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>EL peruANO
How long until it ends? This is worse than when mandrama was allowed here.

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se re regalo el americano jsjasjasjajsas

don't you have generals made specifically for muritards like you to stay in?

You mean board

el americANO

until copa america ends

fuck off boomer faggot isnt there WWE tonight?

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>go to 4channel
>try to log onto /spee/
>forgot my password
>have to send an e-mail to recover my password
>finally remember my password during the process
>log onto Yea Forums
>see this thread

you're right there are way too many americans on here

sun never sets on the global sport my friend

jajajajajajajjaajaja el no sea que var

>imagine replying to this unironically
That is what south americans do, chileans and other irrelevant countries create the most cancerous memes out there, and argeniggers do their daily low effort spam because we think that annoying = funny
You guys up there have some pure cringe but it's nothing compared to what we have

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this. why are south americans so godawful when it comes to memes? is it the subhuman indio genes?

The spaniards have terrible humor too.


>Murrilard Yea Forums

>tfw 50 word essay due in two weeks

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cope a

lose weight

Lose weight fatty. All that burger grease is getting into your brain.

a fucking leaf


el americANO señoras y señores kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

The US Men and women are kicking ass at the moment. Just shut the fuck up and troll for your country, regardless of sport.

Attached: usamyteam.jpg (632x755, 144K)

>mfw an american was fat near me

>mfw our largest national park got btfo by a micronation.

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>log in

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women's world cup has always been posted about heavily. welcome to the board

And stay there mutt

Women’s World Cup leads to good discussion because of presence of waifus and because it’s an international sport it has good banter potential

Agreed, Straya. Also, it seems to be the only form of soccer we are really good at.

Nothing was worse than when mandrama was allowed here. Have you browsed Yea Forums? That's what a good chunk of this board looked like most of the time.

Thank you based Hiroshimoot.

el americANO señoras y señores jajajajajajajajaja

write about the dangers of EL VARSINSO

El americANO chabones jajajaj

no it didn't, mandrama stuck to one general, they should have moved to Yea Forums
instead they ruined Yea Forums completely

T. Knicks fan

una sneeda

i really like this pepe

Yeah the south american newcunts that have flooded here since 2014 have just shit this place up beyond repair.

el americANO damas y caballeros

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And i say it after he railed us big time
I cant stay mad wih el var sinso

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VAR sinso is the best meme since perro caca that was also a latam meme.

based sudacas carrying this boring summer

>el bar sinson
>el VAR sinson

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los estados unidos...

what the fuck are you talking about? el varsinso is the best fucking meme

I like Americans, but I'm thankful I don't live in that third world shithole.

Anyway you cunts should get into cricket

Attached: aus usa comparison.png (1057x830, 179K)

VAR SINSO should be in Yea Forums Yea Forums cup roster

Attached: fug.png (367x364, 227K)

I wish.

Attached: sinson waiting for the var decision.png (1680x944, 1.31M)


>This is worse than when mandrama was allowed here.
What's that? MMA?

Did it work?

>Zoomer memes
I still remember peak >TORRES in CL

Don't you have a pass la?

Good luck


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All the Americans are near you hoja

>el AustraliANO in charge of limiting ahitposts