/nba/ general

>everyone mad as fuck at us because we're getting kawhii edition, get fucked cloppers fans.

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Other urls found in this thread:


so it's official then?

Kawhi is officially the biggest sneak above Durant if this happens.

Whats the mindset for people wanting Kawhi to go to the lakers when people shit on the warriors for being a super team for 3+ years???

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If Kawhi joins the Lakers he deserves to get run into the ground when Lebrons pussy explodes again and AD falls over and shatters like a 300 year old vase. But, knowing Kawhi, he’ll just sit the season out lol.

People shat on KD for being a cuck and joining a team with 3 all stars that just best him after being up 3-1.

why? it’s a bussiness and players are going to go where they make the most money or where they’ll be the most successful.. would you not take a higher paying job somewhere else to stay at the company you worked at out of loyalty? or would you reject an offer at a business that would alow you to work where you grew up, around your friends and family?

its happening nigga we getting kawhi

He was joking dude...


How was Lebron able to destroy the raptors and not even be in the same conference? Truly a madman

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Wizards should trade Bradley Beal
Cavaliers should trade Kevin Love
Pistons should trade Blake Griffin

We've put up with this bullshit for too many years. I'm glad our Dynasty is coming back.

Make a move morey


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retarded poor favela monkey

>traded to a place he didn't ask to go to
>leaves when FA

Why would anyone wanna live in libtard shithole los angeles is beyond me and im saying this as someone who lived in that shithole for 25 yrs

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shut up gun monkey


warriors kings summer league
thank me later nephews


>anime poster
>flyover sympathizer
big yikes and cope

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Is kawhi enough to give Le-Exposed more undeserving glory?
He is perfect for that role though, doesn't talk much and just-suffer-in-silence kind of guy.

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I'm seething lakerfags are coming back. How can I make them go away?

Stop watching anime bros it's not good for you

Will someone go to Japan with me next year?


>How is glorious Nippon rap

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Just wait for March or April next year when they're eliminated and the Lakers fans magically become clippers or warriors fans.


who are you?

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I think I'm gonna be sick

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Bury your head under the covers and cry. It should help

I want lakers fans of warriors wagon I can have the wagon to myself and other warriors fans.

>How is glorious Nippon rap

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me too....

sup foo, dont watch anime as much as before

>How is glorious Nippon rap?

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now that lonzo isn't a laker anymore, he's soo cringe now.

Lakers are officially broshipped with Knicks and Pelicans and Warriors now

if you pay for my ticket then yeah ill keep you company and suck your dick

a user of the /nba/ general on 4channel

What's the deal with Cousins?


why you clowning on a legitimate question?

For me, it's laughing whole summer at lakeshit dellusions.

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he forever MLE now. This was bound to happen

headed for China

it's just my memory doesn't recall your trip

Jimmy Butler going to Miami has that Case Keenum going to Denver.

should have unironically taken the pels contract
he won't get a better contract

State of the warriors?

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I started being a tripfag 5 minutes ago

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>[Wojnarowski] There is no market for DeMarcus Cousins.

haha fuck you ring chasing bitch. Maybe if you get on your knees and beg Lebron will feel sorry for you and the Lakers might sign you to a minimum as a 3rd string backup big you coward

Not good. Probably an 6th-8th seed. That’s when they enter dark horse in the playoffs mode.

>I started being a tripfag 5 minutes ago


It's just Lebrppppt fanboys. They were mad at KD because he stacked the odds in GSW favor when it came down to championships. They just wanted him to win more rings and continue to play "hero" basketball.

Kawhi lol

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I'm back

i'll miss this guy

I bet Kawhi will officially make his announcement once Tyler Skaggs is honored and buried as a sign of respect.

> Free agent forward Anthony Tolliver has agreed to a one-year, $2.6M deal with the Portland Trail Blazers, league sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Tolliver will provide a high-level shooting rotation big.

>tfw might have to run it back
Just another day in clutch city

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>I'm back
>no post in the archive with your tripcode

Is ¨cope¨ the /nba/ preseason/free agency meme?

Is it cool to be a Lakers fan again?

for a casual bball observer, it may look like Lebron isnt guarding anybody but for bball experts and analysts, Lebron stayed put at where he is so he can cover all 5 opposing players when his teammates forget their defensive rotation.
Such is the brilliance of Lebron.

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Best C still available?

show some respect you stupid fuck, it's gowiz and he just got out of the psych ward. He's been in there since the John Wall injury.

No. You guys are a bunch of annoying fucks.

Are trips allowed on 4channel again?

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did gowiz just randomly change his name and tripcode

Mitch Trubisky is the best talent I've ever seen at the QB position.

>yfw da bears win the superb owl.

Oops, wrong thread.

>non laker fans

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>implying I don't want to see /nba/ seethe

Can one of you text me if there’s any Kawhi news while I sleep?

Reply for my number

>mfw Looney coming back to the dubs

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Celtics fan.
I'd kek.

I was always a lakers fan! I grew up in Pasadena!

>7:57 p.m. ET: Free agent Kevon Looney is returning to the Golden State Warriors on a three-year, $15M deal, agent Todd Ramasar tells Adrian Wojnarowski.

>4yr 85 M for harrison barnes to stay

fucking WHY



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>Kissin tiddies better than his division mates much less his contemporaries
Yeah this is an off season shitpost alright

>biggest news of the day was Kevin looney re signing
Who wrote this shit silver? Step it up

good signing
looney for 3 yr/15 mil is a steal


thats why

Wizards are winning the title this year

refresh my memory, did the lakers win 73 last year?

The summer league title?

tomorrow is going to be big with kawhi going to la

What is Kawhi doing right now?

Should I fuck her?

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Thinking about life

no,my pellies are winning that

Winning a title loan for their Seattle arena.

Thats a hard EWW from me dawg.

that's a pass from me dog

Chances are even that landwhales above your paygrade so sure why not?

>white women

You do you

we coming

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>The conversation with my @nba sources continues to be @kawhileonard “heavily leaning towards joining the @clippers. From conversations as of this evening I am still being told he is not interested in joining the @KingJames and @Lakers. Never has been in his sights.

no this is shit

hell NAW, pass it to one of your black homies

Tattoos, especially trashy ones like that... just why


Finna be a cringe from me

reminder that kobrick vetoed a trade to the bulce because he wanted to play with BD.



obvious clipper shill

absolute state of thirsty cucks

tfw that educational vid, you know the one.

works desu

maybe if wasted

why her toes so weird

You can do better. :)

If Kawhi leaves, it is going to make Vince carters departure look like a Disney film, I can assure you all that

shes white so yes. id fuck anything white

how many titles did vince help the raptors win again?

lol no

Would you fuck a jar of mayo

Why did this get so many (You)s

i dont believe kawhis autistic personality will fit with the lakers. i think he signs with the clippers and lakers media and fans get all butthurt about it and call him a traitor or whatever, i also dont think it is beneath him to try and delay his answer on purpose so that the lakers (his rivals) miss out on supporting cast

that's the first thing you looked at? you need help

we gotta help a bro make the right decision

Kawhi is already the best Raptor ever.

Someone from Southern California would never willingly join the Clippers over the Lakers.

>T&A not the first thing you notice when checking out a girl

If that’s what he’s actually doing then it might be the biggest brained move since the Nets-Celtics trade (not including what happened afterwards)

>knicks ahead of sac, atl, orl, chi, min
>celtics that high
>indiana with oladipo return lower than nets&celtics
>utah&denver that low because of "muh lakeshit supa team"
I can't say which one is more fucked up East or West, but big market fools are gonna get fleeced again.
>denver was 23 to 1 at one point, even though Jokic proved to be playoff ready, team stayed in tact and Porter might contribute
oh no no no

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Thirsty beta cucks telling him not to fuck her, when they would drag their dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart though a two tin cans tied with a string.


Cringe and basedpilled: Basketball is a team sport guys! You need to have le strong bench and depth to win! Our young players are going to be our future! Why don't we just wait and see if we can build a nice team and develop talent!
Based and redpilled: Just fucking tamper and sign mercenary max players. Fill out the bench with old goons on the vet min. Use shitty flyover teams as a farm system by pressuring their star players to demand trades or leave in free agency.

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toes & arches


Maybe it depends, if you meat up with her a second time just neck yourself though

based whaler mad he got BTFO

Kawhi never played with the armband the whole. only time he wore it was that press conference

>my Lakies off the board
Wonder why


Don’t @ me

I legit had a nightmare that Kawhi was going to the Lakers jesus christ

Looks like Ham. I don't like Ham.

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Arash Markazi

Verified account

Follow Follow @ArashMarkazi
A $10,000 bet just came in on the Lakers at 7/4 to win the NBA Championship at the Westgate Las Vegas Superbook. The last time that happened Anthony Davis’ trade to the Lakers was reported 30 minutes later.

1:06 AM - 2 Jul 2019

I feel happy anons. The world feels right. Right Toronto?




>A $10,000 bet just came in on the Lakers at 7/4 to win the NBA Championship at the Westgate Las Vegas Superbook. The last time that happened Anthony Davis’ trade to the Lakers was reported 30 minutes later.

It's happening.

I used to actually want a reasonably built team at one point but today I have been fully on the bandwagon. Hurry up Kawhi

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wtf? Why are the lakers trading anthony davis?

I'm not happy

>have to stay up 30 minutes
couldn't they announce not at one in the morning


How is this not reasonably built? Half the roster is filled with weak nobodies.

lol based

Kawhi still has his meeting with Toronto

Why are NBA superstars so unlikeable?

Amazing players, horrible people...but WHY?

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what are you talking about man did you see her?

imagine this hambeast fucking in the summer all sweaty and shit and smelling of farts and mayo

kinda hot tbqh

>Ric Bucher: Kawhi Leonard is Strongly Considering 1-Year Deal With Raptors




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>Ric Bucher

The cognitive dissonance of Lakers fans is palpable. To think that many of them spent the past 4+ years seething about Golden State, and before that seething about Miami, yet now they don't really care about "superteams."

If Kawhi signs I'll be pretty upset, not because I care where he goes, but because this offseason really felt like it was bringing some parity to the league, and a lot of teams individually were improving and getting better depth to the point where things could be much more competitive. If it does happen, I'll be rooting for Lebron or AD to get injured just so I can laugh at Kawhi struggle to carry some g-leaguers and some literal who vet mins to the playoffs. I mean ffs, you literally just get a ring and then abandon that team despite the team itself still having great depth, coaching and ability to win. It's not as much of a bitch move as KD, because KD didn't just win the finals and finals MVP when he ran away to GS though, but it's up there.


>Ric Bucher: Kawhi Leonard is Strongly Considering 1-Year Deal With Raptors

In this fall, this is very tough, in this fall I'm going to take my talents to Venice Beach and join the Los Angeles Lakers.

he's not going to the Lakers lol
'tis but a joke

>rooting for injuries
>implying the raptors wouldve made it past the 2nd round without kawhi let alone win the whole thing



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This has already been debunked 10 hours ago. Catch up. Also, Bucher is one of the worst journalists in the business.


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You guys are buying this desperation to be relevant tweet when Kawhi hasn't even spoken with the Raptors yet?


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superteams are only bad when it's a bitch move. KD going to a team that was 1 game away from winning the finals is a bitch move. Lebron Abandoning his hometown and declaring himself winning 8 rings was a bitch move.

Kawhi going home to a team that just missed the playoffs and teaming up with AD (guy who was traded from team that never had any talent) and Lebron (basically an old ring chasing vet at this point) would not be a bitch move. All 3 of them deserve rings

>you literally just get a ring and then abandon that team despite the team itself still having great depth, coaching and ability to win

THEY KNEW THERE WAS A CHANCE HE COULD LEAVE, THEY KNEW HE WAS A RENTAL, THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANTED. THEY'RE GETTING GREEDY. he's not screwing anyone over, he told them straight up what his intention were.

>LeBron is totally going to be elite at 35 years old
>LeBron will never decline

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forgot the link


Literally nowhere in his twitter does he talk about Kawhi. You just got trolled.

Do you think it worth to gib durant a max contract if he misses the next season

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lonzgod about to get a jumper in nola

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Short answer: no
Long answer: he'll be a national hero one day in China


>Ric Bucher: “I just got off the phone and this is how the last 24-36 hours have been. Someone is saying they think Toronto has a very good shot for the Raptors to sign Kawhi to a one-year deal. He can take the one year, then that puts him in the category of a super max for bigger money and ultimately has the opportunity to run it back in the Eastern Conference. If he stays in Toronto, they are the prohibitive favorites to win another championship.”

I'll play.
I moved to Vietnam for five years after putting money on the Mavs whilst miami was watching fireworks.

kawhi is my wife's boyfriend and he said he isn't staying in canada

#uever wake up n the middle of da night and think about a girl u like or startin to like and sit at da edge of the bed n say damn i want her

Why does Canada rank so low in education per the world?

It's funny how easy it is to Photoshop these pictures because they're all black xD

At da end of da day, we all knew Kawhi was running it back on a 1+1

He just won a fucking championship with this squad who ran train in Milwaukee and Golden State. It would be crazy for him to leave.

>The conversation with my @nba sources continues to be @kawhileonard “heavily leaning towards joining the @clippers. From conversations as of this evening I am still being told he is not interested in joining the @KingJames and @Lakers. Never has been in his sights.

This tripfag

Is also this Canadian proxy

Oh, and I want to thank the Wizards for giving us max cap space to sign Kawhi. Much love.

Dubs for the 1+1

>Fuck the Raptors and the Lakers.

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warriors chads, where do we want kawhi to go?

for me id rather have him on the clippers and worst possible scenario remaining at toronto

Uh ... BROS????!!!?

ric bucher must of spoken to the raptor equipment manager

>ran train in Milwaukee
>was one bad possession away from going down 3-0

>ran train on Golden State
>was klay thompson injury away from blowing a 3-1 lead without durant




Kawhai has diarrhoea

Why would Kawhi buy a huge ass house in Toronto? Makes no sense.

He’s not spending his summers there. NBA players only buy homes in places they know they will be for extended periods of time.

Fuck outta here with that Lakers shit. It’s the same thing as the Paul George talk.

yo fuck all these media people. where my laker insider at. we need some real leaks

Yep. Kawhi is here. We New Balance nao.


Lol what? They fucking reverse swept those bitches
>B-but the games weren't blowouts
Shut the fuck up bitch the #1 seed got swept


what if the reason kawhi is taking so long to decide is because he has diarrhea and doesn't want to embarrass himself at a press conference or shit himself in a meeting so he's taking it slow?

How many times have you guys shit yourself? Id say about 4 times for myself. Shit my bed once because of a rogue fart

they went to 2OT in game 3. if they lost that game they'd go down 3-0 and would have lost that series. They were one bad possession away from being swept

Based and redpilled

He really is one of us...

i love stephen a

>falling for the Cucks meme when they shit all over the court for 4 straight games
Game 4 was in Toronto
Winning that gives you momentum for Game 5 which was a Toronto win
Game 6 was in Toronto
Now you have all the momentum for Game 7

Luck is a skill

i remember when i was 10 i shit myself playing pokemon sapphire version. I distinctly remember not wanting to go to the bathroom because my sealeo was about to evolve, and I figured I could relieve some of the pressure if I just let out a fart, but it turned to a shit. That was the only time I ever remember shitting myself past being a baby

Zero (0) times suprisingly



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Whoever leaks first loses kawhi


sign and trade d'lo for kawhi

>being this upset

The Bucks blew a 2-0 lead and lost 4 straight.

The Bucks blew a 2-0 lead and lost 4 straight.

The Bucks blew a 2-0 lead and lost 4 straight.

The Bucks blew a 2-0 lead and lost 4 straight.

Why not take the game boy with you?

Shit leaking haha

fuck off cunt

>using sealeo
you deserved it for using that garbage over pelliper

>Kawhi is gonna sign somewhere at 3am and I'm gonna miss all the shitposting

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Exactly 0 teams in the conference finals had dudes wearing those gay ninja headbands

Is this fucking hue for real


Curry wore it when he went to Japan or was it Korea?

I wasn't a smart kid

What it do baybeeee

Has Kawhi met with all the teams yet?

im a chad

My rapties are last so later this week

Met with the Lakers and will sign there so basically yeah

>kd so scared of lebron he ran out east
>kawhi so scared of lebron he joined him
lmao we did it again lebronchads

nope, thats the funny part we all anxious for nothing

>he thinks brazilarry is wrong

>im a chad

The eventual lakers laugh thread will be better than the knicks one

Imagine LeBron's twilight years he's getting overshadowed by Kawhi. It would truly kill his legend even if he gets extra rings.

Yeah it will even top the AD one.



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God truly fat "women" piss me off. How anyone can find a woman with a neck like a adult bison and feet like Gronkowski attractive is beyond me.

Bet she describes herself as "thick" on Instagram while she eats pints of ice cream with a IV of lasagna permanently attached to her tree trunk arm.

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harkless casual

The fact that Adam Silver and the rest of the media don’t want you to understand is that Kawhi does not truly move the needle. My raptor would have won that championship with Derozan and the whole gang still here, and it would’ve been much cleaner.

nah it’ll be kareem tier where hes still a great player hes just not doing the nightly heavy lifting

>Discounting a man in his late 30s for not being as good or better than Kawhi in his prime
Peak brainlet

I’m begin you bruh have sex

His choice, he should go do it with just AD if he wants the credit and the glory.

>Not an update but figured I'd share: Unfounded suspicion within AEG is that a Kawhi Leonard signing with the Lakers is imminent and maybe even verbally agreed upon, but that the top Lakers FO officials are holding their cards close to the vest until official word comes from Kawhi's camp due to their understanding and respect of Kawhi's introverted disposition. They expect official word sometime soon, but don't have a concrete timeline as it's dependent on Kawhi and his confidants.



based retard



dude had one of the worst playoffs performance ive ever seen alongside with aminu

he was so bad portland had to run seth curry, evan turner and meyers leonard in crunch time

They’re going to come to California to meet with him. So we’ll have an answer by tomorrow.

>Unfounded suspicion

its ok user, you dont need sleep anyway..stay up and shitpost with us...

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Im a life long Lakers fan

Would you fuck a jar of mayo

Answer my question you fucking dodgy monkey

Kawhi Leonard has agreed to a deal with the Los Angeles Lakers, league sources tell ESPN.

Half of these USA Laker fans are posting from Kansas and shit

please don't lie like that

KawhI Leonard has agreed to a deal with the Los Angeles Lakers, league sources tell ESPN.

pop a cavity in that jar and paint it softly pink and i would

Big if true

he was good game 5 vs okc

It would be sad if Kawhi doesn't stay in Toronto; just because he seems like a decent guy not a snek...is everyone a snek?

is this a mogging?

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>tfw kawhi is just holding out to make lakers miss out on quality roleplayers so raptors can win easier

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>was forced to go to and traded to Toronto with no choice in the matter
>snake because he wants to leave to go back home

me in the middle

Can’t fucking sleep bros. Probably because I slept in until 1pm today.


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i started watching the nba in 2015

How dysfunctional are the Nets gonna be?

>tfw actually live in the greatest city
>fucked a vacuum suction tube when I was 12
And from this day onward, was the beginning of a beautiful relationship

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This. You faggots better shit on Kawhi if he goes to the Lakers like how you did KD. Don't give him a pass because "lool he's le autistic cyborg owowowo xDDD KAWAII DESU NE -__-"

Fuck Kawhi if he snakes like that.

I'm sorry you missed this

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LA is an ugly ass city, not gonna lie.

ya seethe, spee?

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lebrons insta story had dwade and bosh shout outs... what is he trying to tell us...

No one wants to live in Shitada, cope and seethe as much as you want.

>>fucked a vacuum suction tube when I was 12

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They aren't. Most of the team are already friends with either Kyrie or KD. They both literally teamed up because they wanted the most non-hostile work enviroment. Cope more.

Night losers

Worst cope I’ve seen in a while, Kawhi was not drafted by the Raptors, become the face of the franchise and then give up after losing in the finals without telling his best teammate.


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He wanted to go to the lakers from the beginning nigga you can’t get mad at him. And even though he won a championship with the raps all the stars had to align perfectly for it to happen. It was sheer fucking luck. I’m sure he doesn’t think it’s gonna happen again if he stays. That buzzer beater in game 7 of the ecf and two of the top players of the other team being injured is the reason why they won in the first place. Philly looks scary af now and I don’t think Kawhi is gonna wanna face that team with this raptors squad. Sorry bro.

LA is a fucking ugly as city. Its only a good place to live in if you live in the nice suburbs or if you have fuck you money.

If you want to live in a city city, go to a medium size city instead like denver or austin.

love and kyrie btfo?

kawhi is signing with toronto screencap this

This motherfucker just won a championship for fucking Canada. Assuming he's actually going to the Lakers, it's not in the same stratosphere as what Durant did.

>friends can't have problems with one another
>egos dont get in the way
>a far more brutal media market than either of them have been in won't have an effect

i fail to understand how anybody could be this naive

COPE, they're on the nets because kd is hurt so he has to join kyrie instead of the other way around if he was healthy.

Why do you always fall for Clipnada’s bait?


It's like a Frankenstein of high class and absolute shithole. You cross a wrong street or two and your in fucking Baltimore but past that a couple blocks over looks like fucking Melbourne. Wouldn't have it any other way

LeBron traded the Heat for cap space and Kawhi joining him there screencap this

Anyone else refreshing reddit nba for updates but they keep posting porn and dick pics? It's getting out of hand




Yeah, it's actually way worse. Going to team up with Klutch faggots which is a scourge in this league and the Los Tampering Lakers kills competition even more than the Warriors.

kd gsw > kadlbj lakers

so i dont really agree

>I wonder who's behind this post
Klutch is based unironically.

t. klutch

why are you canadians always so angry and negative

Klutch is another name for purse what were they thinking

Fuck off and fuck Kawhi.

kawhi slipping from them the longer he's in cali

Lmao at the basketball brainlets who think this Lakers team is more powerful than the '17 warriors

>that conflicting feel when you don’t mind Kawhi signing with the Lakers but you hate their fans so much you don’t want to see them feel anything but suffering
I hope LeBron and AD’s knees explode and Kawhi is forced to carry the team, but in doing so he proves he’s the best player in the league

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yeah kawhi brought something to that shitty winless country and they treat him like shit before signing with other teams. canadians are scum

Wow Chris Bosh couldn't get a role in space jam 2.. pathetic LeBron

Nights like this I wish I could do the impossible

He can go where ever the fuck he wants. He beat two super teams when he was the main guy.(even if the warriors were injured to hell that did not stop the Rockets from blowing it) Hes hardly ring chasing or desperate for help like lebron and Durant were.

I just dont get why he would want to go from being the guy on a title team to the 3rd option on the Lakers.

this would be more like miami lite, with an old ass lebron and even less cap room

maybe he gets one more ring and they can pseudo-rebuild around davis after

I'm a faggot go raptors

I started when LeBron went to Miami. LeBron is a huge draw desu. Greatest storyline in years

>I just dont get why he would want to go from being the guy on a title team to the 3rd option on the Lakers.
Because he's a pussy.

Kawhi gave your sorry asses your first chip. He's the FMVP and carried your sorry ass team. He's earned the right to go wherever he wants. KD blew a 3-1 lead and then crawled to the superteam that beat him. Stupid leaf. I can't believe I'm giving you this (You)

God images like this remind me just how fucking freakishly huge some nba athletes are.

Lebron is fucking 6'8. Six foot fucking EIGHT. And he looks like a dwarf next to Bosh

Got my Nance Jr jersey signed today bros !!!!

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he's doing the right thing there. the man on ball got beat and the rotation didn't catch up, leaving a man open in the middle

Load management.
He probably feels like he’s done enough save for make some more all-star teams. He probably just wants to be home and comfy while he solidifies his legacy

>And no this ain't a purse, it's a satchel

Bradley Beal is 26


Best travis song

Come on, man don't be mean ;(

>Butler is now in the same position as Kawhi except he actually wants to play for his team/city (Both are strikingly similar players when you break them down)

>Herro looks as good as advertised he will be getting a starting role at either the 2 or point even depending upon lineups and if not huge minutes just because of that 3 point ability, dude can just fill it up

>Winslow is someone to watch out for, his switch to PG is interesting bit I think it should be Herro/Winslow/Butler. But you can easily swap Herro and Winslow

>Bam is primed for a breakout year

I actually think the Heat might finally recovered from Lebron's stupidity and have a team that can make a run here, I'm not guaranteeing a ring but I doubt Raptors fans did this time last year anything can happen.

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He’s not gonna be a 3rd option dumb ass stop pushing this bogus narrative. He’s fucking Kawhi Leonard. He’s gonna get about as much attention as lebron and AD. That’s like having Kobe, MJ, and Lebron on the same team and calling one of them the 3rd option. They’re all stars. K Love and Bosh were 3rd options cause they’re not on the same level as lebron. They’re not 2 time finals mvps and 2 time dpoys or future mvps.

its cool bro, dont really like cavs jerseys anymore though, their 15/16 ones are way nicer

desu LA is nice

Sick bro

g2b cena....

They’re not on the same level as Kawhi*

Is he a family member or a local player that visited your living facility?

based and Rockypilled.

>That’s like having Kobe, MJ, and Lebron on the same team and calling one of them the 3rd option.

lebron would be 3rd option

>takes a pic of barren ass California Plaza

Fucking hell go somewhere where theres actually something to do, at least go down 7th where it’s urban and there are restaurants to choose from. I love the vibe and aesthetic here but I get why people hate it. Theres lots of beauty but its so massive that you have to know where to look.

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I agree. Snagged a Nance 22 when all jerseys were BOGO at the end of the season. Nance is my favorite due to Ohio related reasons.

>to nico

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about putting fat stacks of cash in a bag

i think i broke my hand while sleeping lol. had her under my body the entire night


nice. nance is a good guy.

Disgusting. Eat the rich.


fucking this -- he probably feels a little bad for not winning it for an AMERICAN team. he's trying to make up for it now

I miss him and Jordan Clarkson ;_;

I honestly think this is the worst time Kevin Durant got sonned


*Is a bucket*

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Just joking dude, I know who Larry Nance is


It just dawned on me, DaMarcucks Cucksins is still a free agent.

The man was literally offered 2/40mil last year by the pels and passed it up to ring chase on a vet min with the warriors, and now no one even wants him.
I'm just so pleased that he got fucked over in the end with his bullshit and pissing on the Pels organization when they offered him a fair and solid contract considering his injury, yet he essentially told the Pels to fuck off, went to get a "free" ring and thought he would be able to prove his worth and get a max contract the next season, now he would be lucky to get 15mil+ next year.

Honestly, everything turned out for the best with the Pels though, they're in a good spot right now and have a young team with some great vets to develop them, but man it fucking makes me so happy to see Cousins get cucked. The only thing that will make me happier is if AD gets injured next season and the Pels sneak into the playoffs lmao

this nigga looked so fucking good

Chris Bosh would be perfect for this era, shame he got those clots.

>neither of the Morii are signed
Are they waiting for Kawhi too?

You guys can have Clarkson back haha. Just kidding I love them both, but Nance has that Ohio blood.

He even got injured during the playoffs lol

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What was Isaiah Thomas's salary? Every one is saying 1 year.

I tried telling people. Shit even Zion said something about him being massively underrated (white). His shooting is off the charts in terms of efficiency. People were comparing him to a poor man's Devin Booker but I think hes more like a rich man's Malcolm Brogdon.

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I was on a date in the diamond district for.....well that's top secret. Went to the grand central market afterwards. Pretty neat and got to eat at eggslut like that cuck bourdain. Dont fucking eat at that pasta place on the side, can't remember the name. Had a chicken parm sandwich and it was fucking subpar as all hell. The ice cream shop and the Japanese place to the side of it was good though.

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You don't wanna know how many times I get that lol

2.5 mil

Absolutely. Plus the experiences you'll get are unmatched anywhere else desu (even NYC)

Agreed. He’s a thinkin’ man’s Jeremy Lin and a frugal man’s Steph Curry

He is going to sign a vet min with the Lakers to try and get his ring.

I want to start playing Magic the Gathering

Meh. Kawaii was about to take you faggots down by himself until Zaza pulled a hit

>Free agent forward Hedo Turkoglu has agreed to a one-year, $4.6M deal with the New York Knicks, league sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Turkoglu will provide a high-level shooting rotation big.

Was Jeremy Lin too smart for this league?

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hes a rich man's reddick/korver

Why are all anti-Lakers commies or some other NPC leftist variant?

Who dem is? Nigga, who dem is?
Who else step in this bitch this jig?
Who else your bitch say got a bick this big?
Who else came through with a wrist this flick?
Nigga, Guess my pants, do my dance
Spin around, bitch, you could kiss my ass
Never seen a nigga in this much Raf
Still doin' math when I miss my class

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Damn remember when Lin dropped 30 on kobr ass. What happened to that guy

we shoulda brought him back home to Charlotte to back up our boy Devonte Graham instead of bringing in Rozier.

kobr sounds like kobrick. thats really clever wordplay

Grand Central Market is great, uniquely DTLA place but yeah some new stuff moved in thats crappier. Fucking hell I love Eggslut. Im at the Glendale one all the damn time now. Normally downtown im going to Bottega Louie just cause the gf likes the decor and their shit is top notch if you like Italian. Going up to the skyblobby in the Wilshire Grand is pretty tight, great view 70 floors up, and completely free to go to and chill at rooftop bar even more so.

Kino Turkoglu

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Fuck the raptors fans here crying, you won a chip
Imagine being the clippers.
Nearly beating a full strength warriors team, showing more heart then any team in NBA with a young developing rookie, a hard nosed center and the most clutch underrated scorer in the forth quarter right now.
To be told all year that kawhi was coming, to the point where we don’t even bother to offer Tobias Harris a max. God I miss him.
This is shit
Our team is tastey though kawhi, come here
Better coaching, better front office, better owners
And a better team chemistry





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DTLA is a meme. Wayyyyyy too many hipsters and transplants. I only really go there for Lakie games or the Standard

I been a knicks fan all my life but I’m jumping ship like the true fuck nigga I am. There is no questioning my integrity , I don’t have one. Brooklyn is still New York and as far as I’m concerned the earth is now flat

Fuck Deloitte. Buncha holier than thou cunts. Though that’s prob all Big 4 anyway.

Fuck man I have a soft spot for short nba players cause I’m only 6’ which is a manlet by nba standards. I hope IT bounces back bros.

Wiggins is the next LeBron.

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If I make 30k a year can i live in LA

How can I bet on my Lakies? Also, what would be the estimated return if someone were to bet $10k right now?

Many men. Wish death upon me. Blood in my eyes dog and I can’t see. I’m just trynna be what I’m destined to be. And niggas trynna take my life away.

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Yes you can live in a tent

Sure if you act like a local.

I know alot of people wont agree with me but I fucking love LA. The grimey streets right next to the manicured walkways, the pretentious boutiques a stones throw from homeless encampments, the crazy people out by the businessmen not giving a fuck, it's just a perfect contradiction if your like me and grew up poor and are used to those sorts of things. It's like transmetropolitan come to life and I embrace it all. The beautiful decay.
Hey thanks you gave me a good idea for my top secret plan

>Jeremy Lin putting up crazy numbers with points/assists/steals
>Insert ((((pic related))))
>It all comes to a end

What did Melanoma mean by this?

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Where the fuck does a barrista in LA live? I have a feeling they all room together 4 peoole in an apartment

It’s like, I didnt choose to like this team. I just like them. Everything now looks so good, the team is solid, FO is great, coach is great, Jerry West is here and bam, now it looks like Kawhi will join a Lakers squad with no one outside of him AD and LeBron just because hey fuck the Clippers. Then, to top it all off, the icing on the fucking cake, this piece of shit Fatfuck4lyfe comes in and posts with the force of 50000 faggots making everything even worse even in the threads.

Turkeyglue paid for all the traps Howard fucked in the last decade.

With 2 other roommates yeah

>tis merely a pump fake

How are these women so good at faking a smile?

Thats exactly right. Most young people seem to have a roommate situation worked out where at least one person is sharing a room with someone else, as far as I know.

>tfw my rich foreign gf pays the rent with her parents money and they dont know I live here

If I werent the luckiest bastard alive I would definitely not be living here, although now I make good money so I can afford most of the Valley, I guess.


>Signs with Houston

At this point Jeremy Lin had already seen more cancer than St Jude's and there was even more after that. He got fucked when you think about it.

nigga just open your mouf

Why would you want to live in LA when you can live in Toronto?

kawhi to the lakers will be the worst result obviously, clippers is the best option to create a more wild, anything can happen atmosphere in the west. If he stays with the raptors too he could prove his worth if he carries them to another title.
but the lakers, it's literally the most bitch thing he could do honestly.

Kanye is the GOAT there's no denying it bros

Crazy. Here in the Midwest we all live on our own outside major cities.

I love architecture and food so I love going there but everyone I know who moved there is an insufferable cunt living in the Arts District and I wont touch that fucking dump. Over the last decade DTLA has experienced nothing short of a renaissance though, soon it will be like Disneyland, we just need to secretly murder all of the homeless people and sell their corneas to pay for it.

Because spic


>mooching off rich gf
Awww that's the fucking best. Had a year like that when I was in college and it was some of the best times of my life. If I wasn't such a degenerate back then....

Honestly Lin isn't all that different from Melo desu. He's actually the PG version of Melo if you think about it (iso-heavy ball-dominant player that can't shoot, pass, or defend and has low basketball IQ)

It sure is crazy how different places are not the same.

I know; every post I read about kawhi joining the lakers hurts
I hate being an irrevelvant clippers fan, no matter how good our team is, no matter how bad we make the lakers look for the last 9 years no one shows respect besides that black guy on espn.
Stephen a and skip only told kawhi to join up to spite lebron and super teams, not because the team is actually the best fit for him.
I still think he might join, but all the lakers media is hurtin

Because you shamelessly vulture our culture and somehow still have the nerve to act like you're better than us. Every Toronto shopping center looks like a cheap ripoff of the Sherman Oaks Galleria desu

The goat puppet of the Kardashians you mean

Literally no one knows what Sherman Peaks Gallery is. I can guarantee you that commiefornians even use that place as a toilet.

People in LA love sitting outside in random, isolated places doing nothing.

A nook by the library. A bench out of sight. On the side of a jungle gym. In the lounge area outside the skyscrapers.

It was crazy to see. No sense of urgency. Not a care in the world.

>The Virgin Sherman Oaks Galleria vs the Chad Westfield Topanga

Doesnt even have a Neiman Marcus LMAO

Didn't exactly stop you guys from copying it though because you couldn't think of anything original on your own

I'm not familiar w/ basketball murrican antics. What is happening here?

So are the Bulls trading Kris Dunn? They have Satoransky and Coby White now.

Have Lakeshit fans learned spamming jersey edit pics and cringe fanfiction doesn't make players sign with their team yet?

man white boys pretending to like kanye west is so 2016

That tends to happen when you don't have a home.

Can anyone fuck with my handles ?

Someone sceencap this for when gowiz bitches about it being a superteam

wins championship
entire country behind him
excellent coach
great supporting players with no divas

a lot to stay for

yes. i think hes decent but he regressed last season

When Klay comes the Warriors are going to trade D-Lo to the Wolves for Covington

Screencap this post

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No but I can fuck you ;)

>LeBron is wearing 23
Fix this shit now

Say something funny Canada

You mean 2004, right?

Good for you

Face it /nba/, you wouldn’t mind Kawhi going to the Lakers if their fans were normal, well adjusted people

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bruh covington all we can get for dlo? cmon

Straya is the only funny country left.

Kawhi is gonna go from playing for the dinosaurs to playing with dinosaurs

Maki > Nico

what is happening here?

>the virgin /nba/ vs the chad Lakerbros

lebron's teammates discovering how timeouts work (at the end of a finals game)


Derozan wouldn't hit that game 7 buzzer beater and he damn sure wouldn't have locked Giannis down to win 4 games back to back. Kawhi was key to those two victories.

fuck if only otto porter jr didnt have such a terrible contract my warriors could've traded dlo for him this season

Thats exactly why Kawhi needs to come. Hes literally the only person who can turn this ship around in my opinion, and it can only happen at this point in time. If we miss out this time around it really will hit hard, like the infamous Houston series, maybe worse. Beat the defending champ Spurs and then piss it all away. Build the whole club up just to get shit on again. Kawhi bringing the Clippers even to the WCF is a major achievement for the club and his legacy. I dont even see how the fuck the Lakers can even function, they dont even have a team and have missed out on every single FA so far, even the cheap ones. Sure three of the best players in the league is killer but as soon as one guy goes down from being overworked due to absence of literally any and all help, what happens then? If Kawhi goes to the Lakers its because he was bamboozled by Jeanie Buss and would truly reveal him to he a short sighted retard.

If the Bulls ddint draft a complete corpse last year they'd be in a great position to be the new Nets/Clippers this coming year but their draft strategy is such fucking shit you can already see it falling apart.

>The Immortal Vladimir Radmanovic

Bros, im fat as fuck.

Height and weight?

Lebron is too old to carry a team all by himself, not because he can't do it but because it's too much strain on his body. If Lebron had had a second star last year (or a third ;) ) then he probably wouldn't have gotten injured and they would have comfortably made the playoffs. The point is, you can't fault Lebron -- or any player -- for joining with other stars. Not only can they not win by themselves (at which point you bitch about their poor team success), teaming up makes their careers longer, healthier, and more successful.

tl;dr you're a retard and I bet you're someone who ranks players based on how many rings they have

I'm not telling you my measurements you pervert freak

Bet you got a nice cock tho


twitter is retarded I get the most random ass tweets on my tl

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You tryin to fuck faggot?

Don’t worry he’s staying :^)

KD actually follows this dude?

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Amazing how instantly less cringy this place became once the Lakerbros came back

>kevin durant follows

man kd is weird

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The mindset is that Kawhi isn't leaving a city that embraced him and treated him like a god without winning them a chip

Redpill: the comment


No Sugar No Grains

Eat meat and veggies only. Start walking and hiking. Lift some weights and do push ups. This shit isn't hard at all. DONT DRINK ALCOHOL

What happened with Wendel Carter Jr ? I loved him going into the draft and I hoped my Cavs would have gotten him at 8. He was drafted at 7 by the Bulls and then we took Sexton. That draft class was stacked with bigs

The next 3-4 years will put the Lakers at the top where they belong.

For me, it's Kwame

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>This shit isn't hard at all.
Uh, no shit, I've done it before for military.

But it IS hard when you feel life isn't worth living anymore.

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>KD is weird

One of us.

no but my perimeter d is pretty nasty

Every year is “lakers year”
Heard it all before
What a joke lmao
Cockiest faggot fans in the whole league
On par with cowboy/packer fans

high BBIQ post right here

You're depressed because you're a fat bitch. Change that.

showed potential but only played 44 games due to injury

But this is different. They've been complete ass for almost a decade, can't make the playoffs. and still talk shit, spam the general like crazy, write gay fanfiction, and other cringe shit.

I was depressed long before that my friend.

Bad childhood? Join the club. You and only you can improve your life. Are you really that weak? C'mon man.

put that noose away and pick up a ball, shoot some hoops, and go buy a brand new kawhi laker jersey

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Hahahaha, I wish it was just that.

lebron blaming his coach for not calling a timeout while he stays put near the half court line.
-he has the right to yell at his coach since he was the one who put him there
-he cant blame his teammate who grabbed the offensive rebound since that dude is sitting right next to him

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What the problem, fren?

Talk to papa blood about your problems mate, trust me we all have baggage and we all have shit we going through. The true measure of a man is how much he can take and still shoulder on. You may think your weak now but your stronger than you know, and you have proven it many times in the past. Never forget who you are man.

>/moo/tard tripniggers finally got tired of anger spamming this thread and fucked off

they're so jelly of my lakies it's hilarious.

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>lakers get kawhi
>/nba/ becomes a suicide prevention forum

is this the power of legod?

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>Lakespics talking about how their daddy raped them

Tripshits? Look no further Oh wait it's a Lakefaggot

I am the one you should hate as I fall out the matrix like nigga we made it, yuh
I was the one bein' patient observing my plays so I know what I'm changin', yuh
Haters you step in my range and make yourself acquainted with bullets and pistols, yuh
Just don't you cross paths with my missile cuz no it won't miss you and no one will miss you

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you now just remembered kyle korver was drafted then traded for a copier machine.

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I was matched up with this 6'4" German monster (no finesse at all, literally just size) all night in pickup. I took some elbows and some charges... I'm pretty sure my nose is broken from when he accidentally elbowed me while we were fighting for a rebound.
>worth it, because he was slow and I got a shitload of fast break points

This isn't a gay role playing forum you fucking retards are furry tier

Kawaii looks good in yellow to be quite honest with you, familia.

>(((Memeiors))) secured D'Lo's bag
Feels good man

oh look /moo/ is pissed

inb4 john wall memes from 2004

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Gun has a stock off a K, that's a Draco
Latino bitch 'round my guap that's a peso
Yes, I did fuck on yo' thot, that's a Date, oh
Pull up and knocked on yo' block like a Lego

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Its basketball...knowone cares. ESPN hype machine because they carry the sport.


I've been to enough therapy to know that this doesn't work, lmao

Mentioning seething and a Dodgers fan.

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I agree. the only good /moo/ poster was 7KT, and that idiot doxxed himself lmaooooo

The fuck happened to you bitch?

>banking on the nest

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i remember that lol yes 7KT was the brains behind that crew. i spoke to him on mess




You went to the sandbox and saw the damage that men can do to other men? Welp. That shit has been going on for thousands of years dude. Your experience wasn't particularly extraordinary.

strange, we get tons of people trying to sneak across the border from the US every day

Huge egos and entitlement. American culture idolizes athletes since they are in highschool, they get awarded the hottest girls and all that attention goes righ to their heads.

Later in life if they make it to the NBA they become filthy rich and media enforces the idea they are the most special thing to ever happen.

I'd say kyrie and even MAYBE curry are the least annoying of them all.