>Argentine reporters this morning
>tonight is Messi's night
>tonight we will win if Messi plays well
>it all depends on him
>we need Messi's magic
>we depend on Messi
>we trust you'll do the right thing, mESSI
Should be an easy one, Brazil.
>Argentine reporters this morning
>tonight is Messi's night
>tonight we will win if Messi plays well
>it all depends on him
>we need Messi's magic
>we depend on Messi
>we trust you'll do the right thing, mESSI
Should be an easy one, Brazil.
mfw the game is at 12:30 am an I have work in the morning
imagine having Messi on your team
Why are South Americans so keen to pin an entire team's hopes on one player? Literally all of you do this when it's surely obvious that football doesn't work like that?
that's a foul tho
Messi is great haters.
you can tell he's mad he's not playing Eibar or Nigeria
He's mad because he wants to win, and that player intentionally tried to slow him down.
will you be so on point with excuses after tonight?
Can't wait to see Missi fail again on national stage.
Because of their dbz addiction
I hope Messi scores a hat trick tonight so you haters can leave him alone
>implying they are wrong
we had the same shit with rpppney for 10 years and it was complete bullshit
lmao caring about anything other than the fucking JAGUARES playing the super rugby final this weekend is for fags
Messi wins tonight and gets bitched by Chilel
Jajaja it is the same here.
When we played with Uruguay, they say that we played "good" and even to a short report of Gallese, where did he lived and that shit. Gallese didn't play well in that match, and honestly, for the way of playing, Uruguay deserved to pass.
It is annoying.
Good luck today argies, I will be rooting for you.
we have a caudillista culture here, we look for a savior in everything
Our media used to do the same thing with nerman until everyone passed to hate him.
>tfw game is actually on at primetime in your cunt for once
>sleeping patterns are all fucked up plus the us nt plays at the same time so have to choose
ah nvm lads got the times mixed up and i can catch both games
It is tatics to make we focus on the wrong thing. We double defending on messi and leave lautaro alone
Lol no wonder your players cant perform
He's probably mad about his gk's major fuck up
it's at 2:30 over here, and I'm still gonna watch, I'm gonna be a useless piece of shit at work tomorrow, but that's just how life goes sometimes
What's funny is that Argentina is definitely winning tonight just based on past patterns. You guys start bashing Messi and geting all cocky, and then Argentina makes you seethe because they scrape by with the undeserved win. They're definitely winning tonight, I just can't wait for the shitposting hurricane that will commence
Just gonna take a screenshot of this so I can laugh about you when Argentina gets destroyed
Football addiction is awesome
>he still loses the final to chile
>be an """""""""""goat""""""""""
>get dominated by fucking strinić
except they have actually gotten to finals so it is even worse
9:30 pm
6:00 am. Feels bad
Literally no point in watching this shit, even if messi scores a brace our shit defense and midfield is gonna allow 3 or 4 goals, fuck this shit
> the shit eating grin
Brazil couldn't score against Paraguay, surely you're better than them
moron, just go to bed early so you wake up right before the game.
You will win tonight and will lose the third final in a row vs Chilel, it's the meme masterplan.
Paraguayan defense is elite compared to the argie one (which currently has only Otamendi)
too late. 7:30 should be ideal. From 9:30 to 10:30 I would shitpost and to bed afterwards
Also please watch cricket!
Odds 5.0 on Argentine victory. Redpill me on why Brazil (shit) is such a heavy favourite against Argentina (shit).
Why don't they put pressure on the other rerards
>messi pulls a miracle play on thwe 90+8 minute
>argentina wins 2-1 against Brazil
>they meet Chile in the finals
>both go to penalties for the third time in a row
>Messi chokes again and Chile wins their third Copa America
>messi commits suicide
would be kino
It's the messiah syndrome (pun unintended)
What is taglafico or whatever his name is. He was elite for ajax
Average LB... Cebolinha will get him rekt
I forgot Brazilians hate Tagliafico because he won against Flamengo in the maracana with Independiente, in a match Flamengo and Vonicious couldn't attack even once
Tagliafico has been shit this copa
The Smug CHAD Croatian
the seething virgin messoy
Meninhos... It's Argentina.
For us is 7:30
based Messi
Appy btfo portugal day july 2nd
truly we are blessed
>Put all the pressure on Messi.
>The other 10 member of the team are shit.
I get them
>He doesn't trust Messi
Many cases like this. Sad.
messi is so small it's cute
>self-hating cuck sopa de macaco
>brazil's absolutely stacked midfield and defense, world-class forwards. home advantage
>Argentina's shit defense and midfield and forwards who don't work together because 3 of them play in the same spot naturally (messi, di maria, dybala). And argentina's track record of having a shit NT.
We'll drop the spaghetti for maximum meme power on the final
Yeah like Gazza Shearer Beckham Rooney and Kane
At least you are not doing early damage control
>The stars against us, La Roja has lost 85% of matches played after an eclipse #ChileTotalEclipse
>somebody is getting paid for this shit
based retards