Happy Bobby Bonilla day Yea Forums!

Happy Bobby Bonilla day Yea Forums!

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The poor man's Barry Bonds




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>be mets owner
>rich but not mega rich by new york standards
>get hooked up with obscure financial genuis
>"guaranteed 7-10% ROI per annum"
>he seems nice, sign me up
>really wanna sign bonilla
>offer him millions into the next millennium because got my 7-10% locked in, the spread will cover bonilla's payouts
>oops, the financial genius was bernie madoff


can I get a quick rundown
t. /hoc/ transplant that saw this shit on twitter

Tldr, mets had a player that still had one year left on contract. Instead of paying him then, they would pay him a little bit of it each on July 1st with interest. At this point hes made more money than the buyout, and still has 10 years left of free money.

The Mets wanted to release Bobby in 1999 before the 2000 season with 5.9 million owed to him for the last year of his contract. The Mets decided to pay him 25 instalments at 8% interest of his total contract instead of the lump 5.9 million. Now every July first until 2035 the Mets pay Bobby $1,193,248.20.

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fucking lmao

What the fuck were they thinking?

>a big pile of $1 bills

fucking hell

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With this deal the mets didnt have to start paying bonilla until 2011 and i guess they really wanted that 5.9 million right away. They used it all to get Mike Hampton who pitched really well that season and the Mets won the NL pennant that year. But it's obviously a rediculiously shortsighted move on the Mets part. Bobby actually currently makes more per year from the Mets than 14 players on their current roster.

Reminder that he will be 72 by the time the Mets stop paying him

incredibly based

imagine getting nearly 2 million once a year for doing fuck all

Bonilla will never be poor, though.

I'm not even joking: Mets Owner Fred Wilpon was a principle investor in Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, and assumed that the money he was going to be making from Madoff's "financial investments" would more than cover the cost of Bonilla's contract.

He'll be bankrupt by 73

If you don't know how you could live on 28 million dollars from your 50s to your death (probably 80-90's), I don't know how you could function.

I think Im understanding now


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