he'd watch the game lads

>i don't think this semen slurping sport is for me

lolol Jesus fucking Christ could you imagine if any of those principled as Fuck intellectuals could see where we are today.
What a fucking embarrassment.

>why don't they just make the slaves kick the ball around?

If the forefathers saw what we become and how we elected a literal rapist as president they would have a meltdown.

don't be retarded on purpose.
being a sexual assailant is the least of the reasons why the founding fathers would all put bullets in their mouths.
Its about principles, division, and the fragility of the pillars of democracy.

>heavens, why are those women wearing pants with the leg cut off

He would be happy that the US and England could come together for a rousing day of sport as equals.

This. When Obama wasn't president he did nothing to divide the country. Nothing. Everything he did was to unite. Ignore the racial issues he kept exaggerating and the guns and bibles quote and all that he was a uniter.


shit dude, I watched the whole John Adams HBO series a few months ago, brought a tear to my eye. Adams would defend british soldiers in trial, shit was wild.

yeah but he wasn't born in the US

dude, im borderline conservative, I didn't like Obama at all, but comparing Trump to Obama is fucking asinine. Obama was another democratic

Dumb faggot shill can't even finish his post without his script breaking.

democratic centrist*

IDGAF what that boomer cuck traitor would think

Dude I'm as liberal as they come but if you believe that crap you are saying about Obama you are insane.

im not going to sit here and argue with a trump cultist.
I just made an obvious statement, don't get your panties in a bunch


>Trump Cultist
I voted for Obama twice. You are insane dude. Look in the mirror before you call others cultists

Anyone who defends Trump at this point is in a 100% pure real life cult.
there is no way around this.

the guy in the op literally used to have gay orgies with slaves and only died due to a heart problem he got from the copious rimjobs he gave.

I am not defending Trump I am saying Obama divided this country worse.

holy fucking reddit

I’d argue he was more of a preserver than a uniter. The country was already united in our hatred for the recession and our involvement in the middle east. He worked to minimize those problems, and did hardly any other major thing to make sure that the slightest movement doesn’t anger fragile, malicious groups. That inaction allowed these groups to fester and breed, leading us to where we are today.


you're dumb if you think this. no divide like that's happened since 2016 happened under obama

>republicans spend Bush years insisting there's real americans, and americans that are helping the terrorists win
>hurr obummer divided this nation by making me look at black people all day

He said Republicans won't vote for him and will cling to their guns and bibles. He sent Eric Holder on wild goose chases in Ferguson and other places to find racism that wasn't there. There was the famous Trayvon is my son message. The beer summit. He stepped in to divide us as many times a she could despite being the first black president who could have done the opposite.

How the fuck is Trump dividing this country? Explain in detail.

See: The retard Republican problem is literally unfixable.

keep your american political cancer on /pol/

Shut the fuck up you racist Nazi.

False flag.

So you are not going to even bother addressing or refuting anything I said?

you have no perception outside this website if you can't see it

vote for andrew yang #YangGang

I think he would be more concerned with America's demographics.

Give me perception then answer my question

I don't talk to Nazis sorry

The founding fathers were mostly Chads. They’d love Trump and would think most of the DNC’s platform was abhorrent, especially regarding abortion, gay rights, immigration, foreign policy, etc.

They’d probably be more appalled that we let niggers and women not only vote but hold office and be disgusted at the levels of sodomy, fiscal irresponsibility and military adventurism going on.
The founding fathers are in general to the Right of your average libertarian.

>He said Republicans won't vote for him and will cling to their guns and bibles
Actually true. Nothing you can do about that. Republicans exist just to remove parts of the government for their own preservation. They exist to divide. Does that statement trigger you? That’s your problem.
>He sent Eric Holder on wild goose chases in Ferguson and other places to find racism that wasn't there.
Certain high profile incidents happened around such places. To not investigate would be the dumbest fucking thing in the world. It’s not like he went in and tore everything apart. He simply took a look and found nothing. Then he left. So?
>There was the famous Trayvon is my son message.
Nothing wrong with it. If it triggers you it means you actually want to be triggered.
>The Beer Summit
This is the only point I can give you and is actually indefensible.
>He stepped in to divide us as many times a she could despite being the first black president who could have done the opposite.

>charlatan making money of his office
It's literally the one thing they cared about.

The divide was 100% Obama’s fault and that’s why Trump got elected. He mismanaged the recovery, made good on almost none of his promises, and exposed the DNC for being a neoliberal party that primarily serves the interest of the Elite while throwing out scraps to small interest groups like fags to seem progressive. Wtf was the ACA? Worst attempt at healthcare reform I can imagine.
And he didn’t end a single war in 8 years.

Of Hillary had been elected we probably would be at war with Syria, Iran, and North Korea right now. And you(faggot) would have supported it because Madam President SLAAAAY QUEEEEEEEEN said you should.

Republicans deserve it is not a fucking answer you dishonest liberal fuck. On two points you admit Obama divided this country and on another gave no reason. Meanwhile you said nothing specifically that Trump did to divide us.

>Certain high profile incidents happened around such places. To not investigate would be the dumbest fucking thing in the world
Says fucking who? What justification did he have to send him? Each time nothing of merit was found so clearly it was not worth sending.

>Nothing wrong with it

Whatever you say Nazi.

Yeah because they couldn’t have imagined the horrors brought down upon us in the 20th century. Socialism, feminism/sexual revolution, post modernism, LGBTQIAA+, atheism.
You think they’d be mad cause trump stirs controversy? They’d beg him to start another revolution and invade California and NYC.

He is the greatest American that has ever lived.


George Washington was English

emphasis on was

>the greatest American to have ever lived was an Englishman

really makes you think

>The current president wants to do best for this country fuck him
>The opposition wants free healthcare for Illegal immigrants they are the voice of reason!

This is what he would say.

>the greatest german who ever lived was an austrian

Can we fucking lose already so we can go back to not giving a fuck about this absolute non sport. I fucking hope they get destroyed in the final, I dont even want to shitpost about an event so worthless

Trump has been the least warmongering president in quite some time tbqh. Remember the one thing George Washington emphasized was "No foreign entanglements"

>women exposing their knees
Probably regrets independence

Sure thing buddy. If falsely calling me a liberal and throwing a shitfit like an ape helps you sleep at night then sure, I’ll be your liberal boogeyman.
>Republicans deserve it is not a fucking answer
>On two points you admit Obama divided this country
Not really. The 2 points in question didn’t divide the country. Sure it made shitflinging and bad faith apes like you angry as fuck but the country as a whole turned out fine.
>Says fucking who? What justification did he have to send him? Each time nothing of merit was found so clearly it was not worth sending.
If the government doesn’t closely investigate every single detail about a high-profile incident that brought about a negative result then the government is a failure. A simple investigation did not divide the country. Sure, in your bubble it may sound like it, but the reality is that it didn’t. Like I said, the investigation found nothing. What’s your point? Are you genuinely angry that someone actually investigated it? Why?
Because it didn’t bring about a negative consequence. Can you explain what’s wrong with the statement outside of, “REEE I HATE NIGGERS.” or “I SHOULDN’T CARE ABOUT NIGGERS.” It’s not like he said “Boy oh boy I sure white people” and then caused a massive civil war. If you’d like to flip it that way then you’re more than welcome to, but at that point I’d consider you dishonest and far gone.