Europeans, have you ever mer a PeruANO? If so, what was the smell?
Europeans, have you ever mer a PeruANO? If so, what was the smell?
This is why everyone in South America hates you Chile.
i had a peruvian girl in my class
she was small, smelled bad, but damn had she big tits
I have never met a peruANO....
Redpill me on them
their hearts are peruvian but their veins FLOW with the blood of germanic kings
Smelled like Inca cola
>Europeans, have you ever mer a PeruANO?
> If so, what was the smell?
For some reason the only ones I met were anything but the common parasite, realistically they were castizo o full spanish so not your typical indiano.
Peruvians look like they have a pure heart. Is that true?
You hate us because we DO NOT HELP you in your war with England, and because Chile is superior to your country.
Peru hates us because we won a war and we take away territory, and because we are also superior to them.
These are the facts
I reckon the beggars that play flute and music from the Andes in my vacation place are Peruvians
Yes, they are usually in charge of installing fiber optics around here
Falklands shit doesnt help, true.
But we mostly hate you because you are ugly AF morons that speak like retards.
Bolivia hates you too.
Paraguay hates you too.
Uruguay hates you too.
No one likes Chile.
how can i differentiate a peruANO from a boliviANO?
They smelled like ARYAN GODS
I matched with a smoking hot chick from Bolivia today. What should I expect in the smell department. Also requesting best pick up lines
"show bob vagena" or "hello sexy"
Enseña me tu culo puta asquerosa
Then follow saying "porque parecen todo los bolivianos igual? Es por el perro caca?"
Argentina es culturalmente boliviana, ¿lo sabias?
Cuidado con el judio loco
I trust these are all thoughtful and humorous. I wouldn't want to come across as a douchebag
Beautiful ass, do you have Mapuche blood?
Yeah ofcourse. I am south American and this is literally how we pick up chicks. I am currently studying in Delft.
Show us the results
my uncle in law is a literal short, fat incan ass from cuzco. but he's really nice, doesn't smell at all. his half-norwegian son looks like a white-skinned spic.