Is there a CHADDEST kit than SP. Braga's alternative kit for this season?

Is there a CHADDEST kit than SP. Braga's alternative kit for this season?

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>calling that chad
Get outta here kiddo

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>is so Chad they dont need sleeves

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>Spics sport wear

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it looks like something you'd get at a second hand store

is this real?

Extremely based and nosleevepilled.

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maybe, but is there a uglier kit than that one?

u r gay tight-fitting kits are chad incarnate

Gayer than the Spartacus show.

Yes. I think it is supposed to be like Roman centurions and gladiators

They are proud of Roman herotage and call themselves the Warriors

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This is a Guimaraes board, sweetie.


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Is Ferreira actually good or he's gonna choke?

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the same spanish club that just signed some scottish literal who

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now THIS is chad

lol that's gay as fuck

It's Cameroon, not Chad you fucking racist

>inb4 every twat zoomer on FUT has this kit


based and cameroonpilled

When FIFA forbid them to play with these it felt so bad, this was such a nice meme.

looks like a bag of frozen peas on the right

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In our league he would let the main rival win and would laugh after a 4-0 beating.

They are.

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you've got to be joking

>playing FIFA


this club is pure YIKES


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Yes, there is

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Sied iher das Essen?
Nein, wir sind der Jäger!

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