Is there a CHADDEST kit than SP. Braga's alternative kit for this season?
Is there a CHADDEST kit than SP. Braga's alternative kit for this season?
>calling that chad
Get outta here kiddo
>is so Chad they dont need sleeves
>Spics sport wear
it looks like something you'd get at a second hand store
is this real?
Extremely based and nosleevepilled.
maybe, but is there a uglier kit than that one?
u r gay tight-fitting kits are chad incarnate
Gayer than the Spartacus show.
Yes. I think it is supposed to be like Roman centurions and gladiators
They are proud of Roman herotage and call themselves the Warriors
This is a Guimaraes board, sweetie.
Is Ferreira actually good or he's gonna choke?
the same spanish club that just signed some scottish literal who
now THIS is chad
lol that's gay as fuck
It's Cameroon, not Chad you fucking racist
>inb4 every twat zoomer on FUT has this kit
based and cameroonpilled
When FIFA forbid them to play with these it felt so bad, this was such a nice meme.
looks like a bag of frozen peas on the right
In our league he would let the main rival win and would laugh after a 4-0 beating.
They are.
you've got to be joking
>playing FIFA
this club is pure YIKES
Yes, there is
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