Burger here, looking to get in to EPL soccer this coming season. I live in Chicago and support the Cubs as my favorite team/sport. As many know the Cubs were very bad for a long time and have recently come in to success under new, better managemet. Who is their EPL equivalent? Tldr; sell me on supporting your club.
Who to support?
Are you allowed to have one team from each country's league or is that frowned upon?
I'm fine with it, just want to watch games with something invested.
Liverpool. Owned by FSG, American company.
Glory hunter team
Go for wolves
>shit tier: man city
>boring tier: man u, arsenal
>cool tier: chelsea, liverpool, tottenham
>fun tier: west ham, everton, wolves, leicester
>cool and fun tier: burnley
>meh tier: everyone else
Deportes Iquique
Aston Villa FC
There's a lot of Uniteds and Cities, but only one Hotspur
And definitely not United
There's a lot of trophies in Cities and Uniteds, but there's only one in Hotspur (silver CL medals)
Sports aren't about trophies, it's about enjoyment
Stay the fuck away from our league
Tottenham because the US is a vessel state of Israel
>blades neither cool nor fun
I would suggest wolves they definitely are fun as fuck to watch. city customer myself tho
Watch your own fucking league faggot don't be a customer
come home white man
It's legitimately harder to find MLS coverage on TV here than international soccer
Well watching EPL is hardly a solution to that problem isn't it?
>Burger here
this isn't r/soccer, redditfag, we can see your flag. Stop using that shit opener.
Foreign customers usually go for arsenal, liverpool or tottenham.
Chile spitting the truths
If you wanna be a faggot customer support man utd, man city, Liverpool, Arsenal or Tottenham.
If you want people to take you the least bit seriously and expect you to name more than one player. support any other team.
Wolves and Leicester are both growing clubs with big international reach and decent mid table teams that look to improve
manchester city, a plastic club for a plastic fan like you!
because you should kill yourself
Better watch EFL Championship.
Pick whatever team plays the most entertaining football to you. You’re American so you don’t have to support Burton Albion because your granddad was a season ticket holder so now your bloodline is cursed to hate football forever.
The true answer is to watch a lot of matches, you'll naturally be drawn to one. I didn't grow up in a football family so I wasn't born with a team but that's how I became a hammers fan
tottenham just like I do. THE most popular team in the United States. hurry up because preseason is this month and the games officially start in august. Also, most spurs threads on here have the most americans. it's just science
Most soccer fans I know in person are Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool fans if they like a British team. I didn't know Tottenham was big here.
There's an added US connection in that Spurs' new stadium is primarily an NFL stadium, the Spurs pitch rolls over the top of it, so it's highly likely that any London NFL franchise will be based there.
America owns Liverpool, Arsenal and Manchester United. You have more of a right to support any of them than any third worlder does
Seems a little odd that it would be primarily an NFL stadium, given how unpopular it is outside the US. Still, it's a pretty cool concept.
they come to the US often as of lates, even though idk they are this year and attract modest crowds. and as the user replying to you said, the stadium is for multiuse but definitely for the NFL, so if you watch it, get ready to see the new stadium twice a year
Doesn't Arsenal's owner not care at all about the team? My Arsenal fan friend constantly bitches about him favoring the Rams.
take a look over at /eternal arsenal/ lol it's a shit house over there and they bitch about kroenke all the time. the owner sent his son to baku for the europa league final last season, when usually the main guy comes to attend, yet he attended the rams superbowl and the NFC championship games