
>still no Granaten
Lazaro to Inter for ~22mil€
>Dortmund and >Schalke are both interested in romas czech striker Patrik Schick
Dortmund fianlly got another RB in 19 year old Mateu Morey

Attached: 14968135649685.jpg (1175x660, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reyna will be better than Poolishit

Sitting at the Berufsschule with nothing to do. AMA

Attached: IMG_20190702_084150.jpg (3120x3737, 2.7M)

looks more like Grundschule / Bremer Oberstufe to me.

no wonder this country is going down the toilet

Attached: 1318346247731.jpg (219x219, 9K)

>still no Granaten
Its starting to feel like Bayern will buy some Draxler-tier winger out of desperation. Carrasco or even Bailey.

Müller is a spätzünder, he will detonate any minute now.

Wenn Sie wüssten wen wir schon alles haben!

It is desu. Some of my classmates are full blown retards.

what are you doing in a berufsschule?

was lernst du für 1 beruf uezs

>„Bild“: Ex-Dortmunder Durm vor Unterschrift bei Eintracht Frankfurt

I wish that guy whe best. Always injured sadly.

>Patrik Schick
What's the deal with a guy that scored 3 goals in a season?


lel reminds me of my Berufsschulklasse where I was caged with 18 y/o mongs who couldn't grasp the concept of percentages.

cringe af

Attached: 2.bild.jpg (323x658, 73K)

based NPC

1. Why couldn't Reyna's lob from the half way line when Kahn was off his line in the 2002 World Cup quarterfinal gone in?

2. Why did Reyna's oldest son have to die?

3. Will Gio avenge both?

>Draxler-tier winger
It will be Draxler himself


Attached: korb.png (644x908, 554K)

based razor

Schürrle it is then.

Maybe Ziyech or Neres

Anyone who bullies Denmark will have to answer to ME.

According to some reports a month ago, Bayern didnt think Ziyech was good enough. Neres will probably end up in Italy.

>not even Dreckslel wants to join Bayern

Attached: hrsbhsr.jpg (993x559, 76K)

absolute shambles

Do you think they give Draxler the n-word pass?

Schürrle wär doch was für den großen FC Buyern.

Weltmeister alder

This means 100% that Sané isnt happening.

Attached: yikes2.png (717x368, 48K)

you need to post more about Bayern, it't not nearly enough yet

only a hardcore customer would be shocked by that

Attached: #.jpg (208x200, 14K)

looks like Grundschule desu

Hey guys
did you hear that
Bayern STILL haven't bought anyone?
LOL whats up with that

>talk shit
>get hit
customers, everyone.


Attached: angeryrolex.gif (400x341, 303K)


>Bayern buys players
>Bayern doesn't buy players
>LOL why aren't they buying anyone
Shareholder, everyone.


do you have blockunterricht?


nobody cried when they got hernandez and pavard

nice obsession

I cried with laughter uezs

Hey guys
did you hear that
There are still no Granaten in sight?
LOL am I right

Dembele incoming. Just been confirmed by my spanish sources.

Is Bayern offering Sanches+5xAudi A4+25 million?

I think kalle is even throwing in a rolex or two, since they really need some top level winger with rib and rob definitely finished now.

Lol I can't believe Bayern still hasn't bought anyone
just LOL

>no Cavendish at the le tour

Based Sonderschule poster

Has Buyern bought anyone yet?

>that mentally ill ösi customer in every thread getting triggered


It is 13:30 on July 2, 2019 and the Granaten count is still at 0. Can you believe that?

I'm actually not sure if it's the Ösi customer or the Ösi shareholder.

Then you probably are mentally ill too.

Benimm dich mal.

Hey guys
Miasanmia mentality

Has Buyern bought anyone now?

Schluchtenscheißer still butthurt over sounding like a gay bavarian

What a cucked country lmao

its never the other way around

I refuse to believe this is true.


>El Bayern de Múnich ha hecho una primera tentativa para conseguir el fichaje del delantero francés Ousmane Dembélé, aunque de momento la operación está en punto muerto porque el club blaugrana ha considerado insuficientes los 70 millones de euros que el Bayern de Múnich se ha comprometido a pagar en una primera toma de contacto.

Bayern offered 70 million for Dembele as a sort of "contact initiation".

HAHAHAHA look I made another Bayern post

>14:00 on the 2nd of July, 2019
>still no Granaten confirmed
Can you even believe it at this point? I mean come on.

>70 million

Attached: gasgeben.jpg (960x629, 59K)

Dembele to Bayern? But does he even have the, wait for it, does he even have the miasanmia mentality?

Really makes me think

>tfw Buyern would be a mid table club in the PL

Attached: 129837198426.jpg (1974x1080, 297K)

Bayern guys

So what about those Granaten? When are they coming?

>not having ösi flags filtered
austrian posters are always either trying to overcompensate their inferiority complexes or dumb german nc-Flüchtlinge. They never have anything of value to say.

I heard you guys like reading about Bayern so I brought some Bayern news for your Bayern discussion.

Attached: LOLBayern.png (1162x446, 441K)

I really really hate buyern

Absolutely respektlos. Not liking Bayern. Who ever heard of that. We all love Bayern here, that's why we spend our whole day here commenting on every single fart that comes or doesn't come from München.

Please stop giving the turbo sperg excuses to sperg out even further.

Just checking in on the latest Bayern news. They re really popular over here.

Based Takeshi

Yeah totally-not-a-VPN-Japan, it is the Buyernwinslolleague after all.


Reminder that shit like this is on German tv für Kinder. Sad!

gotta program your girls to accept the arab bull, otherwise that whole multikulti thing would be for nothing

yes, we got it the first time, now watch Sendung with the Mouse

>bvb tard calling others sperg
just fuck off back to red dit again already you fucking sojanigger

Paranoia (griechisch παράνοια paránoia, aus παρὰ parà „wider“ und νοῦς noûs „Verstand“; wörtlich also „wider den Verstand“, „verrückt“, „wahnsinnig“) ist im engeren Sinn die Bezeichnung für eine psychische Störung, in deren Mittelpunkt Wahnbildungen stehen. Häufiger taucht der Begriff jedoch in seiner adjektivischen Form paranoid auf (siehe Infobox ICD 10), der auf Verfolgungsängste oder Verfolgungswahn hinweist. Die Betroffenen leiden an einer verzerrten Wahrnehmung ihrer Umgebung in Richtung auf eine feindselige (im Extrem bösartig verfolgende) Haltung ihrer Person gegenüber. Die Folgen reichen über ängstliches oder aggressives Misstrauen bis hin zur Überzeugung von einer Verschwörung anderer gegen sich.


Do not approve of bullying of austria, However, they don' t need me to protect them. They can take care of themselves.

Attached: smug_mozart_2.jpg (808x539, 41K)

Mia San Mia mentality

the bvb fag isnt Austrian though so everything is fine

Stop it, when did an austrian ever do something terrible? We are a peaceful nation frens


don't understand the reference, but yes i agree everything is fine.

Attached: smug_mozart.jpg (661x864, 49K)


Beethoven was Austrian


Attached: oh oh.png (1015x800, 808K)

Ebbe Sand out after less than six months as sporting director in Brondby.
In comes Carsten V Jensen from Nordsjælland and FCK before that. Very exciting news.

He clearly has the >Schalke mentalität.


>15:00 on the 2nd of July, 2019
>Still no Granaten in sight
Un be lieve able

>5 minutes without a Bayern post
We certainly aren't having any of that here


Attached: 4fe4ddc58a0308c61bfcdee0a66d4bca-imagejpeg.jpg (1115x1299, 236K)

based, can't wait for Müllkippe 2.0

it's unironically razor

>tfw no JürgenTrittin bf

customers on actual meltdown


>tfw Linkspartei voter

Attached: 59865.png (1000x1000, 343K)

tfw one of 7 left voters in my hometown

Attached: mfw72.webm (1920x1080, 1.92M)


Attached: 1556738629281-2.jpg (879x960, 105K)

>bayern offer 70m for dembele
lmao fookin poorfags

Attached: 1487948771036.jpg (782x612, 61K)

Wait did Buyern actually just signed a Granate?

Gnabry is better anyway.

Attached: 1500483240330.jpg (491x493, 42K)

a Currybombe

> #FCBayern vor Verpflichtung von #Chelsea-Talent! Jamal #Musiala (16) soll nach München wechseln und dort zunächst in der Jugend spielen. Der Offensivspieler erhält offenbar einen Fünfjahresvertrag. [Bild]

A Granätchen :3

sorry we meant 63.75m€

Attached: 1500482655474.jpg (581x496, 106K)

took pictures of some kino quacks yesterday

Attached: bzbz.jpg (1560x2080, 743K)

nice shot and nice quacks

is this true /bundes/?

Attached: sdasda.jpg (943x122, 32K)

*doxxes you*

Attached: caca.jpg (1366x768, 159K)

Reminder lmao at wurstuli and salihamishit

containment thread for the retards, based

is this why the only one who posted in there is austrian?

would guess that thats the bvb tard, remember that he is one of you

that customer ösi is cracking me up desu

it's a common word in NRW, not even kidding. it's what growing up with Kanacken does to you.

where will you be when bayern wins the league again next year without buying any Granaten

it happens sometimes. I also saw once couple of male ducks try to rape a female and chased her around, until one male duck came and chased them away. They seemed to be a couple.
They are monogamous for some time, until the eggs hatch or something.

good duck, protecting his wife


>buying an Absteiger for 35M
Shit's too funny to cry

The sooner everyone ignores him, the sooner hell calm down and stop sperging out so hard.

>P-Please stop making fun of me and my retarded NPC-like spamming, everyone just ignore this meanie!

Will Niko Kovac be head coach of the FC Bayern on November 1st 2019?

100%. There isnt a real alternative on the market. Plus Im sure Bayern will do well and will be 1st or 2nd in their CL group.

Look mom someone mentioned Bayern and I instantly had the urge to reply

Wurstl and Rolex will keep him no matter what.

Will you still be annoying?

In both cases computer sagt ja

the true Mia San Mia mindset

FC Bayern München

Wait is the Ösi a Buyern fan?

It's razor

Theres literally 4 Austrian posters in this thread.

And they are all you

explain how this is loss

Attached: 1562020654793.jpg (416x512, 49K)

Theres Razor, the angry customer, me and the Yugo Ösi.

I shouldn't have to, it is one of the more coherent macros for that retard meme

Wait they have names?

just do it

The angry customer is yugo osi is the same person, the former is just activated by heat


thats defamation

also explain meme, please

It's loss

ok I get it

Attached: cad-20080602-358b1.jpg (625x790, 105K)

Now don't ever post it, refer to it or be like karl and get upset about being ridiculed for not getting a meme ever again


is said razor a customer? Sorry, Im not that new but never was on to all those know posters here.

I think its very lame and am glad I dont frequent v, but apparently its a very big meme and I wonder why I never heard about it before yesterday

Imagine a tm.de-tier customer with severe undiagnosed autism. He was a tripfag long time ago. He even challenged /bundes/ to fight him IRL. He said hed wear a red baseball cap. If I remember correctly 2-3 guys showed up to beat his ass, but he was never to be found. He then claimed in the next thread that he "did a tactical retreat". He used to get as triggered as the Austrian sperging out hard these last few threads, which is why we suspect Razor is back.

thx for all that /bundes/ info

Alleine, dass offenbar über Dembele tatsächlich nachgedacht wird, zeigt doch, auf welches Niveau wir Schritt für Schritt zusteuern. Er hat doch mit seinem Verhalten gerade hier in der BL gezeigt, dass er mangels Charakter und Einstellung ein völlig ungeeigneter Profi für einen Top-Club ist. Diese Laus sollten wir uns um nix in der Welt in den Pelz stecken!!!!! Ich glaube, so einen Spieler wünscht man sich auf keinen Fall in seinem Team - egal wie gut er möglicher Weise kicken kann (wenn er gerade mal Lust hat).

yes yes... pray they still have his wrong phone number

Is there a /bundes/-equivalent of mia san mia?

would have sex with Havertz's gf, ngl

Attached: 65268549_152668249222959_4815099064546833285_n.jpg (1080x1350, 152K)


Thats not Brandt.

"Wir haben autism"


what do you mean?

Attached: 1561192506087.webm (480x852, 2.04M)

looks like a good time


hob gschissn

Attached: pups.png (438x439, 214K)

/bundes/ mal wieder beschissen worden.

>tfw going to Berlin next week
Any spots I should visit bros? I hear it’s hot af

totally not gay

try to avoid Berlin

>Eintracht Frankfurt hat Rodrigo Zalazar ablösefrei vom FC Malaga verpflichtet.

Attached: D-eRW6PWwAAaRjJ.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

Which one is the best to visit then, Potsdam, Leipzig, or Dresden?

It's the vegan capital of the world. Enjoy some nice veggies!


Depends on what you want to experience

Gay fisting in a club, bitter!

Nice weather, aesthetic city and architecture, maybe some nice museums and historical spots

Dresden it is then

Rumours have it that Nkunku to Leipzig is off

Potsdam is an S-Bahn trip.. the others are 200km away

While Dortmund is getting all the good players, Bayern is buying all the sandniggers and poos they can get their hands on. As a lifetime Bayern fan, this shit is gonna ruin the club, obviously the Jewish execs dont want more Bavarian players, thats racist, but Jamal Mustapha al Jihadi with a German passport, yeah he gets a pass. Im predicting that after Muller leaves/retires there wont be anymore Bavarian homegrown players left on the first team. Makes me cringe so hard.

Noice. Also, are Germanos actually fluent at English or only semi-fluent

imagine being Kovac and having to bear with wurstls and rolex shit on a daily basis.
just imagine saying you need 4 more players so Salihamicuck signs some indian literal who playing in NZ

Müller is really bad.

it ranges from fluent to no english at all



calling a desperate 1-year-Rückholaktion for Robben and/or Ribéry

Kohr to Frankfurt is done btw

maybe when you go to Dresden you should improve your Russian first so you can converse with the locals, faggot

How much?

No this can't be happening.
I still rate him


Is this /bundas/?



Attached: 1517821451590.jpg (600x578, 60K)


You said you joined BVB yesterday.

bvb are for fags

O_O Wow!

Like you?

like gotze

No he's just fat, god...

Did this nigger commentator really unironically say in the Vorberichterstattung that the "us is already world champion when it's about talking about political and societys problems" DID THIS NIGGER REALLY FUCKING SAY THAT EARLIER OR DID I MISSHEAR

Attached: 1499046.jpg (480x360, 34K)

What's wrong with that statement


What the fuck it's going up with Buyern? they need top players to cover Robben and Ribery lost, Coman and Gnabry aren't enough.

We live in a society

He was talking about how their women's football team is world champion in talking about political and society problems. He literally implied what they are complaining about about women's wages and shit is brave. Are you dumb?

They unironically think Gnabry is a world class player kek, because he scored some shitty goals against bauern clubs

Me on the left


Attached: 1561763863525.jpg (3000x2000, 509K)


Me bottom left

And it's pathetic that a state funded TV program can push blatant propaganda like that you fucking faggot

he is a sojboy, he thinks that its richtig und wichtig that they constantly bring politics to sports, as long as it has the right richtige und wichtige message

God I hope our fucking dykes lose

Back in 2016 Bayern wanted to get Sané, but they knew his exit clause would trigger a year later, so they told him to wait a year. He didnt want to, so he went to City for 45 million. That was their first mistake. Their second mistake was that they were looking for a new coach. Tuchel was available, but they essentially told him "youre one of our candidates, well let you know.". Tuchel said "fuck that" and went to Paris.

Now theyre stuck with a coach no player really knows/cares about and Sané would cost them 120, but they dont want to pay 120, so then Sané probably said "they dont really want me" and decided to ask for more money at City.

There are no good wingers on the market except for Pepe and Sané. Pepe was available in April/May, but Bayern didnt want to pay 50 million. Now a few months later, Pepe is going to Italy for 75-80.

What did she mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190702-212317_kicker.jpg (1079x662, 235K)

>the opinion he voiced different from mine
>that means it's propaganda
Please stop your propaganda on this taiwanese cave painting forum

To be fair Bayern (also bvb) seem to be one of the only teams in this clown world with any sense. They refuse to pay clown transfer fees and we shouldn't really blame them for that

>Inb4 tolisso is mentioned, fk u

>They literally make a comment with an obvious political agenda and bias behind it on state TV
>It's somehow not propaganda
Fuck off nigger even if I agreed with his statement it would be propaganda. That what he talks about is factually a false statement in the first place doesn't make it better though.

BVB is too small to afford big players and Dortmund is a small irrelevant city. Bayern on the other hand could easily afford the big names, but they pretend to "not want to play along with the transfer madness", but then they realise that theyre gonna get kicked out the 1st knockout stage in the CL for the next 10 years, if they dont.

>I agree with a political statement
>therefor its not propaganda
Please fuck off from this viatnamese basket weaving forum

>don't pay unsustainable fees
>don't sign any Granaten at all
>stop being competitive
>earn less money
>sign Mutumbu and Nbeko
>become even less competitive
>earn even less
>inb4 hurr durr /bundes/
there's no money in /bundes/ for those because their aim is not money, but instead even more money.
however, they could also...
>spend those unsustainable fees
>make huge losses
>become the city of Berlin of the international stage
>Festgeldkonto shrinks
>stop paying those fees to avoid becoming the city of Berlin of the world of football
It's a lose-lose situation for Buyern honestly

Except if Bayern would have bought Sané when he was cheap and not big, they would have gotten a amazing replacement.
If Bayern had gotten Tuchel, Bayern would be great right now (in CL). If Bayern had gotten Brandt for 25, it would be a decent replacement for Ribery. Obviously not better than prime Quasimodo, but better than 2017- Ribery.

The list goes on.

Tuchel it's shit

>If Bayern had gotten Brandt for 25, it would be a decent replacement for Ribery. Obviously not better than prime Quasimodo, but better than 2017- Ribery
Are you fucking kidding me Brandt is shit dude lmao what the fuck am I even reading

>le 1 goal and 3 assists as winger man
>better than Ribery

Attached: gegegeg.jpg (585x465, 47K)

>Are you fucking kidding me Brandt is shit dude lmao what the fuck am I even reading
Name a better winger on the market, that Bayern can afford and are willing to pay big money for, who is better than Brandt.

White got blacked.

stop seething Unai, shouldnt you be in London?

But he is at BVB now, that means he must be absolute worldclass. Go away for your statistics.


Attached: assists.png (1160x353, 17K)

Brandt is more of a CAM then a winger

Kimmich is shit too, I wish I was this naive

yes, hes pretty good as attacking mid, wouldnt call him world class, but he's no winger you fucking obssessed retard

thats after Bosz moved him from the wing

Attached: srgsrgs.jpg (612x433, 56K)

Hes an inverted winger. There is no such thing as a 10 anymore.

Yawning my ass off at all this soccer talk


/bundes/ liquidation when

its again an austrian flag trolling? Very suspicious...

blame your fellow BVB fan and Bayern expert
lets talk about sandniggers instead. Dont you think its great how they stimulate the economy by security guards being mandatory in public swimming pools now? Think about all the newly created jobs

yes, same as Hertha is alread Deutscher Meister when it comes to be aware of minorities being oppressed

Attached: 1560222455894.jpg (400x333, 76K)

Im still waiting for you to name a winger on the market, that Bayern is willing to pay full price for and who is better than Brandt.

Did I do well, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1562097123120.jpg (1080x1341, 339K)

>Aposematism (from Ancient Greek ἀπό apo away, σῆμα sema sign) refers to the appearance of an animal that warns predators it is toxic, distasteful or dangerous. This warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators.

Noah Okafor

god I hope the ameridykes lose today..

Either way, Im glad there wont be much media hysteria over equal pay "because see? they are champions, they deserve it"

why are you chatting in english with someone in germany?

It's an english excklusive app. Doesn't exist in a german version so I always just write english until she writes german because I don't care either way and german sounds much more awkward and cringy when trying to flirt.



>not asking her to brap in your mouth

nigga pls

>I dont talk in my native language with fellow countrymen because it sounds weird

cucked beyond belief

Attached: 1477143286988.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

Your text is no way less cringe in english m8

Bruh, if you got in that easy, imagine how easy it was for every other guy on this app

>even lesbians cant resist the bbc

So? Am I supposed to look for girls on a dating app that are HARD to fuck?

Maybe I’m just paranoid about STD’s, seems risky is all

YOLO my friend. Any woman willing to fuck out of a relationship has just the same risk of having STDs.

you for real? whats the app. Never experiences a girl being that easy. How long did you talk?
Are you fairly good looking?

>watches wwc
>saves degenerate pasta
>posts it to /bundes/

Attached: oh you.jpg (369x369, 70K)

Okcupied. You answer questions and then match up with people that have a high % of matches answers with you.

I look okay maybe, 5-6/10 but I made really nice photos, get a new phone because their front camera and other magic tricks could make the biggest faggot look like chad.

I fucked more girls in 3 months of having dating apps than in 5 years since I lost my virginity. Women are easy. And I live in a really rural region, I could not imagine how easy it is to find women in big cities.

I also have no money, no car, no own apartment and basically nothing to show for myself kek. Nobody cares.

based NEET chad

er, okay, I dont really believe it but thx

Sure thing nigger

Attached: 20190702_221509.jpg (1080x1920, 467K)

>I post an image on an imageboard
>This is my OC
yeah, sure


Attached: 2.bild.jpg (993x370, 111K)

>get over the fact that you are one year younger than me
Crazy how much this matters to them

>Being this much in denial that another user is a chad

Attached: 1485535397301.jpg (600x375, 15K)

over 800% more boners

Yeah especially since I turn her age in just a few weeks too so it literally is not even a big difference. But yeah who cares she already gave her desires away from message 1.

oberdorf is superior qt. I'm saddened about the bad taste of the masses.

ok keep us posted



Attached: 1561828235003.jpg (817x443, 42K)

>english finishing

Did she just not hit the easiest fucking tap in of all time kek, I would have scored that with a bag of chips in my hand

that zdf bitch is so dumb, it's a clear pen.

>english penalty shots



This, clear contact in every single angle and she keeps saying how hard of a decision it is jesus christ. Also why was it not a red card?

Attached: D-f3QV2XoAE4NDt.jpg (720x1146, 100K)

was ist pasirt


>Sher gutes Fußballspiel auf sehr hohem Niveau
Holy shit iI never watch women's football but if that was hohes Niveau I don't want to see league games

>wir müssen bescheiden bleiben

Hey Faggots,
My name is Ulrich, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any Festgeld? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than buying shares of Dortmund..
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot muslim slav (he just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>Ousmane Dembélé will not join Bayern this summer. One of the player's agents told Sky: "The chances that Ousmane plays at Bayern next season are 0. He is and will remain in Barcelona" [@Sky_MaxB]

Karl-Heinz literally on Telefonbuch watch to find out Schürrle's number right now

>ctrl f Bayern
>47 results
you guys are seriously overdoing it

30 of those are yours and another 10 are from quotes

going to make myself a midnight Schnitzel now btw

I am not the bvb ösi though

Ösis in /bundes/ were a mistake.

razor is an NCfugee desu


Attached: razorhoeneB tactical slip.webm (738x398, 2.87M)

time for my 10mins ab workout

wut excercises are you doing?

yes, this was good
I feel really pumped now!

this is actually /buyern/

Jz ein paar Würstchen containern beim Aldi!

Attached: 1508965202800.jpg (392x538, 36K)

having some kartoffeln with lachs and Lauchzwiebel(I think its Jungzwiebel for you) in about 30mins

is it hot over there

not me

trying this now for some time

Here is how to construct the perfect abs workout for beginners:

1. ISO Reverse Crunches x 30-60 seconds
2. Seated Ab Circles x 30-60 seconds (alternate cw and ccw directions)
3. Recliner Elbow to Knee Tucks x 30-60 seconds
4. Opposite Side Tuck Planks x 30-60 seconds
5. Oak Tree Stepouts x 30-60 seconds each side
6. Banded Pulldowns x 30-60 seconds
7. Plank Pushaways x 30-60 seconds

Here is how to construct the perfect abs workout for more advanced lifters:

1. Hanging ‘X’ Raises x 30-60 seconds
2. Hanging Leg Spirals x 30-60 seconds (alternate right and left twists)
3. Tornado Chops x 30-60 seconds (alternate right and left chops)
4. Opposite Scissor V Us x 30-60 seconds
5. Sledgehammer Swings x 30-60 seconds each side
6. Banded Pulldowns x 30-60 seconds
7. Plank Punchouts x 30-60 seconds

doing the beginner mostlysince I dont have a bar to grab on to. Number 4 is advanced for me though.

have to say on the banded pulldowns, i dont really feel the abs, maybe Im doing something wrong. Maybe time to ask /fit/....but I really dont like that place

lose weight

Attached: 1484598623094.png (1228x1502, 61K)

the sad thing is that some poor retards will fall for this

Fuck that is so cringe

>Here is how to construct the perfect unit

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>yes goy, buy a gym membership

Well /bundes/fags as a fan of Bayern for 15 years, I hereby declare that I fucking hate Jews and their fucked up agenda. Bayern and their jewish execs can suck themselves off fucking faggots fuck them

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My internet got fucked for a moment there

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Sounds good, missing the spinach though. Yes we call it Jungzwiebel

hmm interdasting, only know planks and crunches, and almost never do either. Do you have that band for 5 and 6 or do you improvise somehow?

I can eat what I want and I do no sport at all and still have an attractive body

are you retarded? He says over and over in his videos, and every imbecile should know by now, if you are over 15% of bodyfat you need to lose it to have visible abs.
Im somwhere around 13% now.

Well Im always open for more ideas and better ways to exercise, so hit me.
But I can tell by the burn and the intensity in the muscle if a workout is doing something for me or not.

fail for what? that you have to exercise for muscles to develop and get toned?
Whats your suggestions then?

post your body then

go to sleep Ralf, Arbeitsamt appointment early tomorrow

I used to have Tiefkühl spinach and i was sick of it, tastes literally like nothing.

yeah you should definitely do dynamic planks, so planks with some kind of movement involved instead of just relying on planks.

I have a exercise resistand band. for 5 I put it over my doorhandle, for 6 I put the band on a Vorhangstange :3

the channel has lots of other ab workout videos.
I found these to be good so far(and they dont need any equipment):



no, tomorrow is my therapist appointment

>doing anything but compund lifts
not gonna make it

not me, I have a dilate session tomorrow

I'm a 20 years Bayern fan and member and you're a retard

God I wish I was German ;____;

>not doing compound lifts plus ab training

you can hang to a bar, and hold a plate with your feet and raise them, if you get really strong

you are world champion (female) soon, celebrate!

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Tom? Opfer

Reply? Yes!

hello, this is /wundes/! missed me yet?

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Hello where are the curves?

I just came to a vid of a girl swinging her huge knockers while making "moo moo"

truly the muh san muh mentality

she has a tight cunt, who needs curves?

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>Tom likes twink bodys

Yeah not surprised

true muhndes hours

Kys onions boomer

Bhich one? Because before he came to Dortmund he had at least two and Bayern negotiated with the wrong one.
Then when he went to Barca he used yet another one, Stephan Lichtsteiners brother.


it's time

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I really really hate Scrubs

Now I can't sleep

For me, it's Brazil - Argentina

do you have a stream?

I'm 20 though.

You're all plastic compared to me.


meant for of course

I hope Messi will gewinn
I'm only 11 lol

god Im so lonely, I start to chatter with easter europe mature camwhores about my life and troubles.

whats the betting odds of messi not scoring a goal today? 1.02? lol

Get it together man. You're a white German, you have a continent to destroy

wtf?! I am not a russian camwhore desu

Does it help you? Then whats the problem, if you want real social contact, go to a Kneipe, get drunk and get in touch with people there, at the end of the evening theres always someone on the Bar you can explain your life to.

What part of Germany are you guys from and what's your favorite flavor of Haribo

tried that a few times. Only besoffene Trottel and Asis that talk nonsense, that I dont wanna talk with.

yeah, it helps for the moment makes me feel acknowledged a bit.

messi looks - as always - like he really really doesnt want to be there.

saure Pommes, I also like lots of the licorice

shit, im craving some licorice now you idiot

Why do you doubt yourself?

Hessen and probably the Cherrys or the Fröschlis :3

>Messi goes all the way back to the CB to receive the ball because he's in Manndeckung all the time
>lol >Messhit xDDD

probably pic related or just regular goldbären

where you located brudi?

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I dont really have any talents, anything special really. Dont have friends, not good with the ladys. Im no incel, basement dweller or anything, but still, I feel so minor, so left out.

Above average intelligence, above average looks, above average talking skills(if I ever talk with someone).

Also Im lovesick, gf breakup and so on.

Im afraid now

At least you can walk

But really you make no sense Hans. What are you, 19?

>Im afraid now


why did you delete your post?

He is afraid

I just want Messi to be happy

Me too

Fuck this shit