Memri tv thread

memri tv thread

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Which stadium?

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Why are muslims so redpilled?

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who knows

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this is my last one

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Memri tv is ran by a jew in order to make arabs seem dumb and primitive

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the importance of context

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>make arabs seem dumb and primitive
Doesn't Memri upload videos from the whole Muslim world?

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> in order to make arabs seem dumb and primitive

HAHAHAHAA they dont need the jews for that m8

I think it's a compliation of translated Arab media, loonies are inevitable like everywhere

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>in order to make arabs seem dumb and primitive
Damn, what's next. Making us think water is wet?

Because the Muslim world hasn't fallen into the feminist/postmodernist trap. Any society with strict rules about gender roles and female sexuality looks redpilled as fuck to those of us living in the last days of Sodom in the West. Western civilization is eating itself alive right now. It's nothing but man-children and whores.

Is this the biggest Jew propaganda fail of all time? They always makes the Arabs seem based and redpilled.

you haven't read a single postmodern author in your life and probably believe it's synonymous with """"cultural marxism""""