/copalib/ + /platense/

Welcome, Matias Tissera EDITION

>BALONCESTO: Platense won Liga Argentina and is promoted to Liga Nacional
>FUTSAL: Platense won la B de AFA in men's futsal
>FEMENINO: Platense signed the uruguayan Melina Bentancor González, extrema
>Manuel Capasso, defensor central, is back to the Calamar squad after being in inferiores in 2013
>Matias Tissera, delantero, is the fifth reinforcement for the squid squad for this B Nacional. Belonging to NOB, he comes on a loan from Independiente de Mendoza, with buy option after a year

And Brazil plays Argentina today for Copa América, or whatever.

Attached: D-a4f5nX4AAyteN.jpg:large.jpg (1280x1280, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Also, reminder:

Attached: platense.png (358x176, 30K)

Fuck Tigre

Attached: com todo respeito ao profissional de marketing.jpg (600x900, 143K)


bamo bahéa mi leche

Attached: Alimentação.jpg (1080x720, 80K)

What is she eating?

That's a good post if I ever saw one.

Apparently an empada or a churro

UPDATED /copalib/ /ourclub/ RANKINGS

1. Platense
2. Bahia, AKA my cum
3. Ferroviário (huge improvement from last week)
4. Cerro
5. América-MG (still falling, despite beating Cruzeiro yesterday)

I'm going to buy an empada now.

Attached: américa.jpg (766x890, 208K)

>to the Calamar squad
squid squad

Is Andrés CALAMARo a PLATENSE hincha?

Just had the empada.

brazileiro esta chorrando

He's an Independiente de Avellaneda hincha

reminder for the tourists that this is /copalib/. all jokes/insults directed to argies tonight should be posted in the respective match thread + laugh at Argentina threads

This. We love our argie bros in this thread (except the ones who are hinchas de Tigre).


> tfw hincha de tigre but immigrant

>Ass: a Saco de Pancadas FC supporter

I wasn't creative on choosing the flavor because I'm watching my salt intake, so I went for Frango com Palmito instead of Carne de Sol. 7/10, satisfied my hunger but it was just a normal empada, nothing special.
On my way home I bought treats for my perros and they loved it.
Please cross /ck/ and /an/ off for this thread.

Attached: IMG_20190702_104529.jpg (1440x2560, 1.33M)

Is Fernando Cardozo any good? We just got him on loan from Olímpia

nom nom

For me, it's a chipa

Fuck a.nal

fuck 'fuck a.nal' posters

fuck meta posters

Pic related, Melina

Attached: IMG_20190702_120307.jpg (1059x1059, 87K)

> peru is playing semifinals
are they going to keep it up for the next qualifiers or is this the swan song of this generation, 2011 paraguay style?

Attached: 1502407558979.jpg (1000x816, 80K)

Attached: karen is confused.png (963x720, 602K)

>swan song
More like
>fried swan

Fuck RiBer/Boka

I found myself humming the anthem of Flamengo, but instead of Flamengo it said Platense.

Attached: 1560957270616.jpg (480x640, 41K)

check your caca next time, you are slowly becoming a squid

Attached: fmm.jpg (690x1178, 136K)

Just saw this on globoesporte.com
Now imagine him kicking Messi in the face for no reason

Yikes, thank God he's not allowed to step a foot on Granja Comary.

Why not? Did I miss something?

she does look extreme

He's no wonderkid

> Infantino destacó los años que el Presidente estuvo al mando de Boca Juniors, y lo reconocido con el galardón "Living Football".
> El presidente Mauricio Macri visitó este domingo la sede central de la de la Federación Internacional de Fútbol (FIFA), ubicada en la ciudad suiza de Zúrich, y recibió un premio por parte de las autoridades de la institución por su aporte a este deporte.
the man who introduced SADs in argentina and have been pushing for them ever since (even as a president, threatening all clubs with more taxes in case they don't agree with him) is getting recognized by his "aportes al futbol".
I hope this is just corruption and not fifa's new values

Attached: 0036769855.jpg (1140x640, 80K)

redpill me on SADs

SADs literally ruined one of the nicest teams in Portugal.

Attached: 12 Belenenses.png (407x406, 213K)

Basically franchises.

In case you didn't notice, he's a total nutcase and costed us the match against the Netherlands in 2010.

Couldn't care less, it happened during my internship and I went to work that day only for the barbecue we had in our section.

Shitty club before SAD: win nothing, nobody cares and money gets stolen (happened in Chile to the 2 biggets teams).

Shitty club after SAD: win nothing, the club is no longer of the members but an actual Corporation.

>12 Belenenses
do you have all 18?

No but I'm pretty sure if you 4plebs for this hash and this filename you'll get all of them. I asked for the collection when I got this one.


Attached: Sport Recife.jpg (720x960, 130K)

>doesn't pay their players
>part ways with their long-time GK over it
>doesn't pay their employees
>lose the stadium's floodlights at the time of the year where the sun goes down at 5

The absolute state of cachorras de peruca

Shame. In my imo Sport is the least disgusting of the northeastern teams

Sport's crest is among the Top 3 in Brazil. Prove me wrong.

Arent you forgeting about someone?

>Prove me wrong
>inb4 the user who hates feline-related clubs will try to

kkkkk daqui a pouco vao penhorar a taça de 87

>taça vai a leilão
>flamengo arremata o item

La B halftime

Cerrito 1-0 Dvo.Maldonado
Rentistas 0-0 Albion
Villa Española 0-2 Bella Vista
Tacuarembo 0-1 Torque
Sud America 1-0 Central Español
Villa Teresa 0-0 Atenas

Maldonado losing its 1st match while Jose Nasazzi´s men are winning their 1st match

For me, it's


Attached: Cerro.png (600x600, 55K)

No, le baea meme is cringe and bluepilled

>taça vai a leilão
>crefisa arremata o item
>palmeme recebe mais um título brasileiro do nada e luta para ser reconhecido como mundial

what is /copalib/ and what is /platense/ ?
t. copa américa newfag

Something you shouldnt concern yourself with. Hurry along back to your tourist trap, now

Nothing to see, move on.

they're both scat subgenres

I wouldn't worry about it.


Japanese helicopter cartoon porn, dude
Everybody knows

It's codes for discussing competitive underground house building.

Uma vez platense
Sempre platense
platense sempre hei de ser

I just want Brazil to lose

For me, it's Spiderman

Attached: Homem-Aranha.jpg (1080x676, 86K)

La B matchday 8 results

Cerrito 2-1 Dvo.Maldonado
Villa Teresa 0-1 Atenas
Rentistas 2-0 Albion
Sud America 1-0 Central Español
Villa Española 1-3 Bella Vista
Tacuarembo 0-1 Torque

Attached: D-f0Xt1WwAMJKyy.jpg (1080x946, 94K)

For me, it's Cerrito.

>Deportivo Maldonado

I just hate feline related names, not imagery.
Still shit tho, but like the colours

> they fixed Maldonado

Manos, ta oscuro

Crests for everyone

Attached: Dino La B.png (1042x365, 310K)

Where were you when the lights went out?
I was taking a shit before realising it was getting dark, then went to the rooftop with el culo sucio

another blackout or just the eclipse?



recomendem joguinhos de pc

date ariane

smol TFC




Desliga esse computador AGORA

>f1 2019 por 100 reais na steam em lançamento
>250 reais na psn

Compra o 2017 que é a mesma coisa porém com outras pinturas de carros e custa 5,99.

Eu sou literalmente judeu. Vou é piratear.

>Boca wants Gignac
Why they insist with meme non sudaca players?

Não se esqueça de mandar um email pra Codemasters reclamando do produto e falando que não valeu a pena piratear um jogo tão ruim.

Pior que o 2019 tá bem bom, cheguei a jogar um pouco e a qualidade tá alta considerando que é da codemasters.

Mas não importa, pode ser o melhor jogo do mundo, o importante é deixar claro pra eles que você pirateou o jogo.

it's so goddamn cold, I only want some mungunza

Attached: 8nLFCVP.png (657x527, 51K)

Do you know what else is cold?
Messi's pecho.

>29C today
>nearly 1C thursday
what the FUCK is this weather?

>check ESPN's stupid bate bola, at mineirão
>sky is dark
>go outside
>sky is not dark at all
>'maybe it's the direction'
>go around the house, no part of the sky is that gray
>literally 10km away from you

When are we coming up with our own versions of Taringaposting?


> por ahora no

>liga mx players

For me, it's Torquester City

unironically what did you mean by this

Una velita to watch the match

Attached: 15621119747226172816460506619088.jpg (1632x3264, 1.48M)

based peruANOs

that's no vela, that's a pretty fucking sad roach

>smoking weed

Attached: Bzxc6vj.jpg (689x576, 68K)

I won't bother with the match thread autism, can one of you fags explain to me why Funes Mori and Dybala are on the bench?

because missi



bump just in case

bumping, the shitfest will be atrocious this night.

keep those vascos coming lads

we love you argiebros, don't forget that


every day we inch closer to having club futbol again

Attached: ThatOlimpiaFeel.png (720x848, 170K)

pes 2019

el bumpo

>argentina cries refball
feels good even when they are this deluded

miss me yet?

Attached: julio_grondona_5.jpg (1072x589, 63K)

is this secret sage

not particularly

Attached: 1468876894760.jpg (336x395, 37K)

Conmebol refball the shit out off brazilian teams for years and now they blame the ref for a 2-0 defeat

his mafia at the very least "helped" argie footy
this new nigger interests are filling his villero familys pockets only

I was listening to this song by accident and I realized something /copalib/ related, really funny

nadie nos gana en vibración

Attached: Ônibus (3).jpg (1074x1343, 206K)

No se joodee

>it's a hard egg
>nothing but a hard egg
don't really get the connection tbqhwyf


You didn't know this?

I had pizza yesterday and now I have pizza for breakfast. AMA.

This but with a can of mackerel


Made meckerel(caballa) and tuna empanadas las week, they were delicious.

What flavor?

>least disgusting


cheese, with some sprite. messi came too we had a lot of fun playing overcooked


>by accident

We ordered Domino's, so we picked meme flavors Catuperoni and Frango com Philadelphia®.

It's not implying implications, but how would you react if ESPN Brasil started a 30-minute show dedicated to only Corinthians news and rumours?

business as usual, gambás and mulambos get the pick of the litter as far as screentime goes

I would not be surprised
Essa mídia é de gambá filha da puta mesmo

Will globo air chile x peru?






We are so going to follow Argentinian football this season.

thanks to Argentina, Gabriel Jesus will never leave the starting XI and globosta will keep pretending that he's a good player

> Chile-Peru por TyC

Attached: 6c8.jpg (225x225, 8K)

I'm thinking about learning how to do CSS styles to do a Platense style for Yea Forums.

Attached: 69f.jpg (354x286, 15K)

godspeed user

Still have to finish the fucking TCC thing so THEN I'll read on how to do that. Thank god Platense shared their brand guidelines so I can just get accurate colors to the exact hex code.

I'm all done with mine, if you post the hex codes I could whip something up for you if you're busy

Do you have a guide on how to do it?
I was thinking of doing in tones of the brown they use (#603D20) with the letters on black and brown, having a high contrast color for the greentext elements, and a light background.

Their brand guidelines are in cap.org.ar/sitio/descargas/Manual_de_Marca.pdf but I'm only using to get the colors. Plus I got the hex code for their main color on the Pantone website for 161 C instead of using what they use on the PDF.

fuck globo

fuck globo

guck flobo


Attached: Lula Livre.jpg (1080x1351, 142K)

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Matilda modern adaption is getting quite bold.

She cute. Would let she be my daughter. I would be a good parent to her.

Do you know how to change diapers?

I actually know because I had to do it at my job, my bosses (husband and wife) used to bring the daughter to the office and they teach me how to do it. I didn't do the wiping, of course.

REAL Villa España


1. Libertad
2. Guille
3. Mafalda
4. Miguelito
5. Felipe
999. Manolito
9999. Susanita

Albion is a great name, sounds like those really old school teams.

Sounds like a doujin premise

>no power ranking lulu characters

Damn, they made Colombia truly kino.

Attached: colombiaf.png (1100x1000, 1.04M)

What the fuck, are you sick?

I just want club footy back

Attached: 15621932076468768493966106310205.jpg (4128x3096, 2.38M)

Why is your TV upside down?

He's watching it at Northern Hemisphere

Flipped again kek
Armero is playing for guarani wtf
Uploading camera pics here is shit

Attached: 15621934160951768577602507213910.jpg (4128x3096, 2.33M)

Wtf now it worked

Turn off the USELESS exiv data, I beg you.

I'll take your advice this time

>I rate mufalda

Attached: diferentona quebradora de padrões.jpg (582x426, 104K)

>I now remember Marcos Diaz


Guarani beating palmtrees

Our B team can't even beat Guarani
I think we won't win the brasileirão unless we get out from copa do Brasil and copalib

It's going to be the easiest brasileirão in years.

For Santos maybe

average as they come

Can I screencap this?

I'm going to say no so that you screencap it and feel like a rebel

now do one for Turma da Mônica

Attached: jojonica.jpg (414x587, 62K)

For me, it's Louco

>fã do coelhão segundo maior clube de minas
Pick 1

Meanwhile at Rio de Janeiro: Some thieves rented a fucking crane to steal a water tank

I would rather be near 1000 nordestinos than one carioca any day




Nordestinos are based. I really miss eating carangueijo na orla

so that's why peruANO is winning: youtube.com/watch?v=0vOLjZpGPxM

wew I want to fuck a fake blonde inca mamascita

Speaking of shitty national comics, i saw in Avellaneda a new mural with flags from all southamerican countries and their famous comic characters. I was trying to find a photo but doesn't seem to be anywhere, may take a photo when o get there again.

> finalists now
They are actually winning matches though.

Also isn't Conmebol getting 7 spots in the next qualifiers? Bolivia and Venezuela are finishing 9th & 10th so they just have to be better than 1 other team.

Thank you, Tapia.

Attached: gareca.png (636x236, 21K)

>perdieron por el eclipse
based ratero niembro and calvo velez

>messi failed on his attempt of a third consecutive vicecampeonato
he should join vasco to make this dream come true



>argies trying to win through escritorio
Best timeline

like they always do...

>shitting on Bolsonario
no, fuck you.

The knife people going STRONK

Attached: ustari.png (518x450, 201K)



Mornin'. When does sudaca footy come back?

>when does sudaca footy come back?
On the 9th of July the true independence day with Royal Pari vs La Equidad for the sudakino

>rainy cold morning
top comfy




Attached: cuei bestguay.png (337x512, 264K)

> tfw 1°c
> perro perrito sleeping on my bed and i cant move

Attached: 1531938788671.jpg (525x525, 25K)


>Flamengo's anthem is so based they even mention how much they blow the fuck out of Fluminense
>Atlético-MG's anthem has a title that doesn't even exist
>Cruzeiro's anthem is about how successful they are in Minas Gerais' football


>América-MG's anthem is about how the team is irrelevant in football but they develop cultural activities, their rich and female fans and how their anthem is famous and traditional (which it isn't because no one in the world knows it)

>rich and female fans
post some america-mg qts come on

user, I don't think América-MG actually has fans, besides the guy who makes Cariocas here seethe.


1. Marina (cutest girl)
2. Cebolinha
3. Magali
4. Mônica
50. Sansão
51. Xaveco
52. Nego Jeremias
900. Franjinha
901. Humberto
9001. Titi
9002. Anjinho
googol. Cascuda
googolplex. cascão


Pipa > Rolo > Zecão > Tina

They have those old fat man who sit at the bar all day watching the cars pass

>not rating Louco and Nimbus

Bonus dois
Floquinho > chovinista > dona pedra > bidu > bugu > duque > Zé esquecido

>rating chovinista that high

Chico Bento sits at the top of the list
Alice (Marina's mom) should also be in the list on top position
No Tina (literally the hottest girl in the history of comics)

chico bento is in another clique retard

tina is low tier compared to thicc goddess pipa, who are in their separate tier list

Do a turma do penadinho one

cranicola is the only one that gets rated tbH

>>>>> monicao >>>>>>>>>>>mingau



you now remember senninha

Attached: 250px-Senninha_2.jpg (250x302, 20K)

so glad this smug fuck died
because for me, it's neymar

Attached: neymar_nickelodeon.jpg (744x518, 79K)


tfw giving the perro some bergamota

Pictures or it never happened

I was too slow on the draw, she had already snatched it

Attached: 20190704_121116.jpg (2048x1152, 587K)


É mexerica seu macaco

It could be actual bergamota even though southerners call it mexerica.

she's a good girl but now she's prowling around under the table for scraps

technically it's tangerina so potayto potahto, friend :)

poncã é o verdadeiro nome

ponkan is a cultivar of tangerina/bergamota/mexerica

t. produce wagecuck

>tap water is colder than water in the fridge

what the actual fuck

i hope this rules out Yea Forums of any further off topic conversation

Attached: boards.jpg (739x299, 76K)

Any são-paulino in the thread? We can cross out LGBT too if so

There's the gay cruzeirense ITT

not gay, im bi
and i have more sex than you

>mention gay cruzeirense
>he comes within SECONDS

What did they mean by this?

Attached: palmeiras.png (1187x873, 830K)

worse than pure faggotry

There's like 5 days left, we have to burn through these.

when you're at a party and the hottest guy on the floor is flirting with you, its a waste to not at least kiss him

Attached: that platense anon.jpg (3264x1632, 988K)

Are we going to try and get the most subjects crossed? Also, why can't we have these for every thread?

* P L A T E N S E *

it's not like i haven't kissed guys but i'm not actively going for men, that's gay shit, being bi is just worse

Although /lgbt/ is a suicide cesspool, cross it.

i dont know, i just picked it from that user that posted it originally, it never stopped us before though

Being bicurious is the same as being bisexual, but without the pride.

being bicurious and bissexual is the same thing really

i did it without any faggotry involved kys

>same reply
>same second

Everyone who does it is not a faggot, they're just doing it for the lols or to try it.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 31K)

Boca is still trying to get shit done with the court of arbitration of sport.

>escritorio juniors

Remember when Boca would win games on the cancha?

by the power of riquelme magic or benulties, they're fucked now

>bora baea minha porra better than lyon and milan in the new club rankings




lyon got some positions back since last ranking tho but still better than milan
also palmares is fourth and riBer is second
nice ranking

am i supposed to take this seriously?

Attached: file.png (628x533, 54K)

of course

Attached: 1358173526720.jpg (628x479, 23K)

>outdated sinthetico-pr logo
>outdated atlético madrid logo
No, not to take seriously

>atletico madrid changed their logo
wow they managed to make it worse

Holy mother of based.

Attached: dcztqsc-25c5b648-d9f0-4c9e-8b02-00d1a6abca34.gif (2050x1870, 1.95M)

Any updates on the Zlatan to Santa Fe situation?

There's the user who wants to fuck those lads from espn

I would go to Colombia to see him play. No broma.

Yep, cross out /lgbt/

My dad it's the global account manager of Santa Fe and he said he is coming. Will delete this comment in 10 min btw.

Too late
Screencap taken
pic saved and printed
FARC notified

He's coming to palmeiras

guess the narcos got you before you could delete your post


RIP our colombian bro

Reminder: Cruzeiro lost to América

Attached: américa btfo cruzeiro.png (602x522, 322K)

Argiebros, how is your media reporting on the crysis Cruzeiro is facing and how will River ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY RAPE AND DESTROY THEIR ANUSES?

palmeiras lost to guarani
corinthians lost to botafogo-sp


It's their brand marketing. I hate the idea behind it because it just points at how small our supporter groups are, but the jerseys are 10/10.

Attached: IMG_20190704_164205.jpg (720x814, 112K)

Meanwhile Tigre is probably gathering rat poison to kill homeless people, those subhuman fucks. Fucking hate Tigre.

who did you support in the last /LigaMX/ clausura final?

anyone has a stream for peñarol - millonarios?
all my usual ones are down and I want to see those millionaires on fire

Dorados because of Maradona.

Win is going to broadcast it, search a win sports stream.

Why is Fortaleza so cute and adorable?

Attached: Animadora Fortaleza (10).jpg (1080x810, 98K)

she cute

thanks, just realized the match hasn't started yet, pirlo keeps stating it started 1 bong ago

That's actually pretty based.

stop posting platense outside of this thread and also theres no friendship between our countries

fuck brasil,fuck bolsonaro and fuck you macacos


Sorry, argiebro

I'm sorry, it's not going to happen again boludo


My bad, won't happen again. I'm not a Platense fan anymore.

Hey, friend, I had made that thread so I'm the one to blame. I apologise for trying to meme Platense without authorization and thus contributing to making the actual institution a joke. It was never my intention to joke about Platense. It's a very nice club but I won't support or watch their games anymore because of it. I'm so sorry I caused you troubles and brought shame to your flag, your barrio and your club.

tentacles across america


Attached: 1561676279749.jpg (960x902, 67K)

this is not your bunker

so rude

can i atleast keep my river plate jersey or you guys want it back?

Sorry for memeing

they keep them warm in their own way

not him but no

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk o argenchino tá puto pq a gente comeu o cu deles

Attached: CUrintiano.jpg (480x480, 35K)

Why would anyone do this? What the fuck
I know hues do this aswell, bunch of monkeys, but seriously

penadoy - mill8s in 14 bings

fuck argentina, fuck Platense, fuck communism and fuck you narigones faloperos hijos de la grandiosísima perra.

Based. The less argentinos in the world, the better.

I love Brasil. I really do. I wish I live in Salvador. I love their language too. And their women.

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-182100.jpg (1080x2160, 618K)

Oh and I forgot to say, im a squid

Attached: 15622754276677411304721583500139.jpg (1632x3264, 1.28M)

blessed posts
fuck racists

Are you trying to criticize brazilians for snitching on the guy or not? I don't get how many layers of irony you're on.

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)

I am honest here, I love Brasil

Can we all agree Bolivia and Peru have the best kits on this Copa América?

>literal prohibition sign

That's their way of solving poverty.

I dont like the shade of green Bolivia wears, but at least they are "unique" here.
One would think that with only 10 teams, Conmebol would have 10 different and unique kits, but then you have Ecuador and Colombia and the lazy away kits.

We should nuke Ecuador

Brasil kit with those little green details is also getting quite similar. I miss the late 90s/2002 kit with the big green lines

Attached: nike-brazil-2019-copa-america-home-kit-2.jpg (738x738, 57K)

Colombia should wear brown as the cafeteros (also extra P L A T E N S E points)

no chimpouts yet

Attached: dieguito lopez RRREEEEing.webm (960x540, 537K)


I'm thinking Brazil playing in Red with Green detail to represent a Guaraná berry (or fruit or whatever).
Also, I'm thinking Argentina with a Brown jersey and light orange Boca Juniors stripe to represent an Alfajor.

Ecuador=full blue
Colombia= full yellow

>lazy away kits
That's the point of away kits

Chile should have that weird sea rock they can eat that looks like a doom villain

Colombia going all white

Which team would wear the mate colors? I'm thinking brown with a green and a gray stripe on top to represent a calabacita, but I'm not sure if we have this for Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina or Uruguay.

Also, will Peru wear an irisdescent grey jersey to represent their most typical food, palomas?

Either that or a black and white cow pattern

Uruguay seems more plausible.

Also, Venezuela should go on the nude.

Thank you on that because even though my father LARPs as a sulista every so often I could not care less with mate and the culture around it. I just know my mom likes tereré, and that you drink this shit cold and that it's the traditional Paraguayan mate drink.
I'm more of a café and pão de queijo guy.

Also I was thinking of Brazil having a Cristo Redentor jersey but that would be too memeish, it only applies to cariocash and somehow I think exposed brick is better (although La Paz exists).

Attached: COW.gif (512x512, 822K)

Does this count as /fa/? There are too many good ideas here for it be /fa/ desu

/fa/ is for bad clothing and stupid shoes.

Attached: boards.jpg (739x299, 76K)


daily reminder, Nacional es familia

Attached: bolso.jpg (819x1024, 205K)

I prefer La bolsa

Based bolsobro. Finalmente vuelve el Bolso!

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I'm pretty sure if Nacional played the finals of Libertadores against a Brazilian team during this era of stupid people eventually Bolsonaro would think people would talk about him when mentioning the team that plays in the caja de zapatos.

shoeboxpilled hue

does anyone have a clean version of this? i have some autism of my own to make

this saturday we have a ojete friendly: a.nal - L anus

colon for the triangular?


with commentary by el peruANO


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el bumpo nocturno señores

>tfw you're very sleepy and tired and you lay in your bed but can't manage to sleep at all
is there a worse feeling?

Bahia é senpaiília

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i either go to dating apps or read ecchi manga when this happens
then i'm drained of energy anyway

fuck neve

I miss Bianchi’s Boca
Even when they lost, the team looked good enough to say
>we’ll get them next time

The opposite of that is also funny
In the last 10 years or so Cruzeiro always had managers who played defensive football, won titles but the fans always complained about how defensive the team was even if they won 1-0 every game
>waaaah marcelo oliveira
ynr adilson batista, celso roth and mano menezes

>A fucking A

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Puta que o pariu irmão

More like aBerica, amirite?

We should have some nostalgic /bondiposting/ in order to get Transportation out of the way.

But forcing the discussion is not fun, user. It will come naturally, I'm sure.

PES 2020 WITH ALL SÉRIE B TEAMS (of course including our fifth place in the /ourclub/ rankings, América-MG)

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After that user (yesterday?) chimping out, platense fell in my ranking a bit

Do we even know if that guy was a Platense fan? I think it's time Cerro rose to the task of being the top /ourteam/ for the first time.

what are the other 4? besides platense and bahia

see As the warden of the ranking I shall post the today's update LATER

>you now remember the 7-1 favela monkey hue

The scriptposter?

Do scripts really work on Yea Forums? Would you have to pay for Yea Forums pass? Because it doesn't make any sense since he was a ban evader

tell me about bomba patch
what makes it different? do other sudacabros have access to bomba patch?

There is an active community still moding WE2002/WE2000 for PS1, and some of the best mods are made by argentinians and mexicans.

>vignolo still seething

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had been a while since the last time I thought about winning eleven
>reminds me of genuflexos.bandcamp.com/track/winning-eleven

I was always shit at it but I always kept playing against AI on normal trying to win easy matches, a pity there's not many sudaca patches

Does anyone else feel like completing Panini albums? I know it's a cashgrab waste of money but I want to pop stickers and shit

never got that album meme, but it's probably because as a kid we were too poor (in my mind anyway) to justify wasting money on album stickers and I was never good at bafo to try and score some freebies

vasco has been growing on me recently lad

I wasn't poor but our childhood had a lot of money saving, and usually my whole sticker album experience was my parents buying an album, like five packs and that's it. But I don't know, I still want to get those meme jpegs and paste them on paper then hide so no one can realise how autistic I am

Brasileirão albums are a meme. Panini gave me one for free with a bunch of stickers, by the time I got it at least half the players weren't even playing in Série A anymore and a lot of them changed teams
Only World Cup albums are worth doing

But even World Cup albums are updated.
But I'd do a meme album aswell despite I never went to a Flamengo game

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>dat gum 2 teeth ratio
either a horse or an ayylmao

also take a good look at those healthy gums

based OG autistos
this is why i wanted this song to be a /copalib/ Yea Forumserb owl song

>Flamengo's anthem is so based they even mention how much they blow the fuck out of Fluminense
>nos fla-flus é o aí Jesus
>finals: Fluminense 8 x Flamengo 4

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>implying finals are more important than taça guanabara group stage wins

We're rent free on their monkey brains

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I am gremista, can confirm.



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>Only World Cup albums are worth doing
And even then those are quite shitty

I wasnt poor, but in my time there were some albums with stickers from chewing gums like Ploc, Big Big, etc.... They're were sold like 3 units for 10 cents.

Once I even won a Pega varetas twice in 2002 world cup, and the store owner let me choose another item since she hadn't other Pega varetas to give me.

Oh, I meant like the Panini ones, I had those Ploc albums with random stickers and shit
Like when Tiazinha was a thing and they thought it was a good idea to sell her image to kids

>I know it's a cashgrab waste of money but I want to pop stickers and shit
This. It's like puchos for me, i can afford them on a day to day basis, but when you look back at all the money you "wasted" on them, it makes you feel quite anxious.

Loved those.
Wasn't around for the digimon/pokemon boom sadly.

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argies, i may be trying too hard here but where the fuck do i find the football comedy channels of your country?


radio stations, jewtube shittery, tv shows, anything that makes fun of football

have a couple of good comedy channels huebro

They are all shit, i can only think of Programa Sin Nombre (TyC Sports) and Zekiel79 in yt.
And I'm just talking about shows that actually aim for """"comedy""". Most cable sport shows are unintentionally funny.

>Most cable sport shows are unintentionally funny
but user, those are the good ones

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>Most cable sport shows are unintentionally funny.
youtube.com/watch?v=g4DDviWLQmo skip to 1:39

Thanks, that's exactly what I needed

>be me
>picking up an order at a book store
>see this manga with very cute cat girl on the cover
>decide to buy it
>get home
>check out the manga
>girl was actually a gay boy
>it's a boys love story
>mfw i'm now a homo

Attached: a28.jpg (480x454, 33K)

You're not gay until you have been fucked anally and liked it.

Peter Capusotto is not futbol focused but they have futbol sketches from time to time.

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it's not homo if you buy it for the cute cat girl


for me it's fandangos de queijo

>makes anti argentina threads all day

>but hey i like your comedians huehuehuehue

GODAMN i hate macacos,double face as FUCK

>every brazilian is the same person
who pissed in your asado boludo?

don't mind him, brasileiros are based af

>who pissed in your asado boludo?
te meo dijo el var sinso

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user, what the fuck? Seriously, why the salt? Are you a Tigre fan?

> paying for porn


proto /copalib/ shitposting

Anything can be considered porn if you put your mind to it

Triple dubs


>when you start a shitposting war against canadians and the dutch and now someone picked up the fight for you so you don't have to evade the bans

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Secrer trips

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I miss the peruANO using scripts desu

never liked digimon desu

> Palestine
> a 2 km daqui
Sounds like Palestina and their national motto


tonight's globo reporter is all about perros

fuck, now they're gonna show gatos

>friday night
That's right, losers. It is fap till your dick hurts night.

> peru manager is gareca
I honestly thought he left after the wc, good for him

> tfw +6 free hours

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I'm watching memes, my dick is quiet today.

I was going to go to this girl's house who is taking abortion pills becuase I was too horny to use a condom. Doc said she shouldnt be alone, but she has to study for an exam so I stayed home
I hope she doesn't die, she's losing too much blood

Tengo que conseguir mucha madera
Tengo que conseguir de donde pueda

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She will die for your retarded lust

I mean, she could've said no, but she didn't

>he expects women to be responsible.

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not really, I don't. I highly support her at this stage. Mostly becuase there's no football and there's nothing to distract me

are you me

why are hues outside of this thread so fucking cringey

like every south american user.

>Argentina - Chile 16 hrs
>Nacional - penarol 18 hrs
chimp out day

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im lonely guys

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i always see southern cone bros being based on this board desu (except hues and chileans for the most part)
dino league match or friendly?
but you have us

dont be

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Im under 4 covers and my feet are still freezing

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it's 8° here and i'm fine with one blanket
thank god my apartment is warm

>freezing feet
my gf has those and sometimes they get unbearably cold and the only way to heat them up is wrapping them in newspapers i shit you not

calienta agua y mete los pies ahi

take a quick warm shower, put some socks and go back to bed

>warm shower
No such thing

how come? what about our meme electric showers?

>dino league match or friendly?
copa gigantes de america

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> it's another "user was actually posting from jail" episode

el bumpo nocturno

here it's 3
I'm fucking freezing

who /freezingvela/ here

amistoso today at 16:30 local time
olimpia vs te la tomaste toda chinwenwencha
streams? there's probably going to be a youtube channel broadcasting the TV transmission, i'll post it if i find it

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not sure how cold it is but I can't feel my toes

Thank god is weekend

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Made the new image for the next thread but took me hard work, fuckers. I hope you even appreciate the shit I made, fucktards.

Why so defensive?

Because inspecting elements on meme apps is a bother. I never made such an effort to meme in /copalib/ before. Took me straight 10 minutes or so.

For me, it's Rangers

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In another news, based Ferroviário won yesterday and is the absolute leader of their group in Série C. One more victory and we're bound to the knockout stage!
For our next fixture, Monday Night Football live from PV in about 9 days from today.

Just realised Tubarão won Série D last season. Congratulations to these boys.


>warm shower

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Aliás puta que o pariu que frio da porra


cant wait

It's done

I was promised a great op